Where did it all go so wrong for Trump and the GOP?
t. Smiling democrat
Where did it all go so wrong for Trump and the GOP?
t. Smiling democrat
>look at both
Nah, we can't do that!
but these two events are completely different, why do they try to compare these?
Moving goalposts is not allowed
>and the GOP
The Deep State GOP'ers are the one's who are smiling, friend.
Phone calls between world leaders leaking = bad
Corruption and bribery leaking = good
Here's the content
I agree with the firing of Flynn. Being a serial liar and lying about a serious matter should get you fired.
However, I am worried that the unelected bureaucrats in the government are now using leaks to actively sabotage Trump.
To be fair, Trump is talking about both the content and the source.
That being said, fuck Trump.
the content of the leaks are literally nothing
trump isnt looking so good. will he be ok?
you know if he crashes and burns its still better than hillary. we all knew this.
but still flynn thing is pretty tame considering. just another targeted media burst, surely THIS will end him! like what they released the thing saying he didn't like renting to niggers?
>doesn't understand the difference
I think that Trump is not actually a good manager. That is why he turned into a TV personality after failing at multiple businesses unsubsidized by his daddy.
Now we see why. His abitilty to hire quality people is shit.
You have nothing. This was all for nothing. There's nothing here. The dossier is bullshit. The bureaucrats are lying Obama shills and everyone knows it. You dipshits would better spend your time working on some kind of defense for the shit sandwich Obama's gonna have to eat.
Didn't some FBI leak say there was nothing substantial in the phone call?
Are these departments that are leaking acting autonomously? The leak can be seen as an intelligent manoeuvre to protect US interests.
Do they act peacefully? Can they control their plot line? I suspect not though Trump is good at dealing with a very hostile world map. So far.
what a surprise, he is a politician after all.
US deep state releasing information to big media is the definition of propaganda, not whistleblowing.
There's nothing wrong with the leaked contents anyway.
He's not used to working in the cesspool that is the government.
Flynn was negotiating with Russia, Russia should be our ally. Would gladly fight alongside Russians in the global ideological war against the left and Islam.
I think it's more that he is flying on the seat of his pants, but he is good at it.
Obviously my image is mocking what liberals think what transpired in the call
A good manager would have been fine with that. He could have ACTUALLY 'drained the swamp' but he was not able to achieve that.
People only think it's going badly if they watch CNN. Trump has been doing everything he wants nonstop. He lost a couple people but they were just replaced with similar ones. Trump is raping the establishment into the dirt and they're crying that he's losing the whole way down
>Look at DNC leaks
>Media collusion, corruption, bribery, election rigging
>Look at wiretap leak
>National security adviser doesn't want to risk national security by needlessly fighting Russia
So what's next?
This is beyond naive.
>There's nothing wrong with the leaked contents anyway.
Yes, that worked out ok then , phew.
Context motherfucker, context
>deep state has been working behind the scenes for decades, possibly centuries
>anyone who opposes them is "taken care of"
>lol why hasn't the swamp been drained yet? It's already been three weeks
>le 'deep state'
Fucking lol given le Tump's hires
>Dude hires almost all insiders (other than mad-dog).
Sup Forumsack thinks that he is trying to drain the swamp.
they looked at the content fag and cleared him of wrongdoing
they looked at shillaries content and she compromised so many officials and security measures and the source of the leak was herself.
fuck off shariablue
Not gonna lie former Trump supporter here. It's been hilarious watching him crash and burn. In all seriousness we cannot let this man get the nuclear codes.