You aren't actually legitimately hateful of other peoples are you?
You aren't actually legitimately hateful of other peoples are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not as much as I hate myself. That makes it OK.
just the stupid ones and the ones that want to enslave us and crush our spirit and rape our children
Yes, but only collectively, not individually.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
But i do hate the occasional individual as well
Only if they deserve it.
I'll never forgive the Germans for WW2. Nips and Guinea's are cool tho
Only niggers
>chinks mass shot more than nigs per capita
Yeah, totally trustworthy data, bro.
do you also hate people who stay in their countries all their lives?
like a hiv positive african who rapes babies but is never going to leave their homeland.
do you also hate them? why?
Yes, I guarantee if you're a nigger 90% of this board would kill you if they could get away with it.
I hate the things people do.
I hate the faith they subscribe to that tells them to go out and subvert, kill, deceive, kill some more, and use others in the name of their triumphalist cult.
I hate the decision they make to enter a culture that is objectively superior to theirs, and work to ruin it forever.
I hate that they find no fault in the things they do which I hate.
Fortunately, there are consequences for the things people do.
Just blacks.
Chink gangs can get pretty violent.