Share your rare red pills. Redpills that are rarely shared to pol that most of the board is generally unaware of or a redpill you've realized that you may be the only one to have.
>Obamacare was meant to be a tool of a massive surveillance state
Share your rare red pills. Redpills that are rarely shared to pol that most of the board is generally unaware of or a redpill you've realized that you may be the only one to have.
>Obamacare was meant to be a tool of a massive surveillance state
Other urls found in this thread:
>Obamacare was meant to be a tool of opiod addiction
you have much to learn
Zika was made in an American lab and was purely designed to throw Brazil further down the shitter
How would that benefit America?
>throw Brazil further down the shitter
How's that even possible? It's like trying to make a Jew greedier.
Blacks are truly the superior race
Women are selectively picking mates based ENTIRELY on cock size
The dark ages never happened
>Obamacare was meant to be a tool of a massive surveillance state
No, it wasn't. They knew America wouldn't accept a jump to a universal health care program. Obamacare, as it was drawn up, was a way for them to say, when it failed, "Well golly gee willickers, that didn't work. Guess we have to go truly universal health care now. Sorry, we tried."
If you actually read it and look at it, there's absolutely zero other conclusion you can reach.
t. Insurance guy who's read it extensively.
Weed cures cancer
this is a TREE STUMP
Earth is also flat.
Fuck off window licker it's clearly hexagonal.
What did he mean by this?
Here I go postin again!
Short intro:
"Red Pill" Lecture
Remarks on Benghazi
Long Form:
Understanding the War on Terror Through Islamic Law
Abrogation and the Milestones Process
Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, and the Milestones Process
The Role of the OIC in Enforcing Islamic Law
The Boston Attack and Individual Jihad
Books & Book Reviews:
Phantom time hypothesis. Research it bro.
Islam is the ultimate red pill
Eustace Mullins.
You've got two factions in the world. A coalition of countries that are nationalist. Call this faction Russia. And a coalition of countries that are globalist. Call this coalition EU. Many huge company's are trying to leave EU to join Russia. Tptb are sad
The BLM wasn't really about race but rather a way to leash the police so they won't prevent leftists from rioting and protesting rightists. The real police of the establishment are anarchists and SJW collage elites. Why have police whose job is to protect people equally and is politically neutral, when you have home grown terrorists who genuinely believe they are the heroes?
Anarchists and the establishment fear leadership that will create real solutions that are achievable.
I will post six total posts. I ask that you all save them. The ones after that feel free to read but you don't need to save
Franco-German opposition to the 2003 Invasion of Iraq was a part of a multi decade effort for the EU to supplant the US as the dominant global power
Rothchild dump incoming
I want to believe these trips of truth.
Is there anything I can read to learn more? My grandfathered non-aca plan is getting canceled in June and I'm sol. The marketplace plans are all shit. Gotta figure something out.
The redpill that Kek had has invaded the mortal realm.
Lyrics: Mine eyes have seen the horror
of the coming of the frogs.
They are sneaking thru the swamps
and they are lurking in the logs.
You can hear their mournful croaking
through the early morning fog.
The frogs keep hopping on.
Ribbet, ribbet, ribbet, croak, croak.
Ribbet, ribbet, ribbet, croak, croak.
Ribbet, ribbet, ribbet, croak, croak.
The frogs keep hopping on.
The frogs have grown in numbers
and their croaking fills the air.
There's no place to escape
because the frogs are everywhere.
They've eaten all the flies
and now they're hungry as a bear.
The frogs keep hopping on.
They've hopped into the living room
and headed down the hall.
They've have trapped me in the corner
and my back's against the wall.
And when I opened up my mouth
to give a warning call,
This was all I heard.
I independently came to the same conclusion: there's no "plan," they don't know what they're doing, and they are insulated from criticism and the destruction they cause.
>What is section 2951?
why can't they swim and get "pasty" grey skin all the time?
Anyone reading these? You won't see them again probably
That's all you got. Seriously?
>How would that benefit America
It'd be funny
kek im too high for this shit.
I don't know how rare this one is, but
>The Jews only need around 10 more years of current power distribution to dominate the world
Aliens don't really stick things up your butt, they make half-breed babies with you.
The BillPill
Alex Jones is Bill Hicks
This is actually TRUE. Here's a primer:
I think it's probably true from my experience.
God smiled on me in the dick department and most of my ex gfs have contacted me afterward just to dick them down.
Nice content, man
Hexagons are flat.
Holy shit, mind fucken BTFO!
Christianity and Evolution are compatible.
Genetic engineering does more good than harm.
If we put fetuses through genetic engineering instead of abortion, we could speed up technological and scientific progress by a number of years.
The IQ of blacks is not the only thing keeping them back; it's also willpower and a willingness to learn.
With all the caffeine first world countries have, sleep shall become obsolete within a few years.
Violence isn't always the best answer, but it is the fastest.
I might have a few more, but not right now.
Yeah, but I have most of these. This one is the first I don't have.
Globalists are right, the world needs a One World Government because it's better economically and depopulating the earth by 80-95% would be great for preserving resources
Sup Forums is the subconscious of the internet, popular social media is the ego. Especially when Sup Forums raids and spreads memes. This is basically what the subconscious does in the individual. It's like the internet is a functioning extension of the human psyche, but completely unintentional.
How can you people just not kill yourselves, I've been questioning everything since I came here in 2014. I do not know what to do anymore. I want to snap my neck.
Even if he was, what does it prove?
Check em. This is truth incarnate
nasa invented thunderstorms to cover up the sound of space battles
the catholics invented Islam, and the bible is the true word of god.
the catholic church is lying about the shape of the earth
Because many people fought and died for falsehoods or outright lies. Their spirit is revived through us, they never really died because we live.
If you kill yourself (((they))) win and another white is gone forever
It is impossible for me to kill myself because of this.
Also the leftists will use it for the gun suicide rates and will try to get guns banned
Maybe, but then again, Rome burns in a day.
Yeah bro me too, my dad even said my dick was huge. I totally had like three orgies with 10 out of 10 bitches. Only bitches, no dudes causes that's gay I'm I right? Lmao I love having a big dick.
Domestic Violence is the cornerstone of successful, strong, white, Western Culture. It is the ONLY way to keep white women in check. Our cultures flourished until around 1880 when the courts abolished the practice and it has been a steady decline ever since.
inb4 some cuck says:
>You just have to train your women! They'll listen to logic!
>You should just leave! Run away! Let your children turn into degenerates being raised by a single mother who now fucks blacks on the regular!
Obamacare was so long that no one even read it. It wasn't a fine-tuned delivery mechanism for anything - it was known to be a shitty bloated mess from the start.
Bankers own the debt
2D is the ultimate redpill.
Anyone who says otherwise is either a dumbb 3DPD cunt that's mad she lost her only value or a jew trying to trick you.
>Baby Boomers are not the reason the housing market is fucked in Aus
I do not want to give up but I am pretty ignorant and feel like i'd be disposable anyway.
What are some good books to read so I can at least come to terms with this "redpill" philosophy. Do not mean to sound rude.
I'm not watching any of that shit. You can fucking summarize faggot.
>lego was a jewish plot to get children to play and use their creativity
That makes a disturning amount of sense.
This is true from what I've read. Designed to fail, and within a short enough timeline to adopt an even more government-ran option.
There is genuinely good advice in here, well done
feelsbadman. Germany is using immigration for retirement, US for debt..
The earth really is flat. You know it. I know it. All of your senses know it. None of us would believe the earth was round if we didn't collectively delude ourselves into believing something clearly not true.
1) Everybody has a natural harmonic frequency. Put man and woman together in any way and you're asking for disaster
2) Restore your foreskin
Well mate I learned the hard way that books are only half measures. Experience is the key. After enlightenment (true enlightenment) you realize that you don't need self improvement in certain forms.
The most rationally compassionate thing we can do for blacks is to apply political and social eugenics on them such that only those whose tendencies fall above the average for white people can reproduce.
Get all the blacks and latinos without any of the niggers or spics after 4-5 generations
I enjoyed this list
They're good to read so you can understand what actual Nationalist Socialists wanted in case everyone starts with the "Nazis were the most evil and violent happening on the face of the planet due to them being drunk on hate"