which DNA testing kit is the best pol? I need to find out once and for all what I am and pray there is no nigger or jew
Best DNA testing kit?
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bumping because I would like to know as well
If you need a DNA testing kit, you are already fucked. SOL.
Any more of this prude woman?
23andme, that's all there is to it
Damn I want to have sex with this girl, I don't even want to use a condom on her, either.
Imaging just putting your foot on her back and just pulling her head back. Do you think her spin would snap?
I used the Ancestry DNA kit. It is cheaper than 23andme. I'm not sure which one is better.
>giving a private kike company all your personal information
they are all scams. who gives a shit when your ancestors were, it doesnt change who you are now. sating your curiosity is not worth letting (((them))) have your genetic information. and you pay them no less, these cunts are laughing at you idiots
It sounds like you have no accomplishments of your own.
DNA kits are a total scam. none of it is 100% accurate. it's all conjecture.
if you look white, you're white. if you don't, you're not.
You are posting a nigger meme. You are letting them control you.
hahahah fuck off nigger
send me a hair and 200 bucks and I guarantee you'll be 100% satisfied with your results.
>2% Arab
cool flag beanboy
no really
>inberian peninsula
Canadian education
Ancestry DNA. I found out I am German.
I used 23andMe, got my results two days ago, took a little over a month.
more pics pls
>0.1% East Asian
its a fucking scam, they cant honestly differentiate ethnicity from a cotton swab of saliva and earwax.
You poor, poor 13 year olds.
He you do, no chance this will say you are a nigger or jew.
,,,,,,,, *briiiip*
you've been tricked by jews to care about this shit OP
you're an insecure sheep and should be gassed
I wish I was white :(
100% white lads
It's DNA fucktard
Mrs Alice? Damn
>praise be
This is great, I was looking up test kits last night. From what I heard- 23 and me
>underrated post
The answer is; you're a weak beta cuck who needs a daddy to tell him he's a good boy.
Then go onto gedmatch and do some more specific tests.
Recognize and realize these companies are jew controlled and who the fuck knows what they are doing with your DNA. You can select who they disclose it to, what testing they can do with it, but they are kikes and of course your choices don't matter.
But you will find some shit your family never told you.
Biochemist here. Do. Not. Use. Any. Wanna know why we make 100k starting in our field? Insurance companies hire people like me to compile aggregate data we get from the likes of 23andme. We analyze trends in DNA of those who end up cashing out policies so that if the laws ever change or the wording does, they can start to deny coverage to the morons who readily let us sequence their whole genome.
It's a ploy for genetic data mining. Don't give your genes to the Jews.
What if you're genetically sound?
LOL. That's not hot, that's fucking hilarious, I literally burst into tears
I'm not sending my DNA into any companies, fuck that
Good to know just saved me $150, my mother was pushing me to do this, everyone else in my family has but i've been too suspicious about letting an unknown corp get my DNA
good to know my instincts are right.
do 23&me as well as ancestryDNA
>found out I am German.
Biochemist here: we don't make 100k starting in our field.
You are not a biochemist, bioinformaticians are the ones who would do that.
But I do not doubt that companies will do that. They definitely save all of the data, which is why I said fuck that.
>Not Arab
>Voluntarily giving your genome to (((them)))
Miss Alice, dat yo ass?
>om nom nom nom nom nom om nom nom nom nom nom om nom nom nom nom nom om nom nom nom nom nom om nom nom nom nom nom om nom nom nom nom nom om nom nom nom nom nom om nom nom nom nom nom...
>om nom nom nom nom nom
>laughing at fart jokes made by an 11 year old boy
What do you mean genetically sound? There's always something "wrong with you"
For example: "I see your wife has a C->G missense mutation at the 423rd position of your tyrosine kinase enzyme chunk of DNA on chromosme 17." This gives her a 22% higher likelihood of postpartum depression linked to serotonin deficiency. We will therefor not be offering you a package including maternal care at this company. (the numbers and locations aren't real but you get my point.)
I do and so do 3 of my friends? Lowest i've heard starting was 65k for a guy doing research who graduated in my class.Granted we have experience in the field. I went to a university in the SW if that makes a difference to you?
Iberians are maybe 2% arab, which with 2% Iberian would equate to ~0.04% arab for user.
There's already a movement to add the entirety of every genetic testing DNA database into the federal DNA database.
You're an idiot if you don't think that's going to happen.
In fact I bet you a whole dollar that the FBI actually helped start most of these companies.
>DNA testing kit is the best pol
That takes weeks and can only be done in a lab with intensive equipment. There's resources on the internet that allow you to send samples of your DNA to kikes who will tell you your genetic distribution.
What could (((they))) do with it to use against you?
Kill you and replace you with a bluepilled doppelgänger
Alternately develop a gene virus that only infects good hardworking white people through the water supply
>just put my dna in a giant database, were they can clone and replace me at anytime or find out more about me than i know myself because they have my entire genome
Yeah.. no thanks. Anyone who has already done it even though Sup Forums has been warning against it is fucked. RIP
jewish is a religion and not a race.
if your mother is jewish you are jewish - if you convert you are jewish.
if your father is jewish you are not jewish.
Understand.... you would know if you were Jewish.
Can I call myself white? I'm lighter-skinned than sand.
Is there a way to do this all myself, or in a private lab?
>taking a picture of the screen
So you work at an insurance company lol? I don't know it doesn't really add up..
Nobody in my class started at 65k, you need an advanced degree for that kind of money in biological sciences.
You sound like you are still in college, with pipe dreams of 100k or even 65k. I don't doubt you've taken a biochemistry class... tyrosine kinase.. kek one of the first enzymes you hear about in biochem 1.
Molecular genetics is a lot more complicated that looking at missesnse mutations, and also 23&me was barred from doing what you are talking about
I have done 3 different ones. All results came from the same company when i received email results, but the results via usps showed different.
I think they send your swab to the same company
I used ancestry. Is that good?
>4% Jewish
Into the oven you go
Ancestry have one, and so does NatGeo as part of a mapping project or someshit.
I've done both, and both were the same. I never suspected I had anything else in me other than Northern European and surprise surprise some cunt front The English Isles muddied the bloodline a few hundred years ago.
Still white tho. All good in the hood my snowdriven niggas.
>European Jewish
How is giving away your unique genome any different than giving away your social security or credit card numbers...excepting the fact that the former is far more valuable than the latter. Who knows what they could or would do with it...chances are nothing good.
You beige , dark haired dark eyed mutt
Dis nigga tryin' ta claw his ass out da brown paper bag on tha daily
>tfw 99% Irish & Scottish but 1% Southeast Asian
It's the 1% that fucks me up.
if you have the gear and knowledge yes ofc
Send that money to the Hungarians wtf...
It's spit.
>99% non-white
>1% non-white
I don't get the conundrum
I have blue eyes. You are wrong!!!!
What is this?
gooks out
nah you're contaminated, do not breed.
Yea but what do I need to know and have.
I'd like some sources/instructions
You alone? Fuck no. All I do is look at the aggregated data some computer nerd bundled together for me and my buddies with the stuff they want us to look at. Then we find what issues correlate to the spikes in mutations they recognize by staring at research papers from every single place we can and give them our best guess if there's some link between that mutation and some condition.
Not at, more for. Part of the school's work with various groups. It's a contract through the university. We're masters / PhD in various fields. Pharmo, med chem, etc. Personally I'm working on citrate lyase and transforming it into a bacterium as my research. I mentioned tyrosine kinase because it's the first I thought of, as you said, we spent a shitload of time on it in undergrad because it's part of known pathways.
You're 100% correct about it being barred, and they can't do anything with our work yet. We're entirely in R&D and probably 90% of the shit we get for them isn't gonna lead to anything at all. It's all in the hopes that one day the legality surrounding genetics changes and they've now got a run out the gate.
>taking a picture of your monitor
That 1% nigerian really shows.
Is there a vocaroo of this?
Yeah there is, shove your head up your ass.
Hi negroid
Paying to give your genetic information to Google/CIA. Normies..
judge me pol