what ever happened to the south korean president cult shit?
What ever happened to the south korean president cult shit?
shh user, you're not supposed to know about that
what do you mean?
Bunp for interest
I'm just saying, did you ever see our media cover this? Have any of your normie acquaintances even heard about it whatsoever?
They don't want us to know what happens when your entire population unites against the deep state.
I'm also curious about the recent developments btw.
I think this is true. My family literally works in politics and had only heard that there was a scandal.
hows kangaroo land?
korean here
the initiation of the bitch's impeachment has passed thru the senate
the senate has filed an impeachment case at the constitutional court
court is now examining if the case is valid and is now calling for witnesses and testimonials
bitch is stalling at court by making witnesses absent for all sessions
and herself also absent ofc
constitutional court caught wind of it and is now skipping witnesses
decision will have to be made before march (one of the anti-park judges is retiring) in order for the impeachment to actually take effect
asshole, i meant like wtf happened with her whats the scoop on this crazy cunt?
I'm sorry you have to go through all this
which crazy cunt you greasy creampuff
theres MANY involved in this shit
bump for interest. we need answers
President cannot use her presidential powers. She is either going to be impeached soon or stay with no power until next elections in December.
Her friend who managed the sect and controlled her is in jail and is facing trial along with a few people from the government. She had to come back from Germany and when she did some people thought it was a lookalike puppet. Hopefully it's the real one who is in jail..
Have more members of the 8 been identified, or is it still just the astrology lady?
we need someone to translate this shit
but I can't be bothered to do it
I got work to do
It was nothing.
wtf is going on i have heard nothing of this
>mfw trump using the pencil sharpener in the oval office is more newsworthy than the fucking statanic cult controlling worst korea
My pet dog licked my penis yesterday and now I have PTSD
there's bigger shit at hand than the paltry eight now
all of them at court and are being harassed with questionings from the investigative committee organized by the senate
also internal blacklist from HR has been discovered
Samsung CEO has been found out allegedly bribing Park and the shaman lady from being threatened
i guess i dont know shit about it
can you give me a basic gestalt about the cult and what they and the president did?
sorry for calling you asshole, nigger
its been swept up.
Fives confirm. Also curious how we hear nothing about Venezuela.
cult dates back to era of current Park's dad, who was a dictator who came into power by coup d'etat
cult was headed by the shaman lady's dad, and hooked the current Park in with hocus pocus after the current Park's mom, the first lady, has been assassinated by a north korean agent, claiming they can channel what her dead mom is saying in the afterlife
and naturally, the cult head's daughter and the current park got close, and was literally pic related ever since
all the brainwork has been the witch's work, with the current Park just merely being the mouthpiece
So, Koreans all look alike even to Koreans? That's reassuring.
hillary had her doubles man
fooled enough people to get away with it
The bitch who brainwashed her is hiding out in Germany I think.
Notice a parallel between the daughters of Megalia and the pussy hat women march?
The pussy hat army had a speaker who went to jail for kidnapping a guy and slowly killing him for 2 days. Another speaker is a ISIS shill. Madonna said lets blow up the white house.
>swept up
by the western media
gotta focus on drumpf xDDDD
Good point.
>The bitch who brainwashed her is hiding out in Germany I think.
got caught and shipped over to korea
Is it true that Park had a k-pop MV director and a gigolo in her circle of presidential aides/advisers?
If so, then SK politics destroy US politics in entertainment value.
kpop industry has been minmaxed to dumb down the peasants, and to fish out money from horny teen girls and curious effeminate boys
goddamn this made me want to move to south korea to work as a political journalist even more, I should just up and do it even if it's hard af with low funds
user, I...
That is incredible. The reality of the situation surpasses anything I could dream of. Westernization was a mistake.
why are you surprised?
your hollywood does the exact same shit but on a fucking global scale
how can women be so fucking stupid?
how was this retard elected? was it literally muh dead parents?
muh ded mom
and that's just the starter
after that it's all subtle brainwashing in guise of being a "friend"
Don't underestimate the powers Samsung has in korea.
They are their own quasi government since they hold so much of the korean economy.
Samsung ain't THAT powerful
just overfed company raised by the government
it's why the CEO had to pay "dues" in order to keep the special benefits for samsung flowing
For one, not a single iota of this situation was reported in western media. I have only heard of it through a few Korean friends of mine.
Secondly, I cannot think of a time where an escort was advising our president.
The entire part where Choi rewrote Park's speeches to near unintelligible levels is bizarre.
Was she drugged, or is this Operating Thetan level brainwashing?
... Australians are odd
Can I get a quick rundown on this shit?
Explain it like I've never heard of it before and don't even know what Korea is
You might want to ask
in other words Eli5? just say it you know you wanted to
>escort was advising our president
100% has happened in the past. courtesans have been a thing for ages and they often end up whispering in someone powerful's ear.
now I must go
got shit to do
let that gookrune page be your guide
G-d bless user
May Kek guide your body and soul.
I saw the tiniest bit about it when the impeachment charges were brought against Park. But they mentioned nothing about a cabal of shady bitches controlling the head of state.
Funny that even the "alt media" didnt cover this much, perhaps due to the election cycle being in full effect during the time.
why is everyone named fucking park over there?
>The pussy hat army had a speaker who went to jail for kidnapping a guy and slowly killing him for 2 days.
It was certainly the election cycle.
World media loves sucking America's cock during the election, whilst after they turn and go back to bitching/whining/moaning about us.
I guess no matter how intriguing, surreal, or fantastical the story out of SK gets, it won't be reported. Such is the nature of electronic media.
Most families share the same names: kim, lee, park, choi...
I have to ask for
...could I get a quick rundown? :^)
back in the day you didn't need that many last names because only nobles had them. then when the serfs were freed, they just adopted the already existing names.
doesnt that shit get confusing?
There was an occasional article in the main streen metoeor
It does... especially since brothers and sisters tend to have similar first names too...
And women all want to spend their money on aesthetic surgery in order to have the same face as everybody else. ..
>And women all want to spend their money on aesthetic surgery in order to have the same face as everybody else.
How widespread is that? Do girls get a surgery from their parents when they complete 15 or something? What other aspects of your daily life are like that?
ive been watching some korean films lately, and i literally cant tell people apart and i attribute this to me not being used to telling apart asian faces
but is it as hard for you guys?
i swear i lose people in fight scenes
This shit is real and is still happening. It plays at least 5 times a day on the Korean TV network that is available via Dish Network. They are now finding out that the President and her daughter have some shit like 20+ shell companies they are using to launder CITIZEN TAX MONEY to pocket in Germany, Sweden, France, and a few other countries. Why is the U.S. news not covering it? Because it was implied a week into the protests that the S.Korea President's businesses, money laundering, and dirty deals connect to a few U.S. politicians. They alluded that Clintons were involved, France's PM, Germany' Merkel, and multiple politicians in Sweden.
Its still going on strong in South Korea. Some shit like 8 politicians had stepped down for being connected to it. If you want to know anything, let me know. I can quickly pull up the news coverage and see if I can answer anything you ask.
>pet dog
What other kind of dogs are there..... chang?
Is there one individual good source that tells the whole story? I just want to share it around.
Not in the Korean news. However, there are a few sites with timelines up until around December. Right now is an investigation to uncover everything, taking statements, gathering evidence.
what was the weirdest cult shit they did?
I'm a french guy, but to give you an idea I'm engaged with a Korean woman who has done no surgery, but her two sisters got surgeries. Eyes, jaw, nose, ...
And my girlfriend always harasses me because she wants surgeries too and I'm against it.
I think really a lot of Korean women have surgeries, especially eyes (to get double eyelid like western people), nose (straight nose like western people) and jaw (more oval face). Their parents often pay for it when they finish high school and before entering university.
Also, when people have a kid who seem ugly, they joke among each other that they should put money aside in the bank in order to fix their baby's face when she will be older. I'm not bulshitting here, and I wish I was! I have heard my in laws say this about a cousin newborn and to her parents.
This society has turned materialistic to a point you cannot even imagine... I'm not going to stay here for too long.
It's true for women as here only beautiful people can become actors. My girlfriend is always surprised when she watches french movies and the main actors are ugly!
So in Korean dramas, especially the females have all undergone surgery. And by all I mean it's actually very rare to see an actress with no surgery, kinda exceptional.
The beauty standard is really precise so every woman who wants to be beautiful is going to end up with the almost exact same faces.
Of course they often can't act well, but I don't know... I think it's secondary to Korean people.
Oh. I forgot to mention that there are possibly 200+ bodies buried on property owned by cultists who believe in the same shit.
Also, this surgery thing really permeates through society. Even when you take the metro, you are going to see several ads about surgery with booking information. The most cruel I've seen was mirrors in a metro station with the phone number of a surgery chain printed on the side (yes they have aesthetical surgery chains, and the more surgery you get the more discount you have).
When we watch TV, I like to ask "is this girl natural?" when I have a doubt, and my girlfriend laughs 90% of the time and tells me she has this and that and that parts of her face that were redone.
It's always the face though. They don't care about boobs and asses here.
The focus of investigation has narrowed down somewhat to these:
1. President's "shaman" advisor accepted $50M in bribe from Samsung and in return instructed the National Pension Service to vote 'Yes' on a merger of two Samsung affiliates that benefits the Samsung founder's family at loss of other shareholders. The National Pension lost about $300M due to this merger.
2. The Federation of Korean Industries paid protesters (mostly old people with nothing to do) to stage rallies in support of the President on instruction of the President's "shaman."
3. President's advisors made blacklists of "left-wing" figures in literature, film, music, sports, etc. Most of the names weren't involved with politics at all, making the list baffling. These people were denied funding, teaching posts, or appearance on three public broadcasters.
yikes im starting to think these surgeries are a good idea
lol does your girlfriend look like this before picture?
Goes against the narrative so it's quietly swept up under the rug while the non-issue with Trump is paraded around like it's supposed to mean something.
Not even joking, I seen one report of the South Korea shit over here. One.
4. Re-investigation of the supposed murder-suicide of two of the President's cousins. One of the cousins was involved with bringing in the thugs to forcibly remove the President's younger sister from the family foundation (which controls $3B+ in assets). This cousin supposedly became bitter when he wasn't paid enough money afterwards and started talking. The "shaman" is thought to have hired contract killers to kill this cousin and another cousin and pinned it the murder on him.
5. Who is the "shaman's" daughter? Ongoing speculation that the birth mother is actually the President (who never married) and the father is the "shaman"'s father.
would you rather look like the geico caveman or get surgeries? lol
tough choice
quality post
Were they lesbians?
NPR covered it pretty thoroughly. It ended a couple months ago with "well no one seems to care anymore so we'll let you know if anything changes".
it's true man some black lady who did jail time for kidnapping a torturing a guy was a woman's march speaker
Any more of these?
LOL a fucking archon south koreas best game
NPR moved on to covering Trump like 24/7. He sneezes, its "chaos" "nothing like this has ever happened".
I dont believe this
that jew nose
TIL korean women are FUGLY
Not at all ^^ Koreans have in general a rounder face than that, with large jaws. She has a round face ^^
So fucked up... though most of those marchers are too.
The problem is, if you find yourself a nice looking Korean girl with the stereotypical face, there is a good chance she got surgery and if you ever have a kid with her you will be surprised.
All of these girls have mental problems too. They have surgery in order to inflate their ego.
This said, people and especially women who are ugly cannot even find work here. It's really that stupid. Even men with early balding have to get fake hair otherwise they can't get a job. The pressure to be successful is insane too.
Only way to be sure is to ask for childhood and middle school photos. If she refuses to show them, escape asap.
Best Korea will reunify you soon
too bad kim is a total obese faggot
Jesus its like stepford wives where everyone was the same. I guess maybe it's because Korean women so naturally fugly, they need plastic surgery to feel good.