Just a friendly warning

Just a friendly warning.

You're probably aware of the Russian "troll factories" that employ paid shills to make comments on websites of interest.

With Trump taking a public stance that Crimea must be returned there will be an influx of paid posters soon. I don't know all of the details yet - but it seems that the general message of paid posts will be giving light jabs to Trump's lack of power.

I recommend you to be wary of ANY posts made by Russians or originating from other CIS countries.

We're at war and this war is almost invisible. Don't become a victim.

Other urls found in this thread:


Russia runs CTR?

Every major country does.

See "50 Cent Party" or "Operation Earnest Voice".

What kind of 4d are we even playing anymore?

What's wrong with Russia taking Crimea and east Ukraine succeeding? I really don't see the problem with it. If Croatia can be a country why can't Donestk

RIDF is very real. CTR was an ad hoc project to get Clinton elected. What we are facing right now on the US-based globalist side is much larger than CTR, and much better equipped.

They have created a single messaging platform across partisan and "mainstream" media, and are using advanced messaging vetted by the top persuasion specialists (Cialdini and others)

See words like "Dark" and "Chaos" that repeat across platforms as example of fingerprints

This, together with "homegrown" efforts based out of California and DC based astroturf specialists usually peddling their ware at the state level and left-of-liberal online nexûs, such as marxism.net, Somethingawful off-sites (rhizzone.net) and others, present a significant array of forces aligned with the globalists at this point

Why is it the dems and hillary do one or a few things, then try to blame it on Russia or trump? I.e.
>hire a bunch of nerdvirgins to spread misinfo and derail conversations
>then a month later start claiming others are "Russian shills"?

Daily reminder to report and sage spam threads

>then a month later start claiming others are "Russian shills"?
This has been known a long time ago, actually.
Also, the tide IS already changing.
Go to some pro-Russian news website and you can see comments full of people saying that Trump is a weak leader or that he was broken by elites.
Just so you know, all you did is post "lalala can't hear you" comment.


Didn't know hahols could buy proxys