MGTOW thread
MGTOW thread
Should he have gone MGTOW?
>Should he have gone MGTOW?
he should have killed her in a blind rage
Your daily reminder
Except for that last bit, and the jewish character, that pretty much is how it is.
He should kill his wife and her "lovers."
Better to die fighting for your honor than to live without it.
this is pretty much how I live my life
why bother with women anymore? they are nigger like
I've seen this before and it's lame. "No woman on earth cares that I've gone my own way" is stupid. Individually that may be true, just as individually men don't care if women went their own way, but if all men renounced women, women would become extinct.
dont save people who dont want to be saved. including those who berate MGTOW
leave them, and they can leave this thread with their trolling
MGTOW has a larger lifestyle component that means you do not stay in the suburbs, and you take advantage of the globalist system and resources to use it against the left
it strongly encourages self employment, or pursuing academia/ journalism where you need to be unafraid of telling the truth without fear of your girl leaving you or blackmail or worse from (((them))) when you reveal your power level
What a bitch, He should have been a man and said NO.
>it's his wife, and her pussy belongs to him
True on both accounts.
MGTOW will be the roving monks and priests of the red pill
we will be a critical component to countering the SJWs in the war of the mind
meanwhile, we can collapse the jew controlled luxury industry by not wasting money on expensive bullshit made overseas that betas only buy in hopes if getting laid
finally, if you are young and smart enough, you can take jobs in foreign service/ intelligence, where you can be a clear headed, unbiased (i.e. not constantly thinking with your cock) assets whos lives are not friendly to family life
and you also learn foreign languages, are exposed to the red pill on a daily basis, a chance to get /fit, maybe learn to use some "toys" and cool tech years before it spills out into publci domain, and become savy to world events, its a lot like pol IRL, but for people who are more mature and stable
Bump cuz I like this
Thanks to /r9k/ i had sex with lesbians... well, now i should say bi-sexuals.
Thank you Sup Forums!
MGTOWS are idiots who are helping globalists destroy the white race.
ITT: Mentally ill people who want to stop their family lineage
Yes because Arabs and blacks are going to stop fucking like rabbits...
You're killing the white race with your butt hurt.
connect the dots and take a look at where the world it going
t. millennial
Sorry user, it has boiled down to more of a war between genders than between races, and I'm convinced men of all races could embrace MGTOW.
>daily reminder American women are the most based women on the planet
>daily reminder Trump would have never won without their millions of based white votes
>daily reminder every time you fall for the hate women kikery youre doing Schlomos work for him
>daily reminder youre not a fucking prize yourself, stop holding everyone to impossible standards you gigantic self important faggots
>daily reminder if you bring more to the table than 3 NEETbux a month you, too, can have a based conservative white qt Trump supporter
>daily reminder a few whores say nothing about the integrity and poise of the majority of American women
>daily reminder its you, not them
>I'm goinh to give up on the white race because women are mean
I WISH I could carry on my lineage but I was born a dead end. Fucking appreciate the fact that you can.
mgtow are the equivalent of women that can't give birth.
>Women don't care if you've gone your own way
And? That was never the point of MGTOW. The point of MGTOW is that you, as a man, have given up on women and decided to fuck off and do what makes them happy instead. The whole idea is that you don't give a shit about them or their validation of you, you want to validate yourself.
Lol no they won't. Arabs and Blacks are stuck in the middle ages and treat women like property, and as we've seen WILL rape and tarnish white women if white men are unwilling to defend them. You are giving them what they want: White genocide, and the annihilation of civilization forever.
Including the divorced men who've had kids and been raped in court? That is MGTOW's first few people
you try raising a kid in the middle of a global modern war, of if shit really does go down in the US this year and all that comes after
what did i say, MGTOW are not staying in the burbs, we are going to use globalism and academia against the globalists and SJWs
fact is globalists are scared of MGTOW, because MGTOW can transcend race, women are a weakness who will betray you and drain you in a SHTF world because they will side with the state/ (see - mafia drug/arms/ human trafficking cartel playboys and their henchmen sugar daddies ) or the muslims
MGTOW is the last ditch effort that has a chance of vindicating itself
If they had kids they are doing their job to save the white race. MGTOWs with no kids aren't.
This whole movement is retarded. Its essentially a cult of numales who collectively reject society because they cant deal with women.
Its modern feminism for men
If you want to discuss MGTOW heres a suggestion
>American women are the most based women on the planet
>Trump would have never won without their millions of based white votes
Women shouldn't be allowed to vote, but this time it worked out.
>Every time you fall for the hate women kikery you're doing Schlomo's work for him
Misogyny is a by-product of (((their))) work already succeeding. MGTOW is the result, not the cause.
>You're not a fucking prize yourself, stop holding everyone to impossible standards you gigantic self important faggots
Strawman. No one said they were a prize, and it is rather uncommon for a MGTOW to have high standards. Usually, the realization that they should go MGTOW is when the lowest of the low still isn't low enough for the modern woman.
>a few whores say nothing about the integrity and poise of the majority of American women
I remember when I was as naive as you. I wish I could go back, I could've contributed something genetic before I die.
>It's you, not them.
Keep telling yourself that.
>Globalists are afraid of MGTOWs
No they laugh at MGTOWs for doing their work for them
Congrats on helping kill Civilization, all because you group as women as worthless.
Not all women are SJWs.
Just like all women aren't feminists?
mates, I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore. I was hanging out with some buds and some 14 year old girls were talking about virginities and such
>"Are you a virgin?"
> "I like older guys, like 2~years older because they know how to make me feel good"
>"Are you lip virgin?"
>mfw none of them are
>tfw im on my way to wizardry at this rate.
fuckfuckfuck better get someone with a low body count while there still are some. Degeneracy never sleeps does it?
>still thinking globalists give shit about race
MGTOW transcends race, against (((them)))
because you cannot raise a family if SHTF aroudn the world at the same time, which they do long before you gradual white extinction through abstanence theory goes into effect,
and if you are an exceptional one who can travel the world for work while exposing (((them))) on the side, you will not have time for your family, you are not being a good father, and your wife will also cheat on you
...or worse, you will become a target and they will black mail you and the people you love
I agree it would be 100 times more difficult to recruit them for the reason you gave, and the fact that women, especially for blacks, seem to be the theme of their culture; but if it has no other choice, MGTOW could be equally as against these groups. But I do not see the extinguishment of the white race or civilization resulting from MGTOW; quite the contrary, I see them both being improved on, and the movement is not anti-procreation but anti-women, not to mention modern science has many forms of alternative fertilization.
I doubt it matters to them. They'd rather a beautiful lie than the ugly truth. It's like you said, you can't save anyone that doesn't want to be saved. They truly must learn the hard way
>jews make divorce a completely normal thing
>jews make women "equal"
>jews completely destroy the meaning of chastity and purity
>white man no longer wants a narcissistic solipsistic "woman" who has had 100+ partners at 25 years of age
>"if you don't marry a materialistic ruined whore you're working for the jews"
Good going there retard.
The only ones who are truly helping the jews are the beta males who put women on a pedestal and treat them like otherworldly beings while the top 20% of alpha men rail their princesses. If most men became MGTOW overnight the elites would have a huge, big problem.
meant for
>Want to lose my virginity with each other
>just want someone to love
>apparently I'm a bad person for this
Whatever dude, I just do whatever the fuck I want these days, I don't care anymore. When even chicks in middle school and shit are already sleeping around it's just all fucked
Guess what else dissappears if weddings stop and men boycott the luxury industry
could you imagine the repercusions for the planet and the jews?
this is so incredibly pathetic
You are doing their job. If one tribe doesn't defend their women, another will take them. You aren't defending white women from these brown skinned invaders.
if you want to lose your virginity to a virgin, either have sex as a teenager or become religious. there are exactly 0 non-religious women who are waiting to give their virginity to that special someone on their wedding night. you cant have it both ways. either you accept a traditional religion and find a girl inside it, or find a parter who may have had a half-dozen sexual partners before meeting you.
What caused MGTOW philosophy in the first place? Was it feminism? Was it no fault divorce?
I come from small town America and I'll tell you right now that even those religious girls are mostly ho's too.
I just opt out at this point, I have no interest in fucking around and I'm not gonna race mix with some snackbar chick.
SJWs, feminism...
It's the wrong response though, instead of giving up it should push you to fight.
fuck off jew shill
thats it?
are you an actual pol user or not? becauseat the moment the world is very close to goign into deep conflcit
why the fuck would you have a kid right now
you would probably be one of the dumb refugee famlies that fucked out of stress while assad was bombing their asses and ISIS was on the outskirts of the city and fled to europe with two year olds that get used as propaganda by the MSM
It's actually a lose-lose scenario, user. You contribute to the system they leech off of by marrying, or you contribute to the genocide of whites, something that they want, by not marrying. At the end of the day, you're better off doing whatever is best for you, and you alone.
This post is pretty spot on. These "impossible standards" usually amount to wanting an agreeable, feminine, conservative woman that views you as human. Not even necessarily stunningly beautiful, just complimentary as a person.
"Refugees welcome." - "It's not your job to defend us." - "What's wrong with dating someone outside your race?"
We aren't defending them for a reason. They stab us in the back and welcome their own demise, all the while the state and culture stuns any chance of bringing them back in line.
Religious women are sluts, as well, user. Those that say they want to save their virginity now are liars, or cheating through other means of sex.
The last two generations of social justice, the emasculation of males through feminizing their role models and removing male strength from the picture, and realistically: Personal experience in these trying times. When so many of us have gone through hell, learned too much, and seen a total lack of evidence for things ever going well between men and women, it seems hopeless, and for good reason.
>jews are anti life anti human
>jews create mtgow to drive wedge between man and woman
>no babbies
Giving up isn't going to solve anything.
Germany needs to be left alone so they can eb an exampel or the rest of Europe as to what happens when the SJWs take over
im sure you are going to get married when SHTF in germany and you go into 5 years or more of civil strife...
or Germany gets fucked by a US/Russia/ Iran/Ukraine war in the next year or two
MGTOW is super lame, but women are still too entertaining to give up.
I'm going on 30, make decent money, keep myself in shape. Everything you read about the wall is true. Women get desperate. They used to be the #1 thing in my life. Everything was about them. Now they're not #1. They're #3. Of course getting #3 still requires a little bit of #1. I'm just not willing to blow my money like I used to. I'm much more judicious.
If I would never run out of time I'd try harder, but there's just not enough hours in the day to try to chase down a girl I would actually like to settle down with, especially when they lie about how much they sleep around.
>Contribute to the system
What system? You realize globalists are trying to destroy marriage, right?
You're just making excuses for yourself.
Women are worth nothing but their holes. That's my view
>Jewish lawyers can no longer swindle goyim using divorces
>They're no longer able to advertise to women because men won't allow them to use credits cards so easily
>Marriages costing thousands of dollars are no longer happening
oy vey
You don't get it. 80% of modern day men look at women like they're gods, like they must please them, modern men are like clingy puppies looking for approval meanwhile it should be exactly the opposite - because society tells them to be exactly like this, women are telling men they must act just like that. And what are women doing, after they got the perfect man they wanted? They're turning to the men who treat them like property, the same men who did not follow women's commands like slaves.
The law abiding western man must transition back into the traditionalist mindset - we must stop thinking that we deserve a good loyal wife for just existing and treating her well. Men must become stoic and outgoing again, there shouldn't be any socially anxious men at all. When western men start transitioning back into what we're meant to be, then the women will be disgusted by non-whites and criminals once again.
MGTOW is the embodiment of this - men are focusing on improving themselves instead of being cucked slaves to narcissistic women who are used goods. When enough men become MGTOW or simply abandon the slave mindset of being a good pushover, THEN the women will finally stop going after criminals, thugs and "exotic" men.
We can ruin their plans by pushing enough men towards the "ride the tiger" mindset. When men stop being accepting of cuckoldry, then the women will once again become traditional.
Marriage is not a feminist system, it is a patriarchal one. Marriage started as the selling of a daughter to her husband. It only became twisted because of feminism, which if we crush solves the problem.
I had an ex who was a baseball fan and into guns since her dad and two brothers bullied her into it. She convinced me to buy a Ruger No.1.
Sadly it wasn't meant to be. It was more of a time and place thing with us. I guess it goes to show there are a few good ones out there.
You aren't going to convince other races besides whites to "Ride the Tiger"
you dont want to be saved
You contribute to the system they leech off of by marrying, or you contribute to the genocide of whites, something that they want, by not marrying. At the end of the day, you're better off doing whatever is best for you, and you alone.
when are you fucks going to get it, there is not going to be a slow gradual decline of whites, (((they))) are going to be a giant fucking war where everyone of all races who resists dies and they can justify turning everyone who survives into cucks, and then yeah, then they may play around with racial cleansing
we need to win a war of the minds, that requires speaking the truth and becoming influential, stop wastign your time pursing women and focus on self actualization so you can save western civ from a war started by (((them))), or edcuating/ red pilling those who will be too young to fight in WWIII but will survive only to be exposed to hardcore propaganda
If it was really easy as simply doing it I would have by now.
To all the anti-MGTOW posters implying that it's all a jewish trick for which we supposedly fell:
I hope you lads/laddettes realize that we were MGTOW far before the movement existed, and the movement itself changed nothing in our view, it's merely a summarizing nickname to put our views under
The only race MGTOW is affecting is whites; our birthrates are already low enough.
>Yes Goyim, stop reproducing white children it'll be okay!
Yeah very few good women are out there. No denying it. But the juice just isn't worth the squeeze to me.
Like the solstices when the spirit world and the material world come as close together as they possibly can, on Valenstein's Day, the Jewish and the feminine overlap more than ever, almost entirely. "Buy me a diamond and chocolates and roses" your woman demands. The holiday is almost like a full moon to a werewolf except this full moon turns your woman into a succubus. The essential truth is that women are not acting like women during this time. Women are acting like Jews.
really gets your noggin joggin
>yes Goyim, keep paying those divorce fees it'll be okay!
>your independent conclusion based on personal experience is not actually independent and you, in fact, got brainwashed by the dirty kikes!
>women and children
Nope, just women. Paternal instincts would probably drive me to adopt in due time.
And contributing to the current system will? It's lose-lose.
I find it doubtful you're that ignorant, when I've already made it quite clear. They've spent the last century setting up a system where they can benefit from every possible route in marriage. Economic benefits from marriage, depopulation benefits through the ruining of marriage, and the eventual reduction of groups of people to simple-minded, borderline slaves through broken homes.
Most men don't accept cuckoldry, and we're still here. It's not in women's nature to be traditional, and so long as social engineering and (((they))) give them the liberty, they'll abuse it to suit their own purposes.
It'll catch up with everyone else when (((they))) make their move. As I said, MGTOW is a byproduct, not the cause. Whites serve as a warning as to why women should always be considered our lessers and heavily limited in their socio-political power. In total freedom, they will destroy civilization, and the men of the race that comes next will be helpless to stop it.
This, again.
See my statements on the Jews engineering a lose-lose system where no matter what you do, they win.
Divorce fees are a FEMINIST construction.
>Marriage is not a feminist system, it is a patriarchal one. Marriage started as the selling of a daughter to her husband. It only became twisted because of feminism, which if we crush solves the problem.
marriage is nothing more but distributed and practical social welfare for women in this day and age
im not paying for their slut dom or mentel illness, marriage keeps thier mentel state more so in check so they are less likely to do that opposed to no marriage at all
MGTOW expects even under the worst case scenerio there will still be surviers of traditional white families, but they will be facing the heaviest of brainwashing and propaganda from an early age
It's almost like we can never criticize women, and that they can do no wrong.
Look at African and Arab birth rates then come back to me.
I lost hope seeing my parents divorce and failed relationships and my friends families aswell. As a kid I always told myself I'd never get married and growing older. Going to college just helped solidify my views on modern women, their expectations & faithfulness.
I genuinely believe that though you're clearly deficient in your ability to absorb information, you are well-meaning. As I said before, it will catch up to other races, because the Jews will do to them what they've done to us.
Look at africa and arab economic and educatinal futures, what are they worth to (((them)))
look at their future in terms of not getting blown up
you are ignoring the bigger picture
the proper term would be defeatism, mgtow just sounds autistic.
The patriarchy is a good thing, but marriage has been corrupted by feminism.
Black birth rates are higher that whites in Western nations too.
They already destroyed it, it's already gone, there's nothing we can do to salvage it.
Right now we have Marriage 2.0, a system where becoming married is signing away your freedoms and rights to the mercy of the woman you're marrying. At any second the woman can take your children, run away and use the government to extort money from you. It wasn't always like this, once upon a time the woman was at the man's mercy, just as it should be.
There are three types of men:
The polite, well behaved man who has no self respect and who thinks he must win women over by doing what they tell him to. Typical numale.
The primitive, criminal man who has a lot of pride and who thinks women are property to be used.
The polite, well behaved man who has self respect and who thinks women must win him over.
The first man views women as the "prize", the "end goal". The last two men view women as things that come along when you're doing well in life, these men treat themselves as the prize, these men refuse to treat women as the prize. Obviously, the first man is undesirable to women, women view him as a provider and nothing more - even if they say they want this man, their desire is not reflected in their actions.
There is a catastrophic lack of men from the third group in our current world. The men from the third group are being turned into men from the first group. At first they had to use the education system, but now even their parents and peers are pressurising their sons to become pushover cucks. The women satiate their hunger for masculinity with "bad boys".
Western men have been conditioned to become accepting of cuckoldry. I never said it's natural for women to be traditional - one of the reasons why religion was invented was to ensure that every man got himself a wife, before this the tribes consisted of "Chads" with harems and betas who had to raise the children of other men. Now, the traditionalism has been destroyed.
Daily reminder that MGTOWs are just a group of ugly manlets.
You can literally get free pussies just by being above 7/10.
Pic related.
job rates are declining....
their education is a joke because they are all up in welfare or dealign drugs for the gloalists
oh, and bread and circuses for the masses
if you cant do any of those and you are black , what do you think they are going to do?
BLM....albeit the drug gangs ARE a part of the riots, as are the Muslims, but still, it ends in violence that globalists will not like and they will put it down
>Some girl with a low body count
>Implying that girls at the age of 20 have zero mileage
We're not in 1910, check your calendar.
The delusion. MGTOW is the most self-defeating bullshit I've ever seen. It's as retarded as that Nofap crap.
Much of what MGTOW stands for is just normal, manly behavior. If you didn't already know that then there was something wrong with your childhood. Either that or you lacked strong male role models or you never gained enough experince with wimmin to know first hand they aren't your friends and never will be.
There's a reason why they're called mates. Wimmin are only their for breeding purposes and raising children in your image.
If the woman isn't worshipping the ground that you walk on, then you're doing something wrong. You're supposed to be her GOD.
Relationships were never an equal reciporcral process. They were always one sided towards the man, because the man is stronger, smarter & more ambitious. You've given up your status as a man and instead choose to be a boy running away with your fucking toys when all you doing is letting the lesser males such as Niggers & Sand Niggers have their way with your wimmin.
How the fuck is the woman is supposed to know any better if there aren't any real male Alpha figures to lead them through example?
My interactions with wimmin are generally as follows, I bark orders at them, they comply. I ask inquiries of them, they answer. This establishes a realationshit of sorts because your trading information with each other. No matter what you have to keep the domineering stance of the relationship otherwise the woman won't take you seriously. You do this by constantly forcing women to prove themselves to you.
NOOOP, faggots like you MGTOW cucks just run away wimps, either that or the simpering Beta-fags reverse gender roles and allow the woman to constantly play the domineering role.
Everytime a bitch tries to do that shit to me. I put them in their place through banter.
Women are like dogs, you're supposed to establish that you are their master.
>>Jewish lawyers can no longer swindle goyim using divorces
>>They're no longer able to advertise to women because men won't allow them to use credits cards so easily
>>Marriages costing thousands of dollars are no longer happening
Bumping this
>The Jews will do to them what they did to us
>Not realizing they plan to destroy the white race, and only the white race.
They don't need to genocide blacks, arabs, and hispanics because those races make perfect peasants. White people do not, we don't like being held down. Whites are the only race who strive for freedom.
A cuck can never comprehend how a person could willfully choose to reject womankind; this is because of the feminist brainwashing that women are superior beings who are incapable of being rejected, but are always the ones doing the rejecting.
just not the jewish race
In this case, it's closer to selective-defeatism, or enlightened commitmentphobia -- where the desire for commitment is there, but knowledge and personal experience have destroyed that natural drive.
Even those unaccepting of such behavior end up getting cucked in time. I've seen it before. Unfortunately, we're on the road to seeing the age of the omega, where we can witness men too intuitive and introverted to be alpha males and too self-respecting to be betas realizing their role as lone wolves, fucking off from the rest of the packs.
>It's only the whites, other races won't catch on or earn the wrath of the Juden
You're a funny guy.
They don't need to genocide blacks, arabs, and hispanics because those races make perfect peasants. White people do not, we don't like being held down. Whites are the only race who strive for freedom.
DO you even read the fucking newspaper
do you fucking understand (((they))) -soros- are literally pushing the feedumb bullshit on non whites
arab spring
resource wars
blood diamonds
human trafficking
you still hold onto the idea that whites are going to slowly decline with no interruption of global conflict fucking us all over while simotaniously bringing (((them))) out into the open to show their true selves for even the non whites to see for themselves
unless the censor the entire fucking internet and Sup Forums