>Muh schulz
>Muh red wave
>Muh gottkanlzer
>Muh schulz
>Muh red wave
>Muh gottkanlzer
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bump, how does that make u feel
and why the fuck did afd go from 12-14% to this shit?
>half of berlin voting green
what the fuck krauts
Schulz would actually do what foreign Media claims Merkel does.
berlin is the most cucked part of germany.
Check local parliaments here and you'll confirm
Red = SPD
Black = CDU
Blue = AfD
Lighter blue in Bavaria = CSU
Yellow = FDP
Kind of Orange = Piraten
Green = Green
Other = Irrelevant
she dindu nuffin or is he jsut worse?
We merkelmissile?
actually I forgot one relevant party
Purple = Linke
Yes we all know how accurate (((polls))) are...
Speaking from experience of a family member commiting suicide it's sad watching a country do the same
Bavaria is the only uncucked place in germany.
If these polls aren't fabricated, Germany is over.
wtf is up with the greens in baden-wurttemberg?
the other recent polls (older than these btw) show schulz tied or 1% ahead of Merkel.
Even worse result
I don't think it makes much difference whether it's Merkel or Schultz. Either Germans wake up and vote AfD (or that more nationalist party, which is even more unlikely) or it's gonna be more of the same.
Schulz is literally an EU politician. Literally the butt body off Juncker who comes down to germany to "fix" it.
which means Turbo Pro Eu politics, open borders, gibs money for everybody, no Turkey deal and forcing refugees on all other countries.
Merkel's stance to Trump is "Let's try to keep the good relations to America"
Schulz stance to Trump is "I'd tell him to fuck off and grow up (sic!)"
Schulz is a turbo leftist who'd bring the communist party into the government.
I know your media portrays Merkel as a turbo lefty but she's actually conservative.
Schulz would be our doom. Only people who vote for him are people who are too dumb to realize who he is and just do it because "he's not Merkel"
Cucks. They went so quickly from one of the top states in education (only second to Bavaria) from one of the worst states in education (a little above Berlin) so quickly, it's actually a perfect demonstration how lefty politics ruin a country.
Are Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg-Vorpommem ourstates?
Why tho? No normal place I've seem voted for greens this much
>"I'd tell him to fuck off and grow up (sic!)"
Wtf wth is his problem? New retard to start ww3?
Note that purple is the communist party.
All is cucked.
Saxony is alright though. One of the only states aside from Bavaria that fights the refugee politics.
Too bad that Saxons are incompetent tards who let a fucking trainee watch over a terrorist and then are surprised that the terrorist comitted suicide before they could question him (no joke or hyperbole)
dude, these places are fuckin shitholes
afd is strong where people are frustrated, no jobs, no money, no perspective. of course people vote for dumb ratcatchers.
>fucking trainee watch over a terrorist and then are surprised that the terrorist comitted suicide before they could question him
It's one of the paradoxies in the voting population. They are unhappy with SPD so they vote for a different party. They don't wanna go rightwing so they go other lefty party which is greens. Which is really is just Sugar Free SPD.
Same reason why voting for Schulz instead of Merkel would be an absolute desaster
t. Van der Cuck
Who will you vote for?
CSU and AfD
is this district/list? Are AfD any strong in Bavaria where people seem to have something ok going already?
Yeah it's district list. AfD isn't really strong in Bavaria, nut casting the vote for Union and AfD is also a signal for the analysts that people want a Union AfD coalition
good idea
also bump germany posts keep getting slided
Merkel is at least walking back the open borders/unlimited refugee policy right?
AfD really needs to do something, they aren't vocal enough, coalition with anyone else is political suicide imho.
at least they'd have some power over government