>Make-up artist, 22, and her boyfriend, 22, agree that SHE can sleep with whoever she likes but he must stay faithful after she told him she would leave him otherwise
>Make-up artist, 22, and her boyfriend, 22, agree that SHE can sleep with whoever she likes but he must stay faithful after she told him she would leave him otherwise
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friendly reminder that you will watch your parents die eventually
What if you don't? Is it worse they get to watch you die/be dead?
Beat her with a bat until she stops breathing and then throw her in the trash
That's a text book Cuck
Already did lad. Now I have nothing to dread but my own fading. Feels good.
>open relationship
Ayy lmao
Sounds like they're better off not being in a relationship
As if any of us needs a reminder. Shit haunts me before I fall asleep every night.
my mom was a horrible parent so i dont really care
will be hard to see my dad pass tho
>22 year olds
>dumb as fuck
this is not news
I have to watch shitty videos to sleep to distract me from my inevitable plunge into the void.
Shit sucks man.
The guy got cucked so hard he made it into the news
gotta learn to stop caring man
as soon as you accept that you're gonna die it can only get easier
jokes on you, already did
Friendly reminder you will get cancer fuck you
>makeup artist
Says it all lads.
Nope. Stage 4 cancer.
>dating girlfriend for 2 years
>get into a bad fight yesterday
>today she posts pictures of her trainer with hearts around it on snap chat
>more snaps of her in new long. With wine and the label "cheers" just to me
What do Sup Forums
...d-did this post give it to you?
Leave her, she's pretty much told you she's cheating on you.
Me too, #deadparentssociety
fb delete, ignore, get rid of her shit. smile.
not if i kill myself first
probably bait but you already know the answer. the cleanest, fastest break possible.
I think it was more of a ruse to piss me off and she didn't actually cheat but she definitely did it to get to me
good luck user
>western relationships
How do I deal with all of our stuff? Sounds like a pain
Done. It's over. I don't even need to read the rest of this. Break up with her. Come on, you're young - still a first round draft pick! Got a full head of hair... in reality, she did you a favor. Hey, you know what would be the greatest, if they had some kind of a breakup suit... OK, here's whatcha do. When she comes home from work, be waiting for her in your breakup suit when the helmet in your hand, and say "honey, let's go for a drive." She'll be confused because you always drive. "Don't worry honey, it's all gonna make sense in a couple of miles." Then, once you're out on the interstate, tell her "I'm breaking up with you" then boom, just open the car door and jump out, and you'll never see her again.
Having already died briefly myself, this is the last thing I truly fear.
Do some similar shit right back at her and watch her get filled with jealousy, fake it if you have to doesn't matter. It's a clear shit test she's doing.
I have to. Otherwise they'll try and escape from the fire.
Any more pics of mutton chops & his side of tits?
forget jews forget muslims forget niggers, it's white woman like this that will be the death of the white race and western society.
The guy looks like an edge-lord loser. Probably couldn't get any better pus, I'd do the same.
What a cuck.
Reminder no one likes you, outcast. Your lucky I don't get my big American hands on you I'd teach you how to really bully someone.
Obligatory story
>pic related
dont let her use the bathroom until she apologises
>get into a fight like adults do
>her first instinct is to make it seem like she is cheating
I understand being angry but that is pretty fucked up
It is just petty bullshit
Talk to her about it and she can either fix her shit attitude or you can break up with her
>today she posts pictures of her trainer with hearts around it on snap chat
She's been fucking him for some time already.
Sorry to break it to you.
Break up with her
Emotionally abusive, leave her. She's trash.
She's testing your fortitude, what you do from here on out will forever be her opinion on you.
Like the other user said, why would you even want to be with someone that does that?
I was. It never ends right.
>In good shape and fairly good looking
>overweight and diabetic
Why are cucks so deluded?
get catfished
Thought I was the only one. Doesn't help that I watched Akira at a young age and permanently ruined my impression of life after death. Reading the bible helps some, even though I'm not a Christian.
Throw it away or send it to her mom
I can't imagine the guy fucking her on the side
I'm into some fat chicks but she is disgusting
jokes on you, i have really fucked up heart problems, may die in some months
Ghost her
If you can steal her belongings or some shit, she's a cunt she deserves it
>friendly reminder that you will watch your parents die eventually in envy
>When you got cucked so hard you get in the news
What you are describing is a situation similar to what I experienced when I dated as a young adult. I dated girls from 16 - 26 and they are all retarded in that bracket. Anyone I know who married in that bracket is now either divorced or married having gone through serious emotional stress. I realized in my late 20's that part of being a man is being able to walk away if you think something is bullshit. I used to put up with a lot of stuff that basically made me a cuck when I was younger just like you are going through. Whether you see it or not you only have two choices: Break up, or have a stern talk about her actions. If she refuses to stop the petty shit like that I would leave. But note that girls at that age play mind games. You'll probably be labeled a controller and that's ok. Leaving is scary, but will you get a new girlfriend right away? Probably not. But will you eventually get a girlfriend again? Most likely.
Why do you care about other peoples relationships that are a private matter, Sup Forums?
>45, male, a little over weight but in good shape, diabetic but it's well controlled. I'm fairly good looking.
this desu, shoulda done this with my breakup, instead made it way harder on myself
No, I usually watch something boring, like MIT opencourseware lectures. If not, I put on shitty comedy tv shows. Works everytime.
I think the most important quality in a person is if they regularly contemplate their own death.
>Look goys, this is your new normal
You third world piece of shit.
Here's what you do.
Step 1: remove her on every single part of social media. Every photo, every status, every account. Don't block her. Just unfriend.
Step 2: This is the hard part. Ignore her from now until the rest of time. Just walk out and never look back.
My first proper relationship was during university where I did the same thing to this chick I had been going out with nearly a year. Turns out she was still cheating with her ex boyfriend. So I turned around and walked out of her house and just didn't say another word to her ever again. No petty drama on social media, nothing. She ended up trying to report me for psychological bullying, simply because I ignored her as if she never existed. She ended up flunking out while I banged 4 more chicks during uni then settled with my current gf (whose virginity I took and she bled like crazy all over my bed).
Just. Do. It.
Get the fuck out right now and find someone you can monologue to while you scream and yell and beat the shit out of the something.
Why would she want to sleep around?
Cheat on her back and act like you have been for the whole relationship.
The only anime to watch and learn from is Ninja Scroll. It will show you how life is one problem after another, and there is no happy ending. I don't know why it is not more popular, maybe just millennials who don't like that idea.
You have me inspired but I don't know if I can do it
>the news
>private matter
I need to rewatch that movie. I didn't know what the fuck was going on in that movie
>She ended up trying to report me for psychological bullying...
Fucking whore.
Either end it now, or she'll walk all over you untill she decides you aren't worth her time anymore.
There are no happy endings for you. Just less painful options.
the fuck is a poly dude?
Bitch that's not how it works
Have a bump for your shit thread though
>makeup artist
>Not fake as fuck
Pick 1
I was a beta fuck back then. Same as most guys with no experience. Once you realise you are the one in control it's amazing the shift in the balance of power. She had me controlled like a little puppy with the reward of a sexual experience like a carrot on a stick.
After that learning curve it was really fucking hard to get over for a few months. It will be. I was still thinking about her afterwards. How we used to kiss and get drunk together, how she tasted. But it fades.
I've never regretted my decision to leave, and I think it was the best possible outcome. Because there was no drama on social media, or I didn't do anything "to get even", there was no way for her to twist anything. Every single person that heard about it took my side, because I gave her no ammo.
Don't pretend like you've been cheating on her like some of these guys are saying. It's not worth it, it makes you feel good for the short term but it opens you up to be the bad guy later.
I have never regretted my decision to leave that day.
>be me
Look at him, that's the best pussy he's ever going to get in his life and he knows it.
It may be the best pussy. But the person it's attached to is rotten.
Better a slightly worse pussy but a much greater human.
That bitch who was cheating on me had the nicest pussy out of every girl I've been with.
Why is being a random cuck news?
Oh wait i just figured out they are trying to advertise and normalize this type of behavior
Delete your girlfriend. Hit your lawyer. Facebook up.
Yeah, I first learnt that at the age of 5 when I saw the lion king
Oh I know. I'm just saying, that dude is ugly as fuck and his options are limited so he's cucking himself because he's desperate.
>mfw kuwait bent the knee to rouhani yesterday
Jokes on you Im immortal thanks to a deal with the devil.
What's her phone number?
It's a lose lose user.
All you can do is leave her if you have any shred of dignity. The fact that she feels comfortable shitting all over you like that is because she doesn't respect you. It's already over.
Dump her and do no contact. She'll beg for you back but you know it will only happen again if you do. For real next time.
That bitch was a half white half Samoan mix, raised by a single mom. You know what they say about kids raised by single moms... Of course back then I didn't know.
My current gf who I've been going out with over a year now, and we're about to move into our own place, is blonde, green eyes, nearly full pure white. Raised catholic. She had a catholic boyfriend before me. They were dating for 3 years. So believe me it's never too late to leave a failing relationship. He never fucked her that whole time, he was waiting for marriage. When she told me that she was still a virgin, I couldn't believe it and thought she was trolling me. But I found out that she was telling the truth when I had to go and buy new sheets for my bed after our second date.
She told me she didn't want to be known as fucking on the first date (since she kinda knew I was a bit of a womaniser by that point). So I fucked her on the second.
My point is, it's never too late to move forward. Would you rather have wasted 2 years, or would you keep it going indefinitely while she fucked other guys behind your back?
Cut your losses and cut her out of your life.
I read several explanations of the movie after I watched it, because I went into it thinking it was going to be about biker gangs. Boy was I wrong. I was completely caught off guard by the transcendental plot and ended up having an existential crisis and remained depressed for several weeks. Here's some of the links that help explain the themes explored in the film.
>inb4 hurr durr "you have to go back" it's just anime. No politics.