Haha, what does the kuffar have?
Islam has an answer to degeneracy
Other urls found in this thread:
define degeneracy ...
This is my stepsister
She treats me really well
Sometimes she brings me hot chocolate
Other times she tucks me in
I live the good life
I'm so sick of this meme...
Bacon, and sweet, sweet lemonade, and alcohol, to put in the lemonade, and many more!
Drones. We're going to build great big drones, folks. As far as the eye can see. I know the best drone people. It's gonna be amazing, believe me.
What is the anwser? Inbreeding?
Haha, no loser.
Lots of women in the kitchen not slutting in the streets like in Serbia.
Islam is pretty renowned for both its decadence and degeneracy amongst its elite. Just look at Dubai. About the only pious ones you get resisting degeneracy are the dirt poor savages beheading non-believers because they have nothing else going for them.
>Islam has an answer to degeneracy
Islam is degeneracy. Rendition, right? We take our worst fucking prisoners and drop them off in the fucking Middle East because we know its worse than torture there. Islam is one of the official religions of the Russ-Isis Caliphate now.
Islam IS degeneracy.
Yes because virginity until marriage is degenerate...
What the fuck Serb?
Not sure what a kuffar is, but I can assure you Grandma had a solution to all behavioral problems. That fucking spoon hangs in my office to this day.
Muslims are the worst thing on the planet.
What are you even saying? We create criminals in mid east therefore mid east is criminal?
Can you even quote a muslim source dipshit? Sad!
This kuffar knows your plan
Short intro:
"Red Pill" Lecture
Remarks on Benghazi
Long Form:
Understanding the War on Terror Through Islamic Law
Abrogation and the Milestones Process
Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, and the Milestones Process
The Role of the OIC in Enforcing Islamic Law
The Boston Attack and Individual Jihad
Books & Book Reviews:
Boom. Roasted.
You mean feminism and 'muh rights'?
I'd rather have a degenerate society with no Muslims than a Muslim society with no degenerates.
Hmmm... last time I checked Bosnia, Iran, Kazakhstan, and all the non middleeastern majority countries and regions don't have a problem with chimp outs.
Are you sure Aldous Huxley's brave new world is the world you want to live in? A world where reading books is thrown out the window?
Shit covered homosex out your window? No shame?
Is lemonade haram?
Err its not normal people us who go around banning books and threatening to kill people who write books and draw pictures they don't like, its Muslims.
Pork ribs
Pet dogs
Basically not getting your hands cut off for stealing
Mein kamph?
Anti sametic picturea?
(All goyim are kattle)?
Mah 2900 goyim slaves?
Mah 6 gorrilion?
Any non-Arab convert joining a medieval arab imperialist political movement is cuck
Freedom? Liberty?
How's being an apostate treating you Ali? You know your sister worships BWC?
western muslims vote overwhelmingly liberal...
what are you trying to say?
I hope you're not a Christian then.
>what are you trying to say?
Smart voting.
Vote for the side with the least resistance to Sharia.
Way too many fucking Muslims.
>yeah lets vote for the side what wants everyone to be trans, homosexual, have abortions, legalize drugs...because this somehow will lead to a healthy society
are muslims retarded or something?
you must not have checked in a while then, because the whole of iran has been chimping since its inception
are you unaware that if the left are accepting of all things they will accept sharia and establish sharia zones?
or are you just muhammed using taqiya?
>muslim is confronted with a damning fact about their political movement and/or history
>he responds with a whataboutism
Every time.
I am just saying that if you never changed your idea because it was foreign you would still be a monkey eating his own shit.
Sorry your thread didn't take off, my Labenese friend. Have a bump.
>not immediatly crumbling in on itself
Islamic society has several problems with it that will lead to serious problems if it over took over europe/america. The biggest being polygamy, if you have a large portion of angry sexless men who are ruled by elites with harems numbering dozens you dont really have a recipe for a stable society.
>if you have a large portion of angry sexless men
That's the point of Jihad. You have a surplus of fighting men. The ones unable to get brides go and fight to take slaves from abroad. Also as more men die there is a surplus of pussy, basically killing feminism before it even began since women's value greatly decreases.
It's easy not to degenerate when you're stuck in the middle ages.
Btw degeneracy isn't a thing
Fists, and a will to remove kebab
Yes that is very true. But what happens if islam conquers the world? No more enemies so they turn inward, that was my original point
>But what happens if islam conquers the world? No more enemies so they turn inward,
Exactly. The cycle of struggle. Continual maintenance of evolutionary fitness.