>won't shill his political opinion
>believes in pizzagate
>true patriotic American, loves the USA
>Actively busts pedo rings
>develops software to track exploited children
>believes pizzagate needs investigation

Holy shit when did Ashton Kutcher become so red pilled? Is he /ourguy?

First Lindsey Lohan now this, is the right side of Hollywood coming to give us blackup?

Other urls found in this thread:

>loves the USA

Loving a country which still alive by the jew's money, which has a lot of protestant cults - now it means to be redpilled?

The USA literally invented freedom Fuck off Hillary

but forreal, i only see regular cross joints in the vid(NOT SAYING IT AINT) but this is just as circumstantial as the bathtub glass
your pic shows closer types of joints between the glass.

ALSO, just devils advocating, why the fuck would 'podesta' be torturing a kid in a barroom, and owned by the Alfenitis guy? Just questions! Shill i understand, answer thus

Sup Forums is a USA board.

>restarts Punk'd
>busts pedo celebrities instead

>kids who grew up in Hollywood

These are the actors who know the kind of shit that goes on. Pedowood is real.

That's rich coming from a country that was _quite literally_ controlled directly by jews for 80 years

>some random website that no one has ever heard of

He was actually very vocal against Trump for the pointless and stupid ban.

Kutcher is a fucking shill.

And you're a fucking leaf.

See the logic there? Exactly.

>First Lindsey Lohan
last time I heard of her she was converting to islam to become some saudi's legitimate cocksleeve. did I miss something?

H'HAAAAAA u funny

>>develops software to track exploited children

What's the site/software?

Nice butthurt, jew

Texas is a mexican state.

Alaska is a polish clay

Did he specifically call out pizzagate? I don't trust this faggot at all, especially when he started with his fake on the verge of tears voice. Obvious acting.

when he played Jobs I could tell he was a more deep individual than he alluded

>implying he has to like everything Trump does
>the ban was pointless

Didn't he shill against Trump at some awards recently saying that mohammedans will always be welcome in his America?

Was his steve jobs movie good?

>believes in pizzagate

No its not. Considering they are going to topple iran next.

? ^^

That's a lot of projecting for a country just getting over it's bolshevik hang over. Chill out Ivan.

>First Lindsey Lohan now this
What did Lohan do? Last I heard from her the idiot was praising Islam, and that was only like a week ago.


Very indirectly. When asked about his political opinion he simply started talking about his company that tracks missing children. Implying a connection between human trafficking and politics.

wtf i love two and a half men now

Hes a humanitarian not a politician. Yes hes right refugees need a safe haven but no it doesnt have to be USA.

She made an official statement of support for Trump today.

Kek that was a good burn, muh dood.

Didnt he specifically mention we need to take in more refugees because the children in those countries were at risk?

>Texas is a mexican state.

Faggot from San Antonio here.

You're probably right.

That's so fucking ironic and hilarious coming from a subhuman Russian.

Based Steve Jobs

>won't shill his political opinion
Unless he's at the SAG awards....

>computer program is analyzing Podesta's voice
>private investigators are casing comet
>network of informants to bust pedos
>has named the Jew
>Congress bows to him

he's presumably a grade-A hollywood puppet but despite his little act-up in that video I get this feeling that he may be a respectable agent, a carefully managed man who is rippling the surface so to speak, I can't recall any mongoloid scandals from him

Fuck off filthy Russian


Lol. You are a christian nation. No christian nation has ever been free. We were free. Then a sandnigger came along and fucked it up...

Ashton Kutcher is whiney ass liberal. How gullible could you be?

Its like hes got a little bruce willis in him...

>the final pill is actually the Kelso pill
holy fuck what if the butterfly effect wasn't just a shitty movie? ashton is transfiguring our timeline

He IS a Jew. Follows kabbalah.

>won't shill his political opinion
yes he did, hes a democrat
>believes in pizzagate
nope he diesnt
>true patriotic American, loves the USA
Nope he doesn't, he's shilling for pro-migration so that the men leave all the women and children in syria so that they can be abducted
>Actively busts pedo rings
nope he doesnt
>develops software to track exploited children
Yea, Syrian children. He's pro refugee
>believes pizzagate needs investigation
Nope he never said that

get out

Okay? What's wrong with being part of some melodramatic love your neighbor bullshit? These are values even the right respects, peace and unity in local communities.

>"to always represent my country with pride, dignity and honesty."

Are you literally retarded. He didn't say "I ENDORSE NIGBOMA".

It's like saying fuck wow Anthony Kiedis just swore an oath to Obama's leadership of funk!

OP is a retard. Kutcher may be calling out Hollywood pedoshit, but that's not because he's redpilled, it's because he was molested. Frodo did the same thing.

18+ etc

The USA at its base is the greatest nation on earth. You can still love something even if we are headed down a dark path. Russia on the other hand was never great.

He was critical of Trumps ban, that doesn't mean he's outwardly against him. He specifically refused questioning of his political ties to discuss his software to track missing children.

>implying the software isn't licensed to detective agencies around the world
>implying Syrian children don't deserve to be monitored

He's still helping. Look I even support the ban but I do think Trump could have been a little more careful with it, in willing to forgive him because he's still getting acclimated.

Oh yeah man I'm so retarded you got me haha.

Hes not redpilled at all. Hes a simple patriot and humanitarian. What he doesnt realize is his software is being compromised by a broken system.

Thorn the tracking system has good intentions yet some use it nefariously. Same deal with amber alters. We need to cut the rot out or drain the swamp if you will to fix our world.

>Lindsay lohan

A brainwashed Saudi/turk cock guzzling retarded traitor who should be hung by a noose.

I did.

>implying the technolgy is for children around the world
Nah, he just cares about Syrian refugees. The guy is a fucking pedophile himself. What better way to get more human trafficking than to get all the men to leave syria and leave all the women and children behind? A democrats dream!

Well, her carreer has been over for more than a decade, it's not like that will hurt her.

Controlled opposition, yo.

>Two and a half men episodes with Kutcher happen to start popping up on my tv more often after I start looking into Pizzagate



No wonder his hollywood career went to shit.


my sister-in-law's sister went to school with one of his parents, can't remember which, and she told me they were quite conservative

He was shilling against the travel ban in hollywood, I think he just wants to be the next george clooney / meryl streep type. Possibly planning to go the reagan route but I think he would stay democrap

tfw i enjoyed the butterfly effect

tfw u wish you could do something similar so u could change your life for the better

are all goys just good at programming?

>>Actively busts pedo rings
Wait, what?

and your country will always be under our heel


-in contact with Stanley Kubrick
-know about the obelisk at Paramount Studios
-posesses time-travel abilities
-controls Jackie with an iron but fair fist
-owns software globally
-computer program is analyzing Podesta's voice
-private investigators are casing comet
-network of informants to bust pedos
-has named the Jew
-will bankroll the first anti-semite AI in Hollywood (Spotlight will be the first AI)
-owns software R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Ashton Kutcher software in you right now
-He learned fluent C# in under a week
-Movie studios entrust their screenplays with Kutcher, there's no original content in the minds of hollywood writers
-He is about 5 decades old, from the 70s reference point of the base currently accepted by our society
-Congress bows to him
-In reality, Kutcher is a timeless being existing in all points of 1970s culture, we don't know his ultimate effect yet. We hope he's a benevolent butterfly

>praises john mccain
yeah right, redpilled

He's one of the few actual humanitarians, he's on the side of helping victims to actually help victims. Unfortunately he doesn't see the false flag of islamic "victims". Refugees from the middle east are 70% men 18-35

Kutcher is one of the worst actors alive, and he's a lame fuck. KYS

Da fuck is with your anti USA rhetoric? Alaska is paid for and Texas is part of the union. Sure we have mexicans just like you have arabs.

whats your fallacious point, you cucked ameritard?

I legitimately laughed and smiled warmly. I'd accept this reality, thank you Kelsopill

And apparently McCain has a boner for him..

>separation of church and state
>treaty of tripoli
>christian nation

>being this autistic

>Alaska is a polish clay

fuck off jewish commie monkey, usa #1

>toothpaste talking shit about

Many (((celebcunts))) will soon be saying they are 'red-pilled'. Just trying to cover their degeneracy.

Kek knows it to be true...

It was kind of hilarious watching DUDE WHERE'S MY WEED LMAO performing a serious role, while also getting to express the hippy side (in the beginning)... Theres a scene where he literally "transforms" into the modern jobs, a scene where he anxiously tucks his shirt into his pants and looks him self in the mirror. kind of hilarious. It's breddy gud if you can look past his "that 70's" persona

More breaking news regarding this today. Watch at your own risk.

h ttps://

h ttps://

h ttps://

h ttps://

fuck off putin, Its not russian

he is based.

No, it was shit. Mostly due to it being written by Jobs fanbois. Watch Pirates of Silicon Valley instead

The way he says words ending in "-er" is different than how it is in the crazy pedo video.

At 1:41, he says "Thank you for being with her", sounds normal

From about 0:23, "I am your father", "father" has a softer "-er" sound.

Maybe it was because he was giving a speech to a crowd, so he felt he had to enunciate. No clue. Sounds like him even in spite of that though

Sources please. He's already outsourced the software to several police agencies in the US.

Children need sex. They require release like you do but are denied it with a partner who can teach them and guide them through it lovingly. Many young children masturbate for relief-and what does mom and dad do when they find out? Why, they slap the kids hands and tell them to stop or they will go blind! Once again, this only leads to oppressive, damaging GUILT. By age 11, I was a compulsive masturbator & collected hard-core pornographic magazines like HUSTLER! I was VERY sexual and I was asking for it on a regular basis (and never seemed to get it!) and yet society would have believed I was as innocent as can be. This harmed me. If I had only known a pedophile then, I would have been much happier in my childhood! But then again, if I had decided to have sex with a pedophile adult, they would have been imprisoned and I would have been in therapy for brainwashing to accept my "abuse". But my childhood had a happy ending-fate soon blessed me at 11 and a half with a woman pedophile who sexually educated me! Other kids are more like I was than you maybe would like to admit. Perhaps you were something like this in your own youth and due to guilt you wish not to admit this side of yourself existed. Think back and be honest with yourself-it is ok to be sexual and you are not alone or wrong! Stop feeling guilty about a natural bodily function and do not infect our kids!

>Texas is a mexican state
Wanting us to kick their asses a second time?
Texans born in Mexico identify as Texan first.

>Maybe it was because he was giving a speech to a crowd, so he felt he had to enunciate.
>Sounds like him
Seems like you already know the answer. The digits confirm.

thanks for the basic gestalt on this guy
at 37 he legit says"i'm john podesta"
gave me chills

no thats david brock,
he has the dirt on podesta, he is responsible for exposing the sickos through his triple agent pizzagate leaks

No he mentioned that the refugee crisis is in part manufactured by human traffickers