Intel Community leaking that Trump "will die in jail"

How great is that? And does Sup Forums think those autistic sons of his will join him?

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missed his target? why does drumpf have such shitty aim?

Those 30 civilians were undercover ISIS members and the US Navy SEAL was actually a spy for Russia.

Trumpy the Autistic Clown

Not gonna lie former Nuclear supporter here. It's been hilarious watching them crash and burn. In all seriousness we cannot let this missile get the Trump codes.

tfw Hillary got ass raped by an autistic clown.

Better than the psychopaths you support.

Flynn didn't violate the logan act

You're a little fuckin' faggot, dude.

I like how NPR while claiming they care about security then share how a source has read the transcript between Flynn and the Russians and leaked it.

>Mohammad Abdul
Is this a Jojo reference?

There are no civilians in the Middle East, only "future combatants" check Trump's E.O. slipped in last week Tues.

O-Obama did it too.

Obama dindu nuffin

>Obama dindu nuffin

Obama increased drone strikes exponentially. One in three people assassinated by drone were children.

Yemen is all muslims, so any target is a good one. There is no such thing as missing your target there.

He's doing gods work.

It isn't really about the Logan act, never was. That was just bait (it's never enforced).

It's about the fact that the entire campaign had to keep denying Russian contacts, Flynn denied them several times, Pence went on record saying they didn't happen... and now we see that there were contacts.

You don't have to do something illegal to be impeached.

>same leakers claimed Flynn was colluding with Russia
>wait he wasn't, he was small talking the shit out of, as show by the actual reports of the agencies rather than the leak
Why do leftist keep giving themselves false hopes?

>You don't have to do something illegal to be impeached.
That's not how impeachment works, bigger. Wait, I am sorry, yes, that exactly how it works. Please continue.

No, that's exactly how it works.

Just doing it without a solid enough looking reason is political suicide for the party that did it.

The only requirement for "high crimes and misdemeanors" is any action that is seen to be undignified/unworthy/without respect for the office the participant holds. Legal analysis and judges have agreed that the only consistent requirement seems to be "what Congress feels is a high crime or misdemeanor".

Don't believe me? There was a federal official who was impeached under the sole charge of drunkenness. This wasn't during prohibition either. He was impeached under the same provisions in the Constitution as those that apply to the president... all federal civil officers really.

His name was Mark W. Delahay if you want to check it. He did resign rather than get thrown out though.

But what would Panama know about it?


Almond status: activated!



No, no, yes, you are completely correct, please continue to press on and not research anything you said.

Yeah, I'm sure I didn't research it at all, and the name Mark W. Delahay just came to me in a vision.

You probably don't even know which article and section of the Constitution deals with impeachment of the President, and who else it applies to... well, without googling it first.

Criminal acts are not required, as the term "high" doesn't mean "more severe".

The term is English in origin, and was attached to proceeding then that were not illegal either. This was discussed by Chief Justice Marshall.

>It [the phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors] is a technical term. It is used in a very old statute of that country whose language is our language, and whose laws form the substratum of our laws. It is scarcely conceivable that the term was not employed by the framers of our constitution in the sense which had been affixed to it by those from whom we borrowed it."

Yep, that's exactly right, carry on. Make sure to tell your friends in Facebook and dismiss anyone telling you anything to correct you.

At least you live by your own advice.

Exactly, now go follow my honesty and spread this everywhere so you and your friends can school everyone about it.

I come with Russian Rubles for my shill comrads. Take, and spread the word of our emperor god!

Boring thread, please kys, you're wasting precious air.

So we get Mike "Turns Fruits into Vegetables" Pence as president.

The two time loser Hillary will still not be president.

>guy who works for trump's son-in-law claim ic will kill trump any day now

you fags realize this whole russia thing is a psyop to keep people distracted while they crackdown on the pedos, right?

>psyop to keep people distracted while they crackdown on the pedos

Yes we know. Threads keep getting slid. These pedos will burn in hell after their life sentence in jail.

>bush starts war
>media reports every fucking day a US soldier dies
>obama enters office
>media stops covering the death of each and every soldier and civilian casualties
>obama leaves office, Trump comes in
>media resumes reporting the death of every single us soldier and civilian casualties


>his main target
Wasn't all of the planning done under Obama and Trump basically gave the green light in good faith? How is it fair to blame him for that?

Well he still got 30 Ahmeds so that's good. Shame about that navy seal though.

Trump is USA's last chance. this is fucking sad. the establishment is going full force at him.

You do realize no one except Trump & his shills have said shit about Hillary right? Dumbass.

these guys killed a marine and risked the lives of others just to embarrass trump

thats the kind of people we're dealing with

Watched this happen with my own eyes....

From 9/11 to today.

The (((MSM))) literally spent every day and night talking about Bush like he was literally Hitler, how much Bush is raising the debt and growing government.

Obama gets elected and (((they))) STFU about all of that.

Trump gets elected and (((they))) start all back over.

I got a rope just for you when the day comes you treasonous cocksucker.

wouldnt be surprised if obama tipped off his brethren

after all ...he gave up seal team six in afghanistan

Boo hoo. Grow up, Trump isn't your dad.


I mean, it's true, just not politically expedient.

But yeah, keep acting like you are right like you've actually studied constitutional law.

And you've done a great job explaining it.

What if the user you're replying to was secretly Barron?

Don't like being called out (((kike)))?

Then his balls need to drop already.

honestly knowing the cia that would literally be the worst thing possible, maybe thats what he meant.

Oh, grow up


Chuckie Schumer thinks his flunkies at the (((intel community))) can stump Trump, that's laughable.

The day of the rope can't come soon enough for these traitors.


Grow the fuck up, you kid.

Trump and his aides are traitors and so are you.

Yeah sure, "Trump will die in Prison". Only if his prison is the White House.

Trump is a gangster and chill, he's going to go down as one of the great Presidents in American history. If he HNNNNNGGGGGS it will be because of too much take out food in the oval office on his 7th or 8th year in office, not from old age in a prison.

Personally I think he's invincible. I don't think he can be stumped, not even by himself. I think the only people that could possibly out wit and defeat him are Barron or Bannon.

Hey there fischbein, how you're doin?

Just like the democratic party, the american intelligence community is so corrupted by saudi oil money that they will do anything to prevent a russian-american alliance against islamic terrorism. Such an alliance could ruthlessly clean out and modernize the middle east and divide the spoils among themself. Saudi oil money would become american and russian oil money as the Sauds would cease to exist in a nuclear flash. Neither Russia nor the USA can act on their own as they would always oppose each other.

It's classic divide and conquer. The radical islamists that are colonizing the USA and Europe with their insane >7 kids per woman birthrates have literally infiltrated and corrupted the US army and intelligence apparatus. Putting Russia against the USA to neutralize a global anti-islamist alliance is classic divide and conquer, and sadly, the americans are actually stupid enough to fall for it.

Putin is ready to solve the muslim problem once and for all, he demonstrated that in Syria, what the fuck is wrong with you ameritards? Remember 9/11? It wasnt the russians who did that...

i are gay

What I keep hearing is that because the raid took place at night they needed to wait until the moon waned to its smallest, which meant waiting for at least a month. And it was left up to Trump. The goathumpers where also more prepared than the pentagon realized, somehow.

Trump missed it because he aimed wrong? Or was it the fault of the people in charge of the operation?

People like to blame trump for this one, but he truly did nothing wrong

The room shouldn't be on fire if you want an accurate analogy.

Every single U.S. soldier should be brought home and stationed around the U.S.