really gets the noggin joggin
really gets the noggin joggin
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People seem to like Lincoln, I say Trump should take a page from his book and make sedition a punishable offense.
The CIA's job is to protect the Constitution now? Wew, lad.
First off the CIA works overseas. Secondly even if they were to be bound by the Constitution, they'd of been shut down a long time ago.
>Mfw the CIA has nor right to exist under the Constitution
fuck off with this controlled opp
Dat niggas forehead is a domesric enemey. Be hidin bombs in ther n sheit
I pray that this faggot-demon pays, for his crimes!!!
You're completely wrong!!
What a traitor.
You're not the only one who C.I.A. this is not doing their job been that way since Bay of pigs 9/11 The Quagmire aka nam
and North K and finally J F K I rest my case
"Former" CIA operative, Mormon, raised by his single parent, lesbian mommy...
He needs a size xxxl tinfoil hat for that cranium of his.
He's a traitor, period.
They point fingers at the N.S.A. but calling shit and false Flags.
I was reading material seems to remind me have a certain other dictatorships propaganda
Mcnugget's just mad he got squashed like a fuckin bug in his home state.
But the Snowden most American person I possibly know of dropping a Shockwave through the civilian intelligence Network sir I my salute him for his work in the name of humanity
That wasn't even done by him in the first place
Fucking Moby
To which user are you referring to
That guy's a bald fag. Fuck him and his opinion.
Darude - Sandstorm
I may be out of the loop inform me of
Dat intelligence prove to the pudding
Follow the kiss method
Shareblue get your shit together.
Madscientist - aka A.D.S.R. me no love
Big Daddy Vladimir .p
Mcmullin is probably connected with the leaks
He should be shot
jesus that 5head
Sedition is still a crime. Traitors must hang.
Go tell private Guzzo go to hell
Heard him on Glenn beck during the campaign.
That guy couldn't even win Utah. Some self proclaimed hot shot CIA desk jockey.
I'm sure he was stuffed in a locker by the field agent meat heads every office Christmas party.
CIA are aware of our (((infestation))). I appreciate what they do.
I think i hate hime more than liberals.
Hate corruption in all forms regardless of which party involved including the current Administration
If you were truly aware of the infestation that you have you wouldn't actually rely on civilian operatives to do your all your work lazy bastard
Instead of the simple drone strike policy actually have civilian mercs on the ground and some of them would be willing to do it for $1,000 like me don't have to be military trained to kick ass or for police matter American cultures already based in military from day one of conception but you've been given the private contracts to really to discriminatory civilian militia like KKK instead of going with people who understand the culture like BPP
don't really give a shit about trump but mcmullin is an actual fucking retard
Gets the noggin jogging how? Same fucking Jew propaganda playing all day every day on CNN et al.
McMullin is CIA cryptojew and OP is a shill. Sage
Remember Homeland Security remember who was supposed to be run by s.b
The fubur have to get Intel on that level I'm afraid now and then being kicked out him what he leaked the kkk if your stuff there 15 thousand dollar cruise missile his ass then I'd feel safe
Don't care go home NSA you're drunk
The dude is mormon and even hillary got more votes than him in utah. No one cares what he thinks.
No shit professor establishment candidates in the election would never win
>ad hominem attack, because his point is valid
say it with me: madame president
Enlighten us giving some tyt what Infowars comparisons to make are own assumptions and maybe some grains of Truth Fall out the progressive mind
Fool me once fool me two times Don't Get Fooled Again
Yeah, I wasn't aware that they somehow morphed into a branch of the military.
They should stick to spying on foreign countries