Many on Sup Forums refute the statement that minorities were/are treated very poorly in America

>Many on Sup Forums refute the statement that minorities were/are treated very poorly in America.
>Many on Sup Forums are scared to death of the fact that whites will be a minority by 2050.

So since minorities aren't treated poorly, why are you so scared of becoming one?

>Muh white genocide
There will still be many whites, just that there will now be more POC.

They're not scared of becoming a minority.

They just don't want more of the current minorities in their country.

Crime statistics.

they're implying that whites will in fact be abused if they become a minority

I don't want a lot of black people though

Kill yourself. No, really, do it.

>this thread again


Hmm makes me wonder how whites have been historically treated when they are a minority in any country.

Because only whites treat minorities well

because the "minorities" have a false belief that they are treated poorly and will use their new found power to exact an unjust vengeance upon an entire race of people

Because we don't want our race to go extinct. If minorities were capable of being civil, they wouldn't constantly be trying to immigrate to white countries in huge numbers. If the minorities become the majority, they will make our countries just as much of a shithole as the countries they immigrated from. Minorities aren't treated like shit. They are given more opportunities than whites. They are just too fucking lazy and stupid to take advantage of it. They hold themselves back and blame us.

I'm worried that certain minorities are incapable of merely maintaining developed-world standards, let alone advancing them and moving them forward.

To the extent we have more of them, I fear that our society will increasingly turn to shit.

White people aren't scared of becoming a minority, they are scared of minorities becoming majorities because they are generally immoral or criminals or uncivilized animals or all three.

Minorities have it very good. In fact, they get preferential treatment in a lot of cases (affirmative action, etc.)

The problem is that said minorities still believe they're being mistreated, and will take revenge on whites for the perceived-but-nonexistent abuses as soon as they have the chance.

See South Africa.

>Give up your country otherwise you're a pussy

s a g e d

Why would that be implied?

It's not like whites mistreated blacks and other minorities when they had the numbers game, so I'm sure the POC will be just as kind to them. Literally nothing to be scared of.

>because only whites treat minorities well

Name one brown people run country you would happily move your family to.

We deny that it hasn't been getting better, while everyone on the sjw side is saying it is as bad as it always has been without being able to explain how it is bad, just that it is, and that they are trying to drive up as much white guilt and evil whitey stuff that makes us nervous about the world our children will be born into. Since even with us being slid out of the majority position they would still try and scapegoat us.

Name one brown country that is run well. That's why.

Because whites tend to care about so iety as a whole. I promise if I get half the gibs minorities get I wouldn't mind being a minority in the slightest. My only concern would be that there would be no welfare or affermative action of my people were in need of the Boons we provide for the less well off if suddenly those that seem to reap those rewards we provide were in charge of providing them

Minority here. Treated well every day, given opportunities for employment doing good things that pays enough to keep the lights on. The narrative control and propaganda placing the blame on whites is dangerous to their future if they become minorites. The Jews have so many so convinced that whites are holding them down that they don't see that they are being held down by proxy, and that the boot on all our throats belongs to the globalist Jew and everyone he has coerced, threatened or blackmailed into complying.

Depends who's in charge, really
Blacks/arabs/latinos, no thank you. Asians know how to run shit though

>Are minorities treated badly in America or something?
No, but they are in Africa.

Pic related. As soon as whites become a minority it will no longer be about "diversity" and instead be about "allowing the majority to rule"

Most of the crime POC commit are against other POC in individual crimes.

We're talking big picture here. How society as a whole will treat a white minority, so I'm using the logic that many of you use. Since the black minority has never been mistreated, surely the white minority will not be mistreated either.

I'm just already sick of seeing brown people everywhere I look faggot. I don't give a shit how they're treated.

Take a vacation to Zimbabwe, then get back to us.

I'm not scared of becoming a minority, I'm scared of my country turning to shit.

No country run by blacks/browns is an appealing place to live.

>everyone with documents proving their citizenship isn't American

If you want to use the word minority correctly, it'd be something along the lines of, "Americans are a minority in our government."

Goddamned globalist scum

I have never seen a siko poster like u trying to do to much in just a short amount of time really really you need to go to a nut house cause you are a racist son of a bitch that not even a person in their 5 sences try and do to much like u so wake up and see the reality remember blacks Hispanics indians whatever race we are we are all brothers and sisters in God's remember God's way

Because whites treat minorities pretty well. Negroes call for white genocide when they're still a minority. Bit of a difference.

Because of the way that minorities treat each other. Third-world people = third-world problems.

>Implying we believe in blood guilt/ancestor guilt.

Maybe it's scary because minorities don't know how to run a country? Just playing devil's advocate ;)

Implying that Hispanics, Middle Easterners, blacks and Asians etc... see themselves as equals. They all hate each other too.

>this fucking faggot

We've seen the true face of the left.

We know the word "minority" will never apply to white people, even when they technically become a minority. Because of the word's associations, the definition will be changed by some black academic, or some new "theory" will be proposed explaining why compassion to minorities doesn't apply to whites because muh history of slavery and oppression. It will be bullshit, just like the progressive stack and white privilege and garbage feminist nonsense like "the male gaze," but the left will take newfound power and abuse it to punish their enemies.

If anyone is worried, it's because they know the left has no principles, no use for rational thought, no consistent standards of fairness, no respect for the rule of law, and no true system of morals. All they care about is "I got mine, and I'll get you back."

Because these are our countries.
It's not just a problem with america.
They are trying to make us disappear.
Fuck them.

it's not the 60's anymore, let it go.

besides, what could society possibly do to convince you leftist idiots that you aren't being subjugated against? what would make you happy and content to move on with your lives?

Why you so scared of going back home continent? Does it suck there because your ancestors were lazy?

Funny that only Whites must endure this BS, no other nation sees their native population become a minority on its own soil

This guy gets it.

There won't be enough of us to fix all the shit that they destroy.

Because other peoples are incapable of efficiently governing.

No dumbass it's because white people arent content being fucking losers. White nationalism is always about being the best, not throwing a Blm level tantrum

This. See most of Africa and South America for examples.