Can someone please explain to me the purpose of Trump having a rally in Orlando without sperging at me?

Can someone please explain to me the purpose of Trump having a rally in Orlando without sperging at me?

What is the real reason to it? I voted for him and shilled for him, but this rally makes me him seem narcissistic. No reddit posts.

Other urls found in this thread:

He's going to make an announcement about a new program, probably something jobs related judging by the "put Americans back to work" image that came with it on Instagram.

If he just puts out a press release, the media gets to spin it how they want. If he holds a public event, the media has no real choice but to air it in full, and the public gets to hear him say exactly what he wants to say, straight out of his mouth.

>this rally makes me him seem narcissistic.
He is narcissistic. He wouldn't have won if he were humble.

Not gonna lie former Trump supporter here. It's been hilarious watching him crash and burn. In all seriousness we cannot let this man get the nuclear codes.

>Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser - having a healthy ego, or high opinion of yourself, is a real positive in life!
t. Trump

Okay. I can understand that. I see the logic in it.

But why have an event where people need to BUY tickets to attend?

It has to do with the "Trump Cycle".

1. Possibly damaging event happens. (In our case, Flynn resignation)
2. Media flys with sensationalism and capitalizes on the hype to expand on Unfit Trump narrative
3. Normie social media explodes with anti-Trump fervor. "Impeach the Nazi!" (It's around this time where we become inundated with CTR and it's successors)
4. Trump becomes the subject of 9/10 news headlines, image is built of a very weak administration. Base possibly demoralized. This is done to sow regret in Trump voters
5. Trump holds rally. Base is re-energized, he hits back at media/Deep State/opponents while every news station airs their own defeat live. He establishes the counter-narrative, and sets Washington straight so they can shut up for a few weeks. Trump's rally is his Trump card.
6. Rinse, repeat.

Not gonna lie former Trump supporter here. It's been hilarious watching him crash and burn. In all seriousness we cannot let this man get the nuclear codes.

Not gonna lie former Trump supporter here. It's been hilarious watching him crash and burn. In all seriousness we cannot let this man get the nuclear codes.

There has never been a single president in office who held a RALLY unless they were running for reelection. Why not just give a speech on TV?

Not gonna lie former Trump supporter here. It's been hilarious watching him crash and burn. In all seriousness we cannot let this man get the nuclear codes.

The media is actively working against the president (sometimes treasonously so), so he has to be his own news agency, basically. He has to go directly to the people, cutting out the middlemen - even if he asked the networks for time every week to talk to people directly over TV, they would refuse him or somehow censor/editorialize it. In-person, en-mass is the only way that Trump can succeed in Obama's America. The lugenpresse has made that so.

TRUMP 2020

>Can someone please explain to me the purpose of Trump having a rally in Orlando without sperging at me? What is the real reason to it? I

DC is going down hard. It's the day of the rope.

Kind of inspiring actually

Because trump actually cares about the people of this nation. As such, he finds it more rewarding to see them face to face.

He is doing a couple of things. first he is trying to show the people and the media he is a president of the people, and that the people believe in him. He is also trying to show that he is different from any other president, not only be doing everything he promised, but by not hiding in the white house during his presidency like all other presidents, He's showing that he is here for the people that voted for him and he is going to touch base with them as often as he can. It has the benefit of being both brilliant move and an honest sentiment at the same time. The real question is why haven't other presidents done this?

Roosevelt did weekly radio addresses in the 30s

>but this rally makes me him seem narcissistic

please explain how having a rally filled with the public who can attend for free is narcissistic you faggot

Ive honestly been expecting Trump to announce that he would be doing something like this, a weekly address to the people sort of thing.

This is literally what Obama's playbook was. Anytime there was a problem, Obama had a speechwriter give him something to read off of a teleprompter that would make his supporters cry.

Trump has told his supporters that the TV lies to them. And if he holds a rally, he can point at the media tent and call them liars and everyone will start chanting "CNN sucks" over and over. Holding a rally us holding a speech plus theatrics.

>mm yeah rub that ego oh fuck yeah

It's free dumb ass

It seems like something Jackson would have done if technology allowed him to do it.

He's going somewhere to give a speech. Presidents do that all the time.

I've looked at this picture a dozen times and this is the first time I noticed she's wearing leggings

>If he just puts out a press release, the media gets to spin it how they want

>the public gets to hear him say exactly what he wants to say, straight out of his mouth

This is the reason. It's also why he tweets so much.

There is a difference between having an ego, and needing constant validation by holding rallies just so people will cheer for you.

>even if he asked the networks for time every week to talk to people directly over TV, they would refuse him or somehow censor/editorialize it
absolute nonsense

Trump could accomplish all of this through a televised address
The only reason to hold a massive rally is because he wants to have his dick sucked by thousands of chanting morons.

Why Orlando and not Philly though?

>The real question is why haven't other presidents done this?
because its a shameless waste of taxpayer money and makes them look like insecure faggots who care more about adulation than they do about the job.

>Be disconnected from the people behind a TV screen for 15 minutes
>or go be with them still even after you won instead of just ditching out on them proving all your campaigning was nothing more than "make me win, shitheads" and showing the people you are still doing this for them and still appreciate them

really puts my noggin on its toboggan

Yeah man, why would Trump hold a rally? It makes no sense.

Because it allows him to stay connected with the people and allows him to talk directly to them without having to worry about the lugenpresse as a middle man


He's going to resign.

Nuremberg rallies

>Radio addresses
>Same as rallies

Are you even trying?

Well duh, that's what presidents do. But Obama didn't hold a RALLY. it's been almost a month and Trump still talks about winning the election. Move on bro

I really hope he doesn't get assassinated, now more than ever there are plenty of useful idiots out there with enough indoctrination on their minds already, the powers that might be could easily sponsor them and just point them to any direction

Maybe he's had a bad week and is feeling pretty lonely?

Maybe he wants a reminder of who he's fighting for.

I'd say after the constant shit flinging over the past 2 years, I'd need a confidence boost as well. This also lets Trump speak directly to the people w/out (((media))) spin as other anons have said. Personally, I think its a setup for reengaging in his war on fake news

This is a bad week? What was Pearl Harbor? 9/11? Cuban missle crisis?

Yeah, it's a bad week for Trump. Let's go to Florida for the 3rd weekend in a row.

I'm not even a shill man, this is just embarrassing.

>Not gonna lie former Trump supporter here. It's been hilarious watching him crash and burn. In all seriousness we cannot let this man get the nuclear codes.

It's a call to war.

>I'm not even a shill

Bullshit. This is textbook concern trolling.

Not gonna lie former Trump supporter here. It's been hilarious watching him crash and burn. In all seriousness we cannot let this man get the Despair code.


You are what is wrong with humanity

spess jerbs

fuck you and everyone who looks like you

the day of the rake is coming

In all seriousness though, while I enjoy sticking it to the establishment by making fun of Drumpfy as much as the next goy, I fear for the safety of my children should we allow him to get his defiled appendages anywhere near the nuclear codes

Trump is a vile and hateful bigot.He has zero substance. We Americans will vote him out of power in 2020. #Blacklivesmatter

florida was a very important toss-up, shoring up support for the 2020 election seems pretty reasonable

>this rally makes me him seem narcissistic
Yep, this rally is what has toppled him from humble man of the people to narcissist manbaby. This is the point of no return. Not every other single moment of his presidency...and life.

Wait I thought Taylor Swift was flat as a board?

IMO it's a show for his supporters who have been seeing nothing but Trump hate broadcast by the kike media.
Something to remind them that there are millions of people who support him.

Yeah. I am concerned that the guy I lost friends for is looking like a fucking idiot. Not everyone is a shill.

Radio was in everyone's home, listening to Roosevelt on radio was like having him there in person.

You voted and shilled for him and are just NOW learning that he is a narcissist?

Are you mentally fucking retarded?

I voted Trump and am fully aware he has an inflated ego.

He's sikh, you ignorant shitstain.

Yeah. And on whitehouse's YT, Trump gives weekly addresses. That's not my problem. My problem is him holding a rally while being president. He's seeking appraisal because he knows he's fucking up.

Better than Hillary.

>t. But seriously we cant let this guy get the nuclear codes

A man of the people.

Implants last year. Big disappointment

He's going to roll his resounding, universally-lauded success in renewing the racial and manufacturing base of the US into a full-court press for optimism, a manned orbit of the moon.

Ignore this faggot shill. Its clear after just a couple of responses he's a reddit faggot here to argue about bullshit.

>you thought

Fuckin leaf

Like an idiot doesnt know he is idiot.
Thé shill doesnt know he is shilling

He does. It's on the white house YouTube channel good sir

PLease marry me TayTay!

Trump will declare war on the Deep State.

I would guess proximity to Mar-a-Lago plays a role

lick his boots some more, goy.

This is the new meme after "draining the swamp" lost its momentum

>makes me him seem narcissistic.
he is. You didn't notice this before you voted for him?

I saw this same comment in another thread.

I smell a bot

Not gonna lie former Trump supporter here. It's been hilarious watching him crash and burn. In all seriousness we cannot let this man get the nuclear codes.

he just wants to go back to the good ol campaigning days and feel loved again

This is low-tier Shareblue shilling.

Trump said he would continue to hold rallies after he won, so this is hardly surprising.

Here's the link for you autists who don't know how to use google to corroborate what others claim:


please don't breed

well if you actually shilled for him then you saw how much love dude was getting and how energized we all were. now after all that he is at the white house w/o his family and mybe 3 or 5 trusted people.... oh and his whole base has gone silent. have you looked at his tweet feeds? he makes a statement and its all opposition and no support. in fact he has gotten no support for a while now. let me ask you this: have you sent him a congrat or thank you or support card of any sort? if not what is stopping you? do you have $5 and a stamp? you know old timers love shit like that right?

my point is yes he will probably make an announcement, and yes he has ego and is narcissistic but he is also essentially fighting for you by himself without you or really anybody giving a shit about lifting a finger or supporting HIM.


They weren't your friends to begin with

just peeped these, good stuff!

>mfw he says "good bless you, and god bless America"

>shilled for him
Nobody asked you to shill, kike.

I don't know. I'm worried the deep state attacks are getting to him and he's just doing it because he needs emotional support. If so I hope our people are there for him.

He needs to know that we will fight for him in armed combat if need be.

He has to consolidate popular support to clean hiuse in the government

Trump doesn't trust polls. Rallies are literally how he gauges public opinion. It's actually a smart idea. If not many people show up, then Trump knows he's screwed up something and needs to do something differently. But if tons of people show up despite the negative coverage, then Trump knows that the public still supports him and what he's doing.

>no reddit posts

I'm worried about that too. I want to start a social media campaign along the lines of #IStandWithTrump or #WeStandWithOurPresident etc but I'm afraid Twitter/Facebook will suppress it

Because he's the people's president and he needs to be with the people.

>the difference between the cost of his daughter's security at the Tower and what it would be at the white house is more than you make in a year

He's been in Florida a lot. When he went to MarA lago there were tons of supporters lining the streets. He didn't make it back on the thank you tour did he? Maybe he wants to assure the immigrant population he's only coming after criminals since msm is causing mass hysteria

your pathetic, your whole country and people are pathetic. nords are about as relevant in the scheme of life, history and everything else as a nigger crackwhore giving a blowjob to a donkey. you are less than nothing, your people are fuck toys to be used and discarded at a whim. fuck off cuck

I didn't think they sold them. I think they're just first come first serve. Or they're charging bc of the venue hosting it and to keep protesters out

my god.

>tfw too small and insignificant to ever sex tay

It's more personal and removes the gatekeepers to the people. I bet there's a company coming there that he's going to announce

that is an absurd statement and is completely irrelevant to my proposition. like seriously fucking disconnected from my statement.

>sure i like baseball but trees have no teethskin