Too much hate on here towards black people. Lets show them some love!
Black people love thread
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I bleach their women. AMA
I saw à black from Nigeria in Cnn comment calling out thé globalist and fake news. Pettycool
Have aids yet?
I love black guys, especially between my legs or in my mouth.
The British should have exterminated the blacks like we did with the Natives here desu senpai.
Wait thats not uhhh thats not love user, LOVE thread
They run fast and are pretty strong in a brawl.
Not good for management, complex operations, attention to detail, being dependable, etc.
You know modern human stuff.
No, I wear condoms and we're monogamous.
You eat their flesh and shit out the remains? I always knew you portuguese were savages
>I wear condoms
then it's not bleaching
Black people are great people but you won't find that by reading propaganda from a fascist message board,.
My sides. Fuck you.
They can be smart, I've redpilled some. Its just the media targets them to be sagging man-children.
Allow me to correct myself then. I give them the BWC.
Facism is SO buzzy right now
I love hanging out with black folks.
Meet a black former Airman he was 100% red pulled on kikes it was like talking to Luis Farakahn without all the white people hate
Save that for the nigger hate thread
I just wish there were a lot more Blacks and a lot fewer Niggers. Can you flip the ration of 1 good to 9 bad and make your people better, OP?
I've had one firm believe my whole life. Sub 100 IQ, can't vote. Sub 90 IQ, can't reproduce.
Post white bois getting BTFO
This is a nigger hate board.
Save your sympathy for Plebbit.
One of my favorite albums
i love hot black women
the men can do one
Look. 5 percent of niggers are human. I look for them. I occasionally find them. However, being that most are degenerate fucks that think with their dicks, are as shallow as my snot rocket on the ground and their whole lives revolve around money, hoes and cars, we can put this nigger thread to rest.
I've noticed black people become dumb and violent when in groups. Singularly though many are intelligent and have functional skills. It's when they hang around other blacks that they act like chimps.
Hello common filth
This bread needs Black Economics Man.
They are good at spongebob memes.
Not bad.
I like the way niggers have common sense about faggots and trannies.
>reddit:the post
This, they have their basic instincts intact. Too bad they are incapable of wisdom and have low intelligence.
They are the Jew favorite pet though, american blacks would be a little better if the jews hadn't given them an eternal chip on their shoulder.
I really have to thank black people. My younger sister's friend dated a black guy and he beat the shit out of her. My sister said "I don't know how the fuck anyone could date somebody like that who does that to you."
>Tfw sister got redpilled and I never even had to say a word
Thanks black People!
my favorite nigger
>gibs me dat crown
now bitch
Fuck your traps Sup Forums, absolutely btfo'd
I actually think that hat is good. If it (the idea behind it) means it leads to more nuclear families within the black community, society benefits. Fewer total babies born out of wedlock, less crime and degeneracy.
Idk why Sup Forums cares about niggers fucking white girls if they are just gonna fap to anime all day anyways
Never before on this earth has there been such a magical threat to our safety as Negromancy.
But what is this "Negromancy", you ask?
Dark arts for Dark People. Negromancy is black magic done by black people whose dark skin represents the dark deeds they have done. The darker their skin the darker the deeds they have committed against humanity. This is why Africa hasn't advanced in technology because they have the power of negromancy to help them with their everyday needs, such as capturing 12 year old kids to force them into soldiers.
Instead of potions, a negromancer use synthetic Kool-Aid to restore their mana and powers. Instead of black cats, negromancers tend to have Chickens due to their ability to be turned into food once their time has been served.
Negromancy is unlike necromancy and are in no way related aside from being banned in Hogwarts.
Some blacks don't smell as disgusting as most blacks
SC here, our black people are awesome. They work, they have manners, and they make delicious BBQ. Totally worth the small percentage of niggers here giving blacks a bad name.
i would actually let this one take a dump on my hair chest
white bois cryin bout civilization mods making egyptians accurate
Hey hey hey hey hey. We don't hate black people. Black people share our conservative values, and love for America.
NIGGERS though. FUCK niggers. Rap music listening, baggy pant wearing, gold teeth having, obese bitch fucking, crack smoking, swisher sweet stealing, inbred baboons.
upboat this based black man! MAGA!!
I called this black guy a porchmonkey, turns out he was a level ten negromancer, totally fucked my shit up, i've been ashy for the past month and my pants keep falling down
Brave man.
I heard the mating technique on the left is very effective with them.
>have black friend who's reliable
>chill as fuck even when we make black jokes
>Think racists have may have some legitimate claims
>red pilled about BLM
>Says to keep the number small when you have black people in a group so the cohesion stays strong
A shame he gets turned off by black women pretty fast but I don't blame him.
The only thing niggers are good for is sniffing out the best chicken so the real people can eat.
Black people are our equals. Can't say the same for niggers.
stay strong, black man
That's just something that little-dick Jamal does to overcompensate.
WTF? he threw that bitch around like a doll. Sauce please
No, fuck them and fuck you faggot.
I hope you get a black cock rammed up your ass.
>you don't deserve a (you) but you deserve a sage
I can't love black people since majority of them shit up everything they touch. Niggers should get lynched, letting them have rights was a mistake.
>Sauce please
Beyonce's wedding night.
Niggers love getting their shit pushed in when in prison, A fellow ese told me that they would ask him for the Big Beaner Cock when he was in prison in Tejas.
Me and my wife enjoy this bull who regularly comes to my wife's son's house and fuck my wife in the ass while I'm watching.
My wife would love this thread
Do you think his middle name is really Godsgift?
This also happened to my own sister as well. Only up to 3 black guys. My sister is dumber then yours. Now she's dating a stupid cholo and he even got drunk and started calling her a "nigger lover." Truly burned the coal and payed the toll.
You just can't help yourself can you? You vile little neet. Go do the dishes for mommy.
i honestly don't hate blacks i would just like to see more separation and less race mixing. Its not their fault they were brought here and are almost functionally retarded and are used as tools by the (((establishment))). I have met many that I get along with. hotep are pretty chill. REMOVE ANTI- SEGREGATION LAWS.
I've been shitposting really hard lately and my (you)s keep going down, how am I supposed to provide for my family? Should I just kill myself?
This is fucking getting out of hand why in the fuck would you think this would be the place to try and push love for niggers. My wife left me to get railed by a pack of niggers down in shillville
>Black people love violence
He sure showed that white bio, boi? A lesson, was nuce enough to allow him to provide him a service before punching him in the back of the head before running away with his mates. Driver keeps driving like the tough old cunt he is. Hardly BTFO. Im sure that skinny is in gaol for some reason or probably dead so cheers for sharing.
one of the most bizarre webms I have ever seen
I love that Easy E died of aids stupid nigger still makes me laugh when I think about it
Shame this man is considered an uncle tom etc. He is what any decent man should strive for.
>Black people love stealing
They don't make anywhere near as many retarded threads as the pathetic white neet virgin cucklovers do. Seriously, filter *cuck*. #1 keyword on Sup Forums. I'm fucking ashamed to call you pathetic cunts my brothers.
You fuckers really need to grow a pair. The reason Jamal gets the girls isn't because of the size of his cock, it's because he isn't stuck behind a keyboard, projecting his insecurities into a cambodian frog licking forum.
Do yourselves a favour, filter cuck. It will be good for your mental health and development as a dominant white male.
he kept spitting uncomfortable truths so the government tricked him into getting AIDS by sending him pamphlets about how to make his penis bigger by having unprotected sex with lots of loose women
>KANGZ t-shirt
reminder that the racist South is less racist than the tolerant progressive North
galveston, tx here, if there are good blacks i've yet to find them
not really, we are just honest about it.
black people up north are awesome, the ones down here make horrible music