>U.S. Agents, armed on Canadian soil, with the power to search and detain Canadian citizens?
>Oh yes, and they want to be exempt from Canadian law?
>The United States wants its police officers to be exempt from Canadian law reported The Star and went on to say "Armed U.S. border guards could soon be posted to Union Station — and if they ever use their guns, they may not be held accountable in a Canadian court."
>"Washington is demanding that its police agents operating in Canada be entirely exempt from Canadian criminal law. A U.S. agent who, for instance, shot and killed a Canadian while on Canadian soil would not be subject to a Canadian court." reported the Star
U.S. Agents, armed on Canadian soil, with the power to search and detain Canadian citizens?
stop being a leaf
>trump will complete the system of german idealism by annexing the canadian sudetenlands
We have always had integrated border security user.
We are literally getting to have better border security and the americans are paying for it.
Don't be such a pu55y.
Nobody up here would even care. They'd just be happy to have better Netflix and shit like that. Canadian identity is dead. If it doesn't mean anything to the government and the prime minister, it won't mean anything to the people (and it doesn't).
I knew Trump would cuck Trudeau but this is too much
If you don't let them do what they want on your soil, you lose
Right, leaves?
I told you fucks Trump was gonna annex you people.
I.told you it would happen Feb 13
That's why they pushed the Trudeau meme so hard.
Just the beggining
Ok we'll do it. But only Alberta & Saskatchewan are allowed to vote. The rest of you have to purchase a passport with 5 scalps from any combination of subversive, communist, or degenerate persons that wouldn't be welcome in the new American Empire.