Why were the nazi's such embarrassing failures, Sup Forums?
Why were the nazi's such embarrassing failures, Sup Forums?
Because they tried to conquer the glorious slavs
Because Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt were all manipulated into attacking Germany by the Jewish banking cartels, who feared that Germany breaking away from their banking-standard would cause a revolution around the world against them.
Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep
Hitlers failure to unite the west against the common enemy of Soviet Russia.
b& m80
you should see the Germans today
>cheeki breeki
because slavs are the true masterrace
Churchill had a jewish mother. Chamberlain was actually aware of the International Jewish Problem. This was the difference between a white victory for WW2 and a jewish one.
Yet we are taught to see Chamberlain as a coward. He was one of the bravest brits to have held his position for so long amongst the rothschild funded British social democracy.
Stalin's obviously a jew as well, but we know much more about the jewish presence in marxism than we do about its influence in the realm of social democracy.
It pains me whenever I hear people talk about their brave grandfather's struggle for "freedom". Yes child, he was brave but he was fighting for the jew, and not his own ethnoculture. It's time to break that conditioning.
>The whole world fighting 2.5 countries
They almost won too
s a g e
The only thing that stopped them from winning were the Ultra machines that were capable of mass-decrypting enigma encryptions. Part of the reason that Hitler was so assblasted at the end of the war was he had no idea that the other side had maphacks + nofog.
Hitler was a Judas Goat sent to set back the Aryan peoples.
Fuck off kike, you clearly have never read his works.
To the whites in this thread, I would recommend reading Mein Kampf. The first chapter is very autobiographical and can frustrate people, but the second onwards is a strong dissemination of the weaknesses of social democracy and marxism that you will EASILY be able to relate to your current political situations in your countries.
Also Hitler was more concerned with poetic victories than strategic ones.
All he had to do was bomb the ports in London and not waste so many lives on Stalingrad.
*ports in England
If digits krauts get rekt again.
His lack of action against England was supposed to be an extension of goodwill to what he thought were anglo-saxon interests and leaders. To this day I'm certain that Hitler didn't know Churchill was a cryptojew, and thus didn't realize how far Churchill would go to protect international jewry.
If Britain + US had understood their European position and how it would effect geopolitics in the present day, Hitler would have mopped up on the Eastern front.
Such cowards
Wrong. Hitler bungled Dunkirk because he was afraid of a British armored counter-attack and Goering told him the Luftwaffe would be enough to defeat the army.
During the Battle of Britain, Hitler switched from bombing airfields and ports to bombing civilians (in response to a British air raid that hit civilians, which was a response to an accidental bombing of British citizens. War's a clusterfuck)
If Hitler didn't want to defeat Britain, why did he help invade Egypt? Why did he support the Japanese who were going to tear down the British Empire?
It frustrates me as well, but this should only be a symbol of how deceptive and pernicious the jew is. How he turns people against their own bloodline.
We know of course that majority of whites in the US are ethnically Germanic. So it is certainly a disgusting concept that should alone justify the removal of jews from western society. They have Israel, let's move them there then cut the parachute.
Failures but not embarrassing.
Created economic miracle and highest level of technology. Took a gangbang to defeat them.
Stalin wasn't Jewish. What are you talking about?
>Two counties and one giant piece of dead weight
>Almost won anyway
They had unrealistic goals.
This should be a warning to anyone who plans to succeed at something.
"Tearing down the British Empire". So you suggest the opposite has somehow happened in present day? The British empire was unnatural and an affront to ethnonationalism He certainly supported the Japanese because of their ethnocultural purity. It's so ingrained in them as a people that it is evident today. The fact that the British Empire extended to lands that were in no way historically anglo has no impact on his feelings towards ethnocultural Britons. Had Chamberlain's intent prevailed, both the world and Britain would be a far better place. This matter is unarguable.
I almost thought you were talking about the Allies at first
Definitely. Gonna run it by my mom, let her know why I won't be moving out any time soon.
>Walks down the street
>Steps on dog shit he didnt see
Fucking kill yourself, anyone who thinks like you has an IQ of 70 at most. Not denying jew influence and participation of global issues, but believing they're behind everything is retarded
He absolutely was, as was disproportionate in marxism. This matter is certainly misrepresented by jewish modern interests in the context of the vast casualties caused by Stalin's jewish marxism. He was born in the most jew-laden part of Georgia and always commanded respect from jews because he damn well was one.
My point was he didn't spare England at all and only someone who knows only the stormweenie version of history could seriously believe that.
Also you are an Australian. You know what the Japanese would have done to Australia right?
It took the entire non-fascist world to take them out tho. Also don't fuck with Russia
Started a war they couldn't win. Declared war on more numerous, better equipped, more advanced enemies with a larger economy. The fact that Germany defeated France was already a lucky stroke due primarily to a practically suicidal offensive and passiveness on the part of the British and French.
Pretty much Germany was extremely lucky throughout the war and still lost.
They were too ambitious.
''would cause a revolution around the world against them''
so is that why they're afraid of Trump, Brexit, and Le Pen?
>believing they're behind everything is retarded
Who gives a fuck what I am, for one thing I wouldn't have existed if Australia became some sort of Japanese asset. Is that meant to influence the visceral and instinctual feelings for ethno nationalism?
Potentially my father's family would have repatriated to Germany, as they were sympathizers of Lutheran descent and I have diary entries where they declare not have participated in the great war of the jews. My mother would have remained in Britain, without a jewish government.
I disagree. They could have won the war even as late as 1943. The big mistake was Stalingrad and the decision to split the army, and a few other military mistakes made by Hitler.
he didn't say they were behind everything, he said they were behind a lot of the allies getting into ww2, a very specific and relevant part of history that "jews" or more specifically Rothschilds and such would have had every reason to be involved in
>Australia killed a handful of Emus
>Ergo the Emu war wasn't an embarrassing failure
When you look at how they basically had no allies besides a not very strong Italy, Spain not being able to fight for Germany due to the aftermath of their civil war and Japan being thousands of miles away. I think they did pretty good. If they had strong allies it would have been another whole story.
>who gives a fuck what I am
Apparently not Hitler, who would've gladly slaughtered hundreds of British soldiers at Dunkirk, who killed thousands of British civilians, and would've given Japan a blank check to colonize Australia (a land colonized by Whites in the first place, so you apparently don't care about the aboriganals)
The biggest mistake was not listening to Rommel and letting god tier Patton come in for the killing blow.
never get in the way of the merchant and his banking schemes.
When you take on half the world and your 2 main allies are: slant eyed subhumans who can barely win a naval fight and a pizza eating failure that can't even win a against an armless opponent, you're properly fucked.
Listening to Rommel when?
No, he absolutely held off from Dunkirk to demonstrate mercy and attempt to broker a treaty. Not your kikewashed version of history. There is no way that he wanted to mow down docks of saxons, and you're revealing that you are definitely not white by taking your position on this matter, semite.
Rommel warned Hitler about Patton cutting across Africa but Hitler was too buys LARPing to listen. Then Patton came and retook western Europe and came strait for the throat.
They were funded by Jews tho
everyone was . jews always win , but they decide who doesn t " loose " as well
They had literally no means to force the allies into submission.
>Germany had literally no way of forcing Britain to surrender
Due to the lack of a surface fleet operation sealion was a delusional fantasy, while starving Britain was impossible as the US was able to produce liberty ships faster than the German u-boats could sink them. This doesn't include the active anti-submarine warfare waged by the allies which became more and more effective as the war went on.
>Germany had no way to force the USSR to surrender
The USSR had nothing to gain by surrendering, everything to lose by surrendering, and no major cities to take. Even if Moscow and Leningrad fell they would have provided no strategic importance, Germany would have been left with a couple blown up deserted cities. Napoleon took Moscow in 1812, didn't force Russia to surrender, only popular discontent like that during the first world war could have forced the USSR to submit and with the ideals on each side of the great patriotic war the USSR wasn't going to give up. Even if Germany managed to occupy all lands west of the Urals they would still need to occupy those lands tying up soldiers that couldn't be used to fight the western allies.
What are you talking about? Is there any proof that Hitler did that? Like I said, he was worried about a British counterattack and Goering told him the Luftwaffe would be sufficient.
It sounds like you're the kike to me, since you claim the British Empire was bad because it ruled over non-Whites (including Australia) and don't care tha he worked with Japan, a country that would have re-colonized it.
They had a very weak leader
immunity cat
>The North African campaign was a lost cause
Britain controlled the Mediterranean and had a much larger industrial and population base from which to draw soldiers. With those two factors Germany never stood a chance of defeating Britain in Egypt and the entire campaign simply amounted to wasted resources that could have better been utilized in other fronts.
And last but not least
>Germany could never hope to compete with the allies in industrial might
The US had four of the five largest companies on earth when war broke out including the largest automotive, oil, and steel corporations. Beyond that Britain and the USSR had their own significant industrial bases that nearly matched Germany alone. With the might of the US economy behind the allies Germany never stood a chance, they could produce tanks, ships, and planes faster than the Germans could hope to sink or destroy them. Even without direct intervention the US could have won the war through the lend lease.
Put simply Hitler started a war with no long term political goals against enemies he didn't understand the capabilities of. I think the most relevant quote for the entirety of WW2 is "war is the continuation of politics through other means." Hitler treated WW2 as some sort of glorious war of the German people instead of a war to accomplish specific political goals.
Slavs turned out too tough
By the time the allies landed in Normandy Germany had lost, Operation Bagration was the killing blow to the Third Reich, the rest of the war was Germany simply bleeding out and spasming before it died.
I'm certainly not claiming the British Empire was bad. I'm claiming that I would absolutely make the decision to trim the empire which happened anyway in exchange for a white ethnocultural europe.
He was so jew that he send his daughter's boyfriend to the gulag just for being a jew.
>couldn't beat Britain
No, but he could demonstrate that Britain couldn't win either. Eventually the 2 could've agreed to a stalemate, particularly if the USA or USSR wasn't in the war.
>couldn't defeat the USSR
This I find very odd. First of the all, remember that the communists weren't especially popular (of course Hitler fucked this up too by being a genocidal idiot). The government may not accept a surrender (debatable as they did consider it in 1941, and arguably the communist leadership might have preferred to keep the Communist dream alive in Siberia). The Red Army was teounced pretty bad and could have been harned badly at Stalingrad or Kursk had the Germans been more successful.
No, it was because he didn't want a 40 year old deep dicking his pride and joy.
Hitler was a German nationalist, not a White nationalist. He wanted a German-dominated Europe. I admire him for standing up against (((them))) but I also understand his shortcomings.
>No, but he could demonstrate that Britain couldn't win either. Eventually the 2 could've agreed to a stalemate, particularly if the USA or USSR wasn't in the war.
The thing is that peace with the USSR was never possible and the US was supporting Britain from the start. Britain had nothing to gain and everything to lose by agreeing to peace with Germany. Admitting to German hegemony is tantamount to ending the empire.
>This I find very odd. First of the all, remember that the communists weren't especially popular (of course Hitler fucked this up too by being a genocidal idiot). The government may not accept a surrender (debatable as they did consider it in 1941, and arguably the communist leadership might have preferred to keep the Communist dream alive in Siberia). The Red Army was teounced pretty bad and could have been harned badly at Stalingrad or Kursk had the Germans been more successful.
The Slavs still didn't want to be ruled by Germans to German puppets, especially Germans who viewed them as subhuman. Ultimately the occupation of the east would result in hundreds of thousands if not millions of German soldiers being tied up. After all look at the resistance in Yugoslavia and Poland, the Slavs were extremely defiant towards the Germans and the Soviet Union was a massive country that would be a monumental effort to occupy.
I don't know how ordinary civilians wouldfeel having to fight a war with no end in sight.
Had Hitler treated the Slavs better they may have been more open to "liberation."And whether or not he could have held the land after taking is irrelevant, the question is could he have won the war.
A small country the size of Ohio takes on the entire fucking world and still finds time to re-invent economics, human flight, revitalize Aryan history, and look good doing it are embarrassing failures?
t. butthurt neonazi neckbeard
wtf i didn't even know china participated in ww2
Japan invaded them in 1937.
Wow. You really buy into every stormfront forum post, don't you?
>re-invent economics
traditionalism + socialism = reinvented woahhh dude
It was an ideology run by a art school dropout, a 300lb morphine junkie, a ratfaced sexually inadequate diarist, a nerdy chicken farmer, and a hyper-macho Milo-tier gay man. What else did you expect?
>I don't know how ordinary civilians wouldfeel having to fight a war with no end in sight.
Ask the Germans.
>Had Hitler treated the Slavs better they may have been more open to "liberation."And whether or not he could have held the land after taking is irrelevant, the question is could he have won the war.
Even the people Hitler supposedly treated well rested Germany. People tend to dislike when you invade their country and force their government to sign an extremely humiliating peace treaty. If Hitler had focused on different peace terms you are fundamentally changing the war. If Hitler just said "yeah status quo but we get the Danzig corridor" than you aren't talking about WW2, you are talking about a rapid war to assert German control over a specific area of land. As I said the main flaw was that Hitler had no real goal when he declared war.
Lady Randolph Churchill was American, not Jewish. The closest she had to Jewish blood was a Huguenot father. Even then, Churchill always identified exclusively as British.
Stop pulling lies out of your ass.
I buy into everything that advances the plight of whites. In doing so I understand and acknowledge that history is indeed written by the victor, the victor being jewish subversion in world war 2.
There are so many things wrong with this post.
Well Hitler was a emo bitch con-man who pitched a self-defeating ideology and used his country's inbred recessive gene lower class as cannon fodder so he could steal others wealth and enrich himself while they died in the muck in retarded short-sighted bum-rush war tactics which were unsustainable in the long run.
Here, have a fresh OP pic and go start your own thread with it.
>re-invent economics
Veksels and expanionism isn't a viable economics strategy user
Nee Jerome, changed from (((Jacobson)))
Sorry Mr Enoch, I'll accept your kike history honest :)
You think Stalin was a jew?
Plenty of jews in the communist movement. But honestly, i think you guys want Stalin to be a jew so you can point and say 'see! The worst mass murderer in history is a jew! Worse than Hitler- who did nothing wrong and Holocaust wasn't even real (but I wish it was).
Yeah, jews are bad mmmk. But how do you function in life if you are fearful of the omnipotent power of the Jewish control and suspect of every single piece of information?
>jews own all the companies and
>work in universities,
>therefore history books are false and all recorded history regarding Stalin has been switched out to cover up the fact (that I really want to be true)that he was Jewish.
Or, maybe he wasn't Jewish and it's inconsequential because you have jews in elite positions of your bolshevik Vanguard and the failed German revolution 1917.
>Germany invaded USSR and declares war on the USA
>somehow this is the Jews convincing these two countries to attack Germany
because they were socialists who printed money to fund retarded wars
Yeah, China and Russia suffered ridiculous casualties, particularly the civilian pop.
We bomb Japan big time and Germany big time but that shit is nothing compared to Russia and China
They weren't true whites unlike the Romans.
>Why were the nazi's such embarrassing failures, Sup Forums?
Tough talk from someone that can't form a plural in his own language
Not fearful of the jew I simply wish to slander the vile creature wherever I may and to whoever will listen, moshe. I will continue to do so; thanks for asking about my fairly obvious intent.
Most of russias military deaths were in the early parts of the war. Red army POWs were basically guaranteed to die. By the end of the war the ratio between red army and Wehrmacht deaths was closer to 1.3 : 1
And millions died from starvation and winter etc
>you will live to fight nazis in your lifetime like your grandpa did
Looking forward to it
To be fair, it's not like USSR wouldn't attack if givnd chance or didn't know about Hitler's plans. The blitzkrieg was saved from an immideate failure by their fuckups with dates, as by the middle of June Stalin didn't trust anyone regarding when will the war will start, earlier intelligence - even if turning out to be correct, fitting the earlier war plans, - not lining well with reality.
Honestly, whenever i see what state Germany is, I can't help but feel like something is right for once. This is what pooinloos call karma.
They deserve every rape, every Turk offloader.
and the us literally none
I give much of what's discussed here credence. But Goddamn, some of you take it to a uselessly paranoid level.
Sometimes I wonder if jews are keeping you down, or if you are just on the left side of the IQ bell curve.
You really shouldn't believe everything you read on Internet discussion boards whose population draws all their conclusions on a particular subject (in this case, total and complete control of information by the Jews) from like 4 books.
Then again, it's not surprising looking at the extent that most discussions go.
>look at this kike shill
>bet he hasn't even read culture of critique and my awakening
>look at this moron; of course jews changed history to hide that Stalin was was Jewish. Even though he was a winner in WWII also.
>fuck him. Jews did it, end of conversation
Oh okay. As long as you are slandering and know it's sort of retarded.
If you actually believed that, well. Either way, continue your kike hating.
Fuck you, jews did it. End of conversation, semite.
Germany declared war on USA and spent 6 years building an army before invading ussr. Jews didn't do it, hitler was just over ambitious and arrogant and his miscalculation ended with the rape of 2 million German qt's and millions of Muslim imports.