There are countries that don't eat this for breakfast

>there are countries that don't eat this for breakfast

Other urls found in this thread:ömming

simply glorious

What do you have for second breakfast?

Another burger

What else?

that looks like shit but at least they cut their own fries

How is this fucking political? Jesus mods

>cheeseburger on the side

I don't eat breakfast.

too busy pruning boganof threads

that would be a glorious cheat meal

Where is this?

2 pb&j shakes, a carnation instant breakfast.

Most Americans prefer a regular breakfast rather than the light continental one you posted.

I don't eat that for breakfast and neither should you. Yogurt, toast, bacon, and coffee. Maybe a biscotti if I actually have time to enjoy my coffee.

is that a bowl of melted butter?

>tfw call Big Mac sliders
I'm fat I can't stop eating
Help help help


>you have to go back

>there are countries that don't eat this for breakfast
countries eat breakfast?

Why don't you have a glass? Who the fuck drinks butter from a bowl?

>a piece of lettuce
>eating salad for breakfast

get out of America

hipster fag


who eats a steak without a bowl of melted butter???

What kind of godless civilization doesn't eat this for breakfast?

That's a small table

Nice crispy bacon Mr. Frodo

Fuck yes. Pass the HP sauce.

Newfags don't know about and flagpost here.

>garbage for breakfast

That's a pretty good breakfast. Here's my usual. I eat this at 10:30 am 7 times a week.


You're just in that awkward teenage stage where your penis is sticking out. Once you hit your twenties, it'll get completely enveloped by fatpillows, and you'll stop worrying about staying sexy and can really enjoy yourself.

Zombie here
Chilled liberal brains are good
They're very fatty and full of salt it's like an explosion of flavor
Sometimes when you eat them you get this sense it's very tender even if it's male


mmm love me some steak on a stick for breakfast

We gorge ourselves on nice crispy bacon Mr. Frodo. It's how we live past 100 with ease.

Why'd you get a small drink?

>mfw Eurofags will think this is a joke



I love dipping my steak in the butter. Does anyone put any spices in their butter? I just put some powdered garlic in mine.

I fucking love HP sauce.
I have to go buy some today.

I put skub in it

Usually black dick

>British flag
>tumblr file name

Who the fuck are you, and what the fuck are you doing??

It IS breakfast. That why I got the orange Hi-C. I don't starting getting the large drink till lunch.

Best hangover breakie

1" thick ribeye steak 3-4 minutes a side on charcoal. Salt pepper, maybe a dash of garlic.
Fuck inferior cuts of meat. Butter, WTF?


Aren't the tomatoes supposed to be grilled?

Ah "the jeb special"
That's a good breakfast


AH the Megyn Kelly sandwich
Full of limp noodles and oily meatballs in between 2 flat dried buns

This is the true american breakfast and you know it.

Seems more Canadian than American
If there's some syrup at play don't let your tongue go gay is what I always say


breakfast is the most important meal of the day, user
i have breakfast 3 times a day

>there are people ITT RIGHT NOW who don't have this for breakfast every morning
Literally lmaoing out loud
When will the rest of the world even start trying?

>Seems more Canadian than American
Have you been to McDonalds breakfast in the past 15 years?

I don't eat breakfast

It certainly isn't commie margerine.

Apple pie

its the smart thing to do

breakfast is a meme invented by the American Jewish cereal industry

Best be rare steak son

>his country is so fucking poor that the people have to eat snails

You are even below the bongs, frogfaggits.

People that know how to cook steak
Sous vide, faggot.


Communist ones, when famine and cultural suicide actually makes dog a national cuisine.

Aren't all your meals called "turnip break"

lol it was so funny the way you dragged black dick into the thread. It's almost as if it wasn't already on your mind.

nobody eats that for breakfast.

Yesterday I had schwarma

It really sucks, you have no idea.

I'm NEET at the moment, but when I had a job, I would eat breakfast at work. Get paid to eat! It's awesome!

It means you can get up later because all you have to do is shower, get clothes on, set off to work.

Plus I used to cycle to work. Don't wanna cycle on a full stomach. Much better to get the cycling done and THEN eat, to replace the lost calories, and give yourself enough energy to get through the morning until lunch.

Seriously, if you have a desk job - do this. I used to keep cereal and milk at work (pic related, bran flakes are a good 'un), but if that's impractical for you, have cereal bars (although they're full of fucking sugar), or whatever the fuck.

Just have cereal, your boss won't care (probably).

(Disclaimer: I'm not responsible if you get fired)

i have this every single day.


Just needs some soy sauce bro

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who unironically eat anything other than pic related for breakfast every morning
You flamin' galahs

Fuck you, I'm just using my ancestry as an excuse to eat a cookie for breakfast.

Looks more like lunch than breakfast. Haha

I beg to differ faggot

and add some surströmmning to it


>some airline companies forbid it to transfer and classify it as chemical weapon

French fries AND nashed potatoes!

I prefer a German breakfast

How is food politically related?

No there aren't. That's racist

>Eating garden pests

>unironically celebrating overconsumption and gluttony
good goy

add some avo to that and you've nailed it.

what the fuck is that shit in the bowl?

>go to Sweden
>hotel service gives free breakfast
>got this

i've done this quite a lot, the cereal and milk is almost a complete meal, i sometimes toss some crumble burger into me cheerios and some tomato sauce for a complete dinner, slice of cheese to top it off. MMMMM.. its quite good


>literal trash dumpster

English Cuisine everybody

The one on the left isn't so bad, if I had no choice but to chose that would be my choice.

no eggs never gonna make it brah


WTF I need to try surströmming now


True American right here

fry tem both and throw some bbq sauce on