Can we start a conservative movement among young people?
>Cutting immigration >Promoting traditional family values >Low taxes >Less socialism >Less quotas >Meritocracy and rewarding hard work >Punishing criminals properly
We can't just shitpost on this fucking website all the time. WE'RE NOT CREATING ANY CHANGE.
Ryder Fisher
*Fewer quotas
Can't believe I made that mistake, I never make it.
Benjamin King
Attempted bump
Anthony Torres
>Less socialism Not conservative enough. Get out commie.
Logan Bell
What do you mean by socialism?
Jose Butler
"Public ownership" (read: state control) of the means of production. That's generally what it means.
Yes it is conservative enough, and as I say, we need something LEGITIMATE, which young people can affiliate themselves with, without thinking "is this racist / nazi? I don't want anything to do with that"
Daniel Ortiz
>>Cutting immigration >>Low taxes >>Less socialism >>Less quotas >>Meritocracy and rewarding hard work >>Punishing criminals properly
A lot of conservatives and moderates are already for this.
For some reason >>Promoting traditional family values Is taboo though.
Caleb Roberts
> Meritocracy and rewarding hard work
liberals fuck off.
Alexander Jackson
>oh look another civic nationalism thread
Kayden Morales
I feel that might be because of its ties to religiousness, which many young people are turning away from. I say this as an early twentysomething who believes in no gods, yet holds traditional family values. If you are to succeed, you must separate them, and show that these values are good because they bring happiness, not because some imaginary entity demands it for arbitrary reasons.
Benjamin Jenkins
>A lot of conservatives and moderates are already for this. I know they are - I'm not saying we should change conservatism, I'm saying I want to increase the appeal of it, ESPECIALLY to young people.
Many of them instinctively support meritocracy for example, but they also think quotas are "fair" for women and minorities. We can easily appeal to them by demonstrating how *true* meritocracy (that is, no quotas) is actually much fairer.
Classically liberal maybe, but not leftist, since leftists want to tax hard workers and give that money to spongers.
What I'm saying is that we need to increase the appeal of CONSERVATISM (including social conservatism, which is why I said things like punishing criminals properly, and cutting immigration) especially to young people, because many of them just have a knee-jerk affiliation to leftism.
We can appeal to these people, we can win them. This is the only way we can realistically save the West. We have to do SOMETHING that changes these people's minds. Are you just going to let them run away with their toxic identity politics? Why? I guarantee you there are many moderate millennials who aren't the biggest fans of SJWism, but they see the alternative (Trump) as being too "nasty", and they're afraid what their friends might say, so they just go with the flow.
We could EASILY attract these people towards a genuine, inspiring, principled conservative movement.
Brandon White
>I say this as an early twentysomething who believes in no gods, yet holds traditional family values.
Likewise. I picked them up from an excessive consumption of classical lit and philosophy, Nicomachean Ethics and The Republic in particular.
Dominic Morris
Unless you are doing something active in the world to advance whatever your ideas are, you have NO credibility WHATSOEVER to criticise this idea.
I'm suggesting REAL WORLD ACTION. Not just shitposting on the internet.
Jackson Carter
Yes this. I think we should create a movement, with strong imagery, logos and shit (which millennials love), for young people to rally around.
But I am specifically thinking of something with a broad appeal, broader than pepe and MAGA hats, which obviously deter a lot of people.
I did philosophy at uni, I never read the nichomachean ethics (never really got into aristotle) but the Republic is indeed good
But my favourite political philosopher is definitely Hobbes. I've only read bits of Leviathan, but still, I agree with him more than anyone else.
Parker Edwards
I only read the first half (the second half was on religion governments or something like, wasn't really interesting) but reading it relatively soon after reading The Republic turned me on to the whole 'Enlightened Monarch' / 'Enlightened Aristocracy' concept of government, and caused me to give a lot of consideration to the necessity of providing authority and structure to society.
I like Nichomachean Ethics a lot because he makes a valiant effort to demonstrate how fulfilling the virtuous life is.
Gabriel James
How about we just focus on social conservatism?
A lot of classical liberals/libertarians and moderates agree with conservatives on economic shit, and it's a boring topic to get people to follow regardless. Therefore, we should focus on making rational arguments for
>Religion >Family values >Increasing birth rates >Making marriage a relevant institution by returning it to its original purpose (facilitating childbirth); ban gay marriage, no fault divorce, etc. >Removing incentives for single motherhood >Promoting less hedonism and promiscuity
There's good research out there to make good claims about all of these things. All we need to do is find out a way to make being pure sound cool.
Wyatt Bell
Our imagery should emphasize the following: - Rationality: Our ideas stand up to criticism, we welcome polite discourse, and have nothing but distain for anyone who wants to tell us how to think or speak, or will resort to violence to acheive that. - Comfort as reward for hard work: We want to live well, but we accept we must put something forward to attain that. - Family as the core of society: Appeal to that latent desire to be something bigger, yet create it yourself. Portray children as a way of contributing to the world, while also living for others. - Responsibility to others: Your actions affect more than just yourself, many young people (myself included) are turning to conservatism out of a disgust for the lack of consideration for others by the left.
Isaiah Powell
Interesting. Maybe I should look at it
I agree with you social conservativism is the thing we have to sway people on the most.
Some of those things you said sound a bit authoritarian and off-putting.
Millennials love freedom, so this should be about making a choice to embrace conservative values for yourself, not forcing it on others.
Also I think the Jordan Peterson level of conservatism would be a good sort of level to aim for (he might not describe himself as conservative, but he believes in the power of Christian morals - even if you don't believe God - and he hates Marxism. So I would say he is at least centre-right at the moment)
Also you mention research - that's true but if I learned anything from studying philosophy it's that you have to be persuasive. Men and women, in general, think differently (in certain ways) - and there is good scientific evidence to support this, but liberals won't even entertain your evidence on this at the moment because they think it's offensive or whatever. So yes, persuasive arguments are good in my opinion. Strongly supported with evidence too of course.
Adam Collins
>he thinks I want to actually affect political change for realzies
Lmao I'm just here to have a laugh at all the fags who take life way too seriously. I don't give a damn about politics or my country or yours for that matter.
There's only one thing you need in life and that is to remember that if someone tries to kill you, try to kill them first.
Caleb Stewart
Yes I agree with all of those points. Spot on I think.
Clearly, as evidenced by Sup Forums, there are young people attracted to these ideas. So I'm sure there are other young people of our generation, who don't visit Sup Forums, who would also find these ideas appealing.
I might knock up some imagery tomorrow, need to go to bed soon cos it's 5am here, but yeah, I might do that tomorrow.
I feel like we need to do something in the real world. Something that actually makes a change. Complaining about things on pol is fun, but it doesn't change the world.
Ian Bell
>i don't care about politics but I'm on the politics board Okay kid
Henry Walker
I did not state a single thing as authoritarian. The only policy I recommended was in regards to marriage, which is a 100% voluntary contract to begin with, and in legal terms, all it means right now is that one party ends up in financial ruin whenever the contract is cancelled. Which is perhaps the reason millenials are not getting married regardless. If marriage is to be relevant, it must mean something (raising children). And to mean something, it must take some hardline stances.
Camden Gray
I guess I was referring to the gay marriage bit. As I said, millennials are obsessed with the idea of freedom, and are deeply sceptical of anything that seems authoritarian
This is why I think the only way to win them over is to present conservatism as a set of ideals that they can voluntarily adopt. A set of ideals that makes sense for people in the 21st century, that provides meaning to their lives, that provides meaning to all of our futures.
As for marriage, I would fully support revising divorce / alimony laws since they screw people over at the moment. Maybe something to ensure that both parties contribute an EQUAL financial amount to the raising of children, in the event of a divorce. I think that's fair. And also something to resolve the fact that men right now have to fork over heaps of cash in some divorce settlements - that isn't right. We live in a time when men and women earn their own livings, so there's no reason a man should have half his life savings given to his wife upon divorce - why doesn't it happen the other way around!
Nolan Rodriguez
>not creating any change >god emperor is in office and gives hope people everywhere
Benjamin Collins
He's divisive though. Even people who voted for him feel like they can't say so because they'll invite hatred.
We need a legitimate conservative movement that is honest, transparent, principled, that appeals to young working people, since they're the future.
I feel there's so much untapped potential. And if we don't do something then stupid "progressive" values are going to keep fucking up our countries.
Young people can be persuaded - they're instinctively conservative financially, so now we need to promote social conservativism as a personal choice that will give the purpose in life that they're lacking
Jonathan Moore
Identity (i.e. racial/ethnic identity) is what gives a movement energy. Abstract values are boring. Either you advocate for your identity, or you are an accomplice in it's erasure.
Anti-identity politics is inherently depressing and boring, because subconsciously you know you are not defending your identity from its erasure. Embrace Right Wing identity politics.
Joshua Hill
>millennials are obsessed with the idea of freedom, and are deeply sceptical of anything that seems authoritarian If you truly believe they are not open to this after hearing the evidence, there is no point to begin with. Social conservatism isn't about freedom; it's the opposite. Freedom is what we have now, total cultural anarchy. Social conservatism is what brings order to that anarchy, hence why it is against immigration, why it is patriotic and for a shared national identity (usually to the exclusion of other cultures, and by extension, other races), why it promotes purity and stability over unrestrained indulgence. This is why people so bitterly fight against it if they do not understand the benefits such societies bring or do not see the benefits as worth the losses. It promotes one way of doing things and leaves little room for any other way.
John Howard
There are already fascist / white nationalist movements out there. I'll let them do their thing. The problem is that I don't think they will ever get enough support to succeed.
I'll watch their progress for sure, but I'm not holding my breath. Realistically, convincing young people that social conservatism is the answer is something that it achievable, and which can change the course of Western societies.
Anthony Brooks
I agree with what you've said. But having "let's ban gay marriage" as a headline policy won't win over young people, I don't think.
But "let's make a future for the citizens of our country" and "let's have strong defence" and "let's revere marriage and families, since statistics show they are the best way for children to grow up", etc, could persuade young people, I think.
Daniel Ward
Re-create an authentic English/British identity movement inspired by pre-WW2 (or even pre-60s) Conservatives/society. Other identity movements fail because they try to ape Continental fascism rather than the actual English/British identity politics of normal pre-WW2 parties/society.
Cooper Watson
Also make in an upper/middle-class lef led & oriented identity movement, that workers can join. Most identity movements fail because they are vulgar and plebian working class movements. An effective Right has to be led by better norms.
Logan Cooper
>Can we start a conservative movement among young people? >>Cutting immigration
Well you fucked up on step one since conservatism is corporatism and corporations want open borders so that the pooinloos can outcompete you and they can pay them in pennies.
The left used to be anti-globalist and was the only ones pushing the breaks on this plan, but now they're open border shills as well.
The only ones caring about immigration are populist parties, and they are neither conservative or liberal.
Andrew Murphy
Interesting, I certainly do think English and British identity are important, and I also think we should be proud of the empire
But these are touchy subjects too - if we want to appeal to millennials we've got to present this as a morally upstanding movement. With principles. With morals. A strict identity movement won't pull people in, because they'll be too afraid of admitting they they're part of it to their friends, or at work. It's too controversial.
Although making the argument that there's nothing wrong with being proud of your English or British identity and history, sure.
Justin Wright
You seem to have confused conservatism and neoconservatism.
Zachary Fisher
Civil Fucking Service, guys. Mandatory civil service should be a position pushed by conservatives these days. 2 years mandatory starting at 17 wherein a person has to take part working. In the military, in local governments, in sponsored apprenticeships, etc. This will help ween people off welfare, cut down on the lefty faggots who have never worked an actual day in their lives, and make people take actual pride in their communities. Civil Service
Isaiah Hernandez
Gen Z is already slated to be the most conservative generation in ages! They've denied the indoctrination.. maybe because lefty young parents, who knows why really. But we need to keep them conservative, and keep them growing in the "right" direction
Joseph Myers
Good suggestion I suppose, but yeah, wouldn't want it to look like we're introducing militarism - the emphasis should be on building good character, if it's ever made as a suggestion.
The point is I think there are tons of people out there who don't identify with SJW bullshit, but who also think Trump's a bit unsavoury, and they'd be scared to lose their job / professional contacts / friends if they backed him publicly. This means that conservative ideas don't get talked about.
We can give those people a VOICE, a set of principles that they can identify with and say "yes, this is what we should have, traditional conservative values"
Juan Wilson
>Cutting immigration You need cultural assimilation rather than just sticking to xenophobia
>Promoting traditional family values Subjective.
>Low taxes Clashes with your idea of meritocracy since it's a means to keep people from accumulating to much power and a way to keep those without the same resources to have a chance if they work hard.
>Less socialism Subjective, the world is not a bunch of little plots of land individuals own.
>Less quotas What would decide what is 'productive?'
>Meritocracy and rewarding hard work Just like human nature and communism, this doesn't work. Unless there are checks in the system, nepotism and changing the system to accumulate and maintain power will always occur.
>Punishing criminals properly Subjective, unless you mean we should use the death penalty as a proper deterrent against people would would be afraid to die, like white collar criminals.
Blake Reyes
Your movement is stupid. Better: >Freedom >Less government >Golden rule Conservatives and liberals are stupid. Both espouse freedom and both want to force you to do what they want. They just want to control you by any means they can. So they, and by extension you, can fuck off.
Nicholas Stewart
This is what Milo and PJW do... They hit the younger audience, they easily create social shifts. You cant influence young people being some unpopular loser. You need to be charismatic. Create content spread it. The posters on pol do a good job as is...
Brody Hill
young people are a lost cause. Anyone under 50 should be deported.
Carson Gonzalez
Then who'll pay for your medicaid and social security gramps? Can't run a pyramid scheme with only the top of the pyramid.