what exactly is his endgame?
What exactly is his endgame?
Other urls found in this thread:
Make America white again.
He's essentially running the entire country right now. We're in the endgame
>We're in the endgame
It goes further than that, user:
We ARE the endgame.
wearing 6 layers of clothing
Simple... He is a virus in a human body... He wants to destroy the body then multiply... But the virus is freedom and the human body is Global Government
Do you think he has a plan for going against the Deep State?
To shut it all down.
To get Trump impeached. Bannie is doing a heck of a job!
Fucking basic soft nationalism and common sense.
The left are all terrorists and traitors.
There would be no point in coming this far without one.
Implementing hardcore economic protectionism in order to take down China. Anyone who has listened to this guy speak extensively knows that his number one fear, and enemy, is China. Everything else is second. Which is why Trump has gone so hard since day one about bringing back murica's jerbs.
Bannon will literally singlehandely save the world from the sleeping dragon. Shadilay
a fat """white""" alcoholic degenerate NEET larping as the saviour of white race. Hmmm where have I heard it ?
The phonecall that saved Washington D.C.
5th crusade
>a fat """white""" alcoholic degenerate NEET larping as the saviour of white race
You mean Martin Schultz?
Looks like the kind of guy that would stay up at night thinking of ways to take them down.
War with China
world motherfucking peace and shit
>rummy's end game
Destruction of the pedophile cannibal kikes and their allies.
He just wants to save western civilization and empower humanity.
>Implementing hardcore economic protectionism in order to take down China
if bringing down china is his endgame he is doing a fucking terrible job. The way to take down china is to isolate it economically and TPP was basically that. But with its adandonment, he has basically thrown all its other members into the arms of china.
>daily reminder that automation is the biggest manufacturing job killer not GYNA
Shill, he wants the opposite of that.
i don't think you know what a neet is
Death of the deep state.
Removing Putin and Russia as the boogeyman for the military NATO industrial complex which finances all of the bad people in the world.
War with China is inevitable.
Start it sooner rather than later
Automation wouldn't br a problem with mass amounts of immigration.
You really want third world shitskins collapsing our machine economy which generates our gibs.
Is that Molyneux?
I don't think he has a plan. The type of media outlets he has been involved with profit from claiming they have a better way of doing everything and it only works because they're not responsible for what they say. Now he's in charge he'll quickly realize worsening relations with US allies over petty disagreements will not help US in the long run because US made its allies through compromises but we did get our ends in the end. Like isolating Russia and benefiting the most from open borders through US investors and brain drain from other countries.
>We'll ban muslims that'll improve security
>Ban- nothing happens that will make impact on statistics
>Don't ban- nothing happens that will make impact on statistics
>We'll get manufacturing jobs back
>Improve tariffs- purchasing power of US mid-income family declines while working at a manufacturing job
>Don't improve tariffs- purchasing power of US mid-income family declines (lower wages not higher price) while working at a service sector job
I'm pretty sure people like him think that some extreme move would solve all the problems but our country is built upon compromises and it has been working out alright.
i hate trump now wtf
TPP was a fucking mess, all of the little special stipulations and a very Obama esque catering job to big industry. Globalist economics are the exact thing bannon wants to get away from
get your common sense out of here reeeeee
congestive heart failure
Woesy = cute
Why do you still post this afyer The FBI Revealed That The President Literally Did Nothing Wrong?
Do you want it THAT badly that you're pretending it's still happening?
Awwww poor baby!
To undo decades of surreptitious marxist indoctrination across the globe.
Marxist indoctrination is open borders and free movement of the capital? What kind of drugs are available in Argentina?
The way to take it down is with bilateral negotiations, so that we can throw the full weight against China and not have the fucking Malaysian slavers have a vote on the terms of trade!
Oh spotted the alcoholic nose. The booze is pouring heavy in this one.
Those are symptoms. Watch his documentary: Generation Zero. Its pretty clear what his worldview (and endgame) is.
He wants WW3 with Chyna and the Mudslimes
You've already given me enough reason not to watch anything from him if he thinks the world we live in has excess Marxist propaganda.
Aka Great.
Shitskins ruined America.
You are clearly a moron then. He is the chief strategist of your president. You should be dying to know what he thinks.
Thanks to your people pushing for it and rewriting immigration law
To find out what the fuck happened to his friend Andrew. And get revenge.
Trump loves Israel
never thought i would see such rationality here
Us kikes have been in USA for a long time and we r good at money.
It's the niggers etc. that cause all the trouble.
sheckles from subhuman iq entitled brats who happen to have white skin
Do you think Andrew Breitbart would be proud of him?
paying back the national debt and making America wealthy again. That's literally it. Idiot leftists are giving this man way too much evil-credit.
He looks like a substitute teacher.
that's what Bannon says
look at the global billonaires, most of them are marxists even without realizing it.
A Christian caliphate, an America remade with Judeo-Christian values.
>look at the global billonaires, most of them are marxists even without realizing it.
Please explain.
He has rosacea.
to be backstabbed by jew
I didn't even vote, I don't care. I'm here to socialize.
Biosphere 2.
Steve Bannon is a smart guy. When he pivoted Biosphere 2 from space exploration research to global warming research, he discovered, in a real life trial, that humans cannot survive in a post-industrial world. He understood the implications and, importantly, understood how to capitalize.
Bannon, in what can be described only as unconscionable rationality, decided the only way to continue the human race was to sacrifice the vast majority of mankind. The writing was on the wall: global warming would create an avalanche of ecological change that would eventually suffocate the entire planet (humans included).
Naturally, the only viable solution was to gather the most worthy gentlemen on planet earth, and use their combined clout to muscle their way into everlasting, post-nuclear security, while everyone else literally suffer (not figuratively).
Bannon is fucking crap, plebian worthlessness. But he's smart. Not everyone in post-modernity needs to be elite. They just need to be able to manipulate the elite.
The super-powerful are falling in line. And no, I don't mean Trump. He was just a piece of shit the lowest common denominator could rally around. He was a means to an end.
I mean Rex Tillerson. I mean Scott Pruitt, whose entire existence hinges on making assholes more money. I mean Vladimir Putin--soon to be one of the richest men in human history, due to state corruption and the modern miracle of natural gas.
Steve Bannon knows the Fourth Turning is coming, because he's going to make it happen. The only thing left to do--remember, this is to save the human species, so relax--is to trigger a worldwide societal collapse, from which you're immune because you convince a bunch of Nativists to give you a bunch of concrete to create state-of-the-art bunkers. Bannon is going out on his own terms: Type 2 Diabetes before he accomplishes shit.
Hes a self proclaimed sith lord
His skin doesnt have to look pretty
Complete the system of German Idealism.
what the fuck is this dumb shit
Ducking logic get the fuck off my board
This guy gets it.
Honestly, i hope he succeeds. it would be the biggest change in 100 years and would be the most radical change possible. Complete reversal of course. And worst case scenario, we are just 100 years in the past ethically but with modern tech. Still #1
He wants the Jew to touch his garlic.
level-headed human being /10, would agree with again
>t.breitbart shill
Biosphere 2 was a borderline cult that developed from hippy communes.
>Who is Herbert Marcuse?
the irish did it just as much as the jews
Trump already has O'Keefe infiltrating the deep state. Its only a matter of time.
Uprooting the Deep State and dragging it kicking and screaming into the light of day.
Someone who hates Drumpf posted this elsewhere, sounds somewhat on track to me
>Okay, time for my tinfoil hat theory. The CIA leaks are all being done by the administration to diminish the power of the agencies.
>We just went through his Immigration EO legal shit which led to Donald throwing the Judicial branch under the bus if an attack happens on US soil. We then almost immediately have these CIA "leaks" which Donald is now using to justify a full review of the agencies and undermining their public confidence. And yet, he hasn't called out his director of the CIA Pompeo. The leaks themselves don't have anything incriminating in them, so nothing legal can be done in response to these revelations, but they are unsettling and superficially harmful.
>If the review of these agencies ends up leading to a freeze on natsec work, it would leave a rather large hole for an attack to come through. An attack which Donald would then blame on the judiciary and attempt to take power away form it. It would then fit to have Jared Kushners outlet and Brietbart pushing stories pointing out dissent in the white house in order to further push the narrative.
>Welp, that's my tinfoil hat moment. Have a good evening
avenging brietbart
Fucking ledditers kys
>m pretty sure people like him think
That's probably where you underestimate him.
The left fear him the most for a reason.
TPP was taking down China by suicide bomb. NWO is not the only option.
Explain please.
World domination and white supremacy
Lol this. Do they really think we don't know what they are trying to do?
What do you think I'm trying to do for example?
Fuck off back to r/politics you are wasting your time here nerdvirgins
If you really want to know the answer to the question, I'd recommend you watch this: youtube.com
Push your shitlib narrative on this board and other media platforms. It's obvious. You're playing to shitlib confirmation bias by pushing baseless propositions that align with the typical shitlib worldview. And it's fucking obvious and now you have to go back.
This video is rock solid proof that Bannon is against the people.
Smart user here.
Really not sure what you mean by that. I'm no great fan of Bannon, but he clearly wants to help people. He just has an unusual set of axioms (conservative populist).
>what exactly is his endgame?
Death by skin cancer.
Kushners paper has made a point to constantly put out hit pieces on Trump to maintain the illusion of impartiality.
As for power being taken from unelected power brokers in the intelligence agencies and radical left wing judges who quite literally don't believe in laws this is the best thing that Trump could possibly do. Even more important that pushing out the mass of undesireables currently dragging this country back.
I honestly don't care though. I didn't even vote, but I can clearly see the problem with the mindset you have
>Anything that disagrees is pushing an agenda
>I'm not pushing an agenda my beliefs are righteous
This prevents productive discussion, blaming the opposition for trying to become the king of the ashes while doing your own burning is not a good foundation for a functioning state.