What do you think of common core user?

What do you think of common core user?

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Is it as bad as people say it is?

my niece was doing poor in math and i couldnt understand it. so i told her to show me this math next time i was coming around. so a week later im there and see it- a page of wrong answers. with disappointment in my bloodline i start examining the paper. its a bunch of math that is DONE RIGHT. so i read the directions and it is a long convoluted paragraph basically telling the student to answer with estimates. but it didnt even call it an estimate it had some retarded word i cant remember. it was shit like 40+13 =50 and my niece got it wrong for writing 40+13=53

i can understand the concept of failing to follow instructions but imagine failing math cause you put the right answers?

Yes, our school systems are failing. Public school is a joke. Success in kids comes from extracurricular activities only.

thats some serious institutional mind fuckery



Yeah its pretty bad.

>be in math class
>do math homework
>the answers are correct
>user, you have to show your work
>show work
>user, you have to do it MY WAY or it's wrong
If the results are correct then who the fuck cares how I got them anyway?

Comon Core boils down to this

Girls are not predisposed to math (and math is the foundation of all STEM)
Nothing has ever made blacks get better grades in any subject ever

Solution: baffle them with bullshit, make everyone fail, then everyone is equal

It is made to confuse and dumb down kids.

Helping my sibling in 2nd grade with their homework I'm like "WTF"
I dodged a bullet and got in something called advanced something core.

fake af
theres literally nothing incorrect here other than the implication that Germany was super on board for hitler. Even Hindenburg and Ludendorff hated him


Man that's a poorly written book.
It tone is so informal, so judgmental, and glosses over facts like crazy

White european, middle class
Yes, yes and yes.
95-99% chance it will be a white male.
been out of school for a while, I'd say overall it was almost entirely white and narrowly mostly female if I lump university and primary together.
I belong here, and people like me contribute to society in significant ways.

>all these hicks complaining about simple maths

Yes yes be a good goyim

Common Core really isn't that bad. If you can't handle it there's a high chance you're actually retarded and/or have a sub 90 IQ. All you have to do is turn shit in and you pass with A's and B's. Common Core isn't the problem. Lack of students committing to their education is. Kids these days don't give a fuck.

>Unequal band-aid representation is now an issue

Complaining that correct answers get marked incorrect by idiots.

>hrr drr the mountains of physical evidence dont stop me from being a retard!

Why not just use Pythagorean theorem?

I think that we should set the standards very high and just allow the dumb kids to fail. Either that or end public school after eighth grade and give kids the option to choose whether they want to go further with their education.

holy shit i thought my human geography book written by a jew named "James M. Rubenstein" would be bad but this is just outright indoctrination

>physical evidence
>for 11 million jews being killed by nazis in concentration camps


The implication is you are cheating if you don't show work

Remember to thank Schlomo for inventing freedom.

Thank god it's getting abolished.

Or that the Jews did nothing wrong and were persecuted for no reason.
Or that Jews think everybody is equal.

teacher here
you're right but its still retarded I never get on my students about showing work

Wtf. it's all stupid, but I draw the line at #7.

who said 11 mil

I did, twice

pythagoras doesn't work without angles, and you have to measure the distances of the lengths anyway, herons is better here for the third triangle, because you don't have any angles measurements and you do have all the lengths

elsewise show me your work

>imagine a nation where children are taught to report any illegal activity, including their parents'

the claim is 6 million jews and 5 million other.

>Caring about bandaid colours
I'm white and bandaids don't match my skin.
They're fucking orange.

the first one is true
>hey france and the uk ruined our country
>lets blame some completely unrelated religious group

I don't like that flavor as much as the Hitler did nothing wrong flavor.

>insanely difficult forms of math
I mean, it's stupid to try and teach mathematical intuition, but commoncore math is hardly difficult...

thought you were talking about just jews. yea then thats probably more or less right

what's wrong with this

Ohhh. You are doing trigonometry?


The biggest influence on a child's education is their parents, and most parents just don't care about their children. Most people on the board thing education is just brainwashing. Is it any surprised American kids are so dumb?

Or you know, the fact that a bunch of communist jews started a violent rebellion a few years earlier

It's literally the way we all do math as adults. I haven't carried a 2 and shit since grade school but I can tell you that 27 + 44 = 60 + 10 + 1 in an instant.

Currently 18 yo senior in a public high school. In my literature and composition class we have to analyse Othello through the Marxist, feminist and archetypal lenses. We learn how gender and race is a social construct.

There's nothing wrong with dedicating 3 paragraphs to how good and pure Jews are and how their religion is so perfect and correct?

What if a textbook devoted an entire page to talking about how benevolent and peace-loving muslims or christians are? Why does the page not challenge the reader to make an assessment of who was right and who was wrong instead of just force-feeding them the answer, "Germany was wrong."

Doesn't this assume that the reader is too stupid to make a judgement that killing six million jews is bad? Why does it characterize Hitler as some sort of supervillain who overtook Germany by surprise and hated the Germans?

I'm 20 and I don't even know how to divide or multiply.

That description sounds much more like Communist Russia

Well, the average person is stupid as fuck, that is why they setup school the way it is. It was meant to produce a certain workforce back when it was useful, now it isn't as useful cause you don't have a bunch of drones making dodads in a factory.

The reality is people who are smart, creative and driven will succeed either way, retards will continue being retards.


it was written by a sneaky heeb and middle schoolers are easy goy prey.
they teach their jewish children the same shit from birth.

I don't dislike common core as an alternative method of teaching since it's really just different ways of thinking about methods we already use and know. I dislike that it's being forced as THE new method - see pages of student homework marked wrong for correct answers because they used the "wrong" strategy.

>Sup Forumsacks can't decipher troll posts aimed directly at them.


Herons formula can be derived from trig, but it's completely unnecessary, it works regardless

what are you even asking?

the pic adds two triangles.
one from base and height, and the other from 3 side lengths (heron's), after one side (a) is extracted from 2 Pythagorean formulas

1/2*b*h + sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)), where s = (a+b+c)/2

tldr: the point is the fucking Common Core question gives you a fucking impossible "trapezoid", and i solved it for the largest area of the actual quadrilateral

Dont you just take the other side off to form a square, subtract 12 from 16 and divide by 2 to find the missing side of the triangle and then solve the triangles and the square?

That's okay. As long as you know how to vote and don't like brown people you can still be a useful idiot.

Multiplication is just repeated addition.
Simple as fuck.
I don't remember how to do division, since I never ever do it by hand.

>bolsheviks were jews
this is the worst meme
>3 paragraphs in an entire textbook
wewewewewew. its because the nazis were wrong and its not really something that requires deduction you pants on head retard.

>pythagoras doesn't work without angles

If it's a right angle, it doesn't matter about the angles. They could be anything, as long as one of the angles is 90º (hence a right triangle).

Clearly, the numerical values for the bases are wrong.
If we solve for both bases, they should sum to 4 (16-12/2 = 2) Which makes the hypotenuse 5.38.

No, because 2^2 + 5^2 =/= 8^2.

Division is just repeated subtraction.
Simple as fuck.
I don't remember how to do multiplication, since I never ever do it by hand.

I remember that these dimensions can't form a trapezoid, but for the life of me I can't remember why.

Well, to be fair, if you pick up a shitty strategy in math there is a lot of cases where it works for some cases, then fails for others. People will build up a bad habit, then when it fails, they don't know why.

People who are ignorant to a thing probably shouldn't be just willy nilly doing whatever they want. Not to say that someone couldn't find some paradigm shifting change, but they aren't going to do it in fucking high school, so it is stupid either way.

On that note, someone found fucking up as a teacher consistently should be fired for incompetence like anyone else, but everyone makes mistakes.

What if I put three paragraphs about anal fisting in a textbook? Does that still excuse the 3 paragraphs?

Jesus christ you're either thick, or a shill.

>pic to fucking scale
that "formula" only works for a trapezoid, and the side lengths given do not make a trapezoid

>largely drawing fuel from the fact that eight out of the ten leaders of the communist revolution were Jewish

The only problem is one company makes the material and gets all the profit. Beyond that, the math is simple. The people who butch about it really do not understand math and think about math on a near child level. It is sad.

The complaints are overstated.

That said it's still a huge problem.

Somewhere along the line they convinced decision makers that you can teach a 6 year old algebra. You can, but you have to use friendly metaphors and tokens. Physical objects and counters work even better.

An Example:

I have 30 points worth of fruit. Bananas are worth 5 points. I have 2 bananas and 1 coconut. How many points are coconuts worth?

You can give them a problem like this and give them physical tokens for each of the items. 2 banana tokens, 1 coconut token, and 3 10-point tokens. You replaced each banana tokens with 5 One-point token, realize that 2 stacks of 5 is 10, and then upgrade to a 10-point token. Then remove a 10 point token from both sides.

You can illustrate this with a scale even. If each item has physical weight associated to it, the child can guess and see what this does for the scale. For an equation to be equal, the scale has to balance. They can use guess work and see the correlation to specific action, rather than just knowing it was "wrong".

It becomes an exercise in turning one of the fruits (variables) into points, which can be subtracted from both sides.

Because schools refuse to fund math departments with anything but pens and paper, the tokens and markers go out the fucking window. They teach these algebraic concepts in a way that is conducive to having the physical items, and then expect small children to do it on paper.

I have a 9 year old foster that was at a 1.5th grade level equivalency. We started doing this with magic cards and spindown counters, and he's at grade level. The system requires toys to make it fun, and personal attention to become strong.

I love the Australian National curriculum, written by a hardcore Stalinist & they're forced into subjects about why government intervention in our lives are necessary, including the importance of Democracy, citizenship & government intervention in the economy from "market failures", shit reads like straight out of r/Socialism.

Resolution doesn't work on my phone. Is this the gamergate thing?

yeah, thats the point

and i solved for the area of the actual quadrilateral the numbers make

the numbers do not make a trapezoid, and the bases are not parallel by those given numbers, so the "area of a trapezoid" function your using does not work

>the complaints are overstated

they're teaching wrong math that goes "you can make 9-9 = 0 with retarded dumbasses drawn out steps " when 9-9 just equals FUCKING 0

Math tutor here
Govt school can never fix a problem. Teacher unions function like a communist board so no one is ever fired for the right reason other than literal severe crimes. Curriculum have to use he crony capitalist textbook and online classes are designed by monkeys unless your school has money for WebAssign.

Nothing in that figure indicates it's a right angle. Nor does it indicate that the angles on the left match those on the right.

it's because the trapezoid is formed by two right triangles with a square
the pythagorean theorem basically states that right triangles will always have the same relation of sides to the hypotenuse
solving pythagorean theorem for one triangle gives you the length of the unlabeled side, which is the square root of 39 (little bit over 6)
since the base of the trapezoid is the top of the rectangle + both the bottom sides of the triangles, 12 + ~12 =/= 16, meaning this isn't a trapezoid

>be 10th grade
>love math, ace all tests, 15-20 homework problems nightly, homework weighted 30% of grade
>11th grade
>common core just started being enforced
>50-60 homework problems per night, homework only counts for 10% of the grade
>get a 75% on every test because "didn't show enough work" or "don't draw zeroes with a line in them" or "don't use the quadratic formula in this problem, use completing the square" or "use the method the standards require, this one won't be graded"
>finish class with an 82%, hate math for the rest of my life because common core made it fucking horrible

holy shit, how do people respond to the fucking second pic, and ignore the first which points this out, and then shows the correct math?

Keep LARPING broh. You guys that are so anti union need to learn what tenure is or realize the problem comes from shifty admins.

Had a similar experience with this when I was in HS 2 years ago
>be spic
>every Wednesday we had an extra 30~min class period for college shit, surveys, etc.
>it was like your pic except with more questions, around 20 or so
>fill it out with meme answers
>being an edgy little shit I decided to draw a little swastika and erase it
>turns out my cheap erasers couldn't erase it completely
>teacher takes our papers
>2 hours later get called to the office
>principal calls me over and sits me down
>inside is an eric harris-looking kid covered in acne from the same class I had that morning
>turns out teacher was reading my answers and saw the hitler-windmill
>instead of assuming I was a nazi or had a dark sense of humor, he thinks the white kid who dressed like a shooter was influencing me
>principal makes the kid apologize to me
>after fully realizing what really happened I try explaining everything but I get to have a talk with the counselor instead
>its like this kid committed a hate crime
>feel really bad
>teachers search kid's locker and find a fucking armband, a pack of cigs, and an old switchblade
>mfw when I unknowingly got a Sup Forumstard in trouble just for existing

>blame common core and not the increase in grade going to harder math classes such as calc

k, you will hate college math then, cause my buddy was a math major and would spend hours on one problem and a few pages to show the work.

>"don't draw zeroes with a line in them"

that the first i heard of this one
you killed this teacher on the spot with the righteous rage of 1000 suns right?

Please provide a reference to 9-9 is 0 with retarded steps.

You're straw-manning this here. There are some optional styles that include some steps that look strange, but you're crying about isn't one of them.

I'm not a complete retard like you make me out to be.

A=70sq units, dumbasses. What's so hard about this

I took a probability & statistics class at the college the year afterwards as part of the dual enrollment program, and it was fine. Weighting was reasonable, tests were graded on whether the answer was correct or not rather than if you used the specific method required by the school's standards.

wew webassign!

If you cannot fire a bad performer, you will eventually have nothing but bad performers.

The best admins in the world make hiring mistakes.

Imagine now that you can't fix those mistakes and instead they compound, and ruin your entire industry, leading to fewer qualified applicants applying in the first place.

>common core

Nigger you must be using some non-euclidean geometry, or you're as dumb as (((they))) want you to be

Yeah, this wasn't statistics, this was real math, he was a physics/math major. He used to laugh at the bullshit classes like statistics, cause his work was much more in depth and hard. I lived with him during that time, I would see the work, it was very in depth.

They require a certain method when you are initially learning cause you are a dumbass kid and can build bad habits that work sometimes and then fail other times. You learn the proper way where it will work every time, commit it to memory, then if you want to pursue your own endeavors you can take a masters in math and do your own research.

You are learning already known information, not discovering new things. The 1 person per million that might be capable of discovering something new isn't worth altering the whole program for.

Any retard would assume right angles are implied you fucking moron

But that makes the problem impossible, so it's not much of a reasonable assumption.

My simple and honest answer is that I don't know shit about trig and was just focusing on triangle rules. I knew one of them was violated even though I couldn't remember them, but I never learned Heron's formula or what it's meant to represent.

I see now that the picture points out that the angle opposite the triangle's base is impossible and adjusts the shape accordingly, but you were thinking on an entirely higher level than I was.

>do math homework
>ace all tests
>don't get credit for the homework because I never show my work
>try to explain that there's no work to show because i do it in my head
>doesn't matter
>stop doing homework out of frustration
>still ace all tests
>fail all math because of homework scores

Fast forward 10 years and I make fuck you money with my fuck you math skills as a data scientist at an infosec company even though I have a GED and 1 year of art college.

Who cares what they teach in school in america? School doesn't mean shit in CURRENT_YEAR.

not really, since multi doesnt force you to deal with decimals or repeating numbers for when you divide by an odd number. Im too damn reliant on a calculator these days.

This. Is this shit and people behind it really so shallow that bandage color is an issue? Most band-aids are a tan color, not skin color. Gauze is pure white.
What the fuck is this shit?