Its 100% unnecessary
Causes trauma to the child
Has a high chance to just fuck your dick up
Just why?
Showers exist for a reason
Its 100% unnecessary
Causes trauma to the child
Has a high chance to just fuck your dick up
Just why?
Showers exist for a reason
Bc doctor noseberg said it part of their traditions even if they aren't Joos.
mfw it's the original eesti poster
Nothing you've said is real. How can I take this seriously. Besides, dicks don't belong on Sup Forums.
It's a carry over from the late 19th century where it was erroniously thought to hamper diseases and masturbation.
Stop mutilating your dicks
Because of Kellogg.The reason why we still think it's okay today is that everyone has a mutilated dick and anyone who doesn't is humiliated without end.
I agree
t.multilated dick person
I hate it
please let them for keks and jojes of non-mangled dick owners. They boast with gun rights for the fun of the rest of the world because of dick issues.
Why would I want my dick to look like an ant eater!
>lets not follow a 9,000 year old tradition
bluepilled as fuck
We are puritans who hate pleasure.
Plus there's shit tons of kikes here.
Is there any positives?
we dont u fucking retard
Genuinely curious. Especially for when I have kids and need to make that decision....I've seen it done and it is horrific
i don't know why they do it. Here only Jews and muzzies get their cocks cut.
No positives you can't get from teaching the kid to wash their dick. Let them choose when they're older.
As long as you're not a total slob then there are no positives to circumcision.
Plenty of ancient one, cleanliness and tradition being among the most notable. Not really in today's age. If I ever have children, there is no way anyone is going near their dick with a knife.
t. cut dick owner
>yes goyim, continue following our-I mean your 9000 year tradition, even if it's unneccesary and harmful nowadays.
Because of fucking kikes man, I'm the only uncircumcised one in my group of friends.
Why are you concerned about the health and wellbeing of other guys dicks user?