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Ram a truck into them shouting allahu akbar.
come back when you're 18, faggot
I was born in 1999 faggot and I'm a senior
Read a book.
Convince mexican students to steal peoples shit after everyone walks out.
well underageb& you have multiple options
You can strike with all the retards and get in trouble, unless a couple cucked teachers are actually participating/leading the event
Or go to class, look like a tool to the retards protesting, but have your teachers like you that much small smidgen more
The teachers probably organized it
>dat grammar
Shit maybe it should be an after school protest.
Get off this board you underage faggot
>born in 1999 can post on Sup Forums
>doesnt remember fall of the Soviet Union, 9/11, Iraq War
All the teachers are hyper liberal
I live in California guys it's bad
In English today we watched a TED talk on white privilege and how Beyoncé is the face of black suffering
Kids got suspended for chanting 'build the wall' earlier this year and the whole school is crawling with illegals who openly admit to it
salam beresoon
>Implying OP isn't in an American high school
>Implying he's not literally the dumbest type of person
>the whole school is crawling with illegals who openly admit to it
report them to ICE dude
>Iraq War
1 or 2?
Go to school, pay attention, do really well, so teachers get red pilled and see who all the problem students really are.
Go with them and get everyone to vandalize and riot to make the left look bad
If your teachers are walking out too, make sure you go to the principal and say you want to learn. Document everything, and take pictures. You can probably rape the school if your get a story to Breitbart. I'm sure they would love it.
>Eager to learn teen gets pushed down by left, whats going on with our schools?
Might as well just drop out.
Your school is garbage.
Keep your head down, go to class, see who does and doesn't go.
>mfw I graduated in 1999
if the teachers walk out, that's grounds for firing
also, since kids are openly admitting to being illegal, why not send a tip to the ICE?
Try to find a lawyer that will represent you in court and sue your school for creating a hostile environment and denying you a decent education due to their negligence
since all the faggots are going to walk out you should be able to make some chill friends with whoever is left, maybe bring some milk to drink while you discuss how to make america great again or form a militia
if your principal shoots down the argument, say this is violating your rights to education and the tax payers shouldn't be paying for this. say its unacceptable.
Take out your phone and start recording the riots, have voice recording of talking to your schools staff, make sure you ask if you can record though.
If they say no, document it.
You can literally rape your school so hard, be a hero user.
Laugh at their brainwashed, pathetic asses.
here you go
private - instagram.com
Preferably Mein Kampf
Beat it you sad old man. Just because youve wasted more of your life here than 18 year old OP doesnt make you any more intelligent.
t. Underage
>stand up for criminals
>Saying nigger is okay
>that's grounds for firing
lol that's a good one...as if a teacher could ever be fired. They could do actual nothing and the union would still defend them and the school system knows this so they don't even try to get rid of them. That is why devos was so hated as the department of education pick.
go with them to get out of school, hold up sign w/ pepe on it, post how many libtards beat your shit in
My family wasnt immigrants, they settled into the Midwest when it was still part of France and made a life out of nothing. Fuck these people.
This is our principle
3 are declared illegals
Go to school and protest the protest
Illegal confirmed
report her to ICE, get her ass outta here
Lecture them how conquering weaker groups has always been a part of human history. We are not immigrants to the US if we were born here, I am a natural born American. There are no longer any active Native American tribes, only people who are like 1/8 native american and protest against the pipeline that was purposely built longer to go around "native" land.
If that doesn't work call them cucks.
>go to school
>convince teachers that students who walk out should get failing grade because skip class
>become highest grade student in class because good behavior
Foreigners need a reminder that coming to america as an unskilled third world with a polar opposite culture involved in the majority of terrorist attacks is quite the fucking privilege.
>implying liberal ass teachers wouldn't give an A to all the kids who skipped and fail OP for not joining their mob
Kids are protesting something by skipping school. Really fighting the machine, there.
Stay in class and enjoy your education as your retard classmates prove themselves to be emotional dipshits.
In an ideal world this is how it would be but the teachers actively go after conservatives
>write a persuasive essay on how much you hate welfare
>get downgraded for being 'insensitive'
>write a persuasive essay on how much you hate guns
Charge your phone.
Okay. Then change.
>go to school
>poop in many desk because scool empty
>become phantom proper
>join protest so you are not suspect
>there are people posting on this very board who do not remember 9/11
Go to school while your classmates fail. it's simple really.
Thank you, Master Sensei, for your sage advice in these trying times.
Gee, I would have thought taking handouts with no consideration for the consequences would be insensitive.
>muh principle
Because he is your PAL
Underage detected
Stay in school and maybe one of your teachers will be chill and play a movie. When I was in school they were shill this thing called challenge day for like years. I had gone a year before and resolved myself to not going ever again so I didn't volunteer like everyone else. There were like three of us in history class (the period the challenge day was going on during) and my history teacher put on the goonies.
Report any teachers who participate or do nothing to stop students from leaving their classrooms to the state board of education; hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit against the school claiming it has failed in its contractual responsibilities to provide you with a safe, orderly environment in which to recieve an education.
Seriously. Get money; get shitty teachers fired.
report protest to ICE.
why is the hashtag #daywithoutimmigrants
why cant these people get it through their heads - the issue is with ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who are different than LEGAL IMMIGRANTS.
make the hashtag #daywithoutillegalimmigrants
Go to class
Report to ICE, inform your local police, go to school.
Thank you jap your helpful insight is much appreciated
Some kids did this earlier but their club got shut down
it's just a prank bro
>before school get a couple bottle of corn or olive oil
>when nobody is looking before protest walk down the hallways pouring it oil out on the floor
>Repeat until all oil is out
>Watch as everyone leaving for protest slips and eats shit
Probably would put a halt to the whole thing but that is only if you had hallways like my old highschool did
>either stay in class with white kids or go outside and listen to niggers and spics yell a lot
wow what a choice kid
Im surprised parents seem ok with this or they just dont know its occurring. You go to school to learn and every moment you are outside protesting, you are not learning. As a tax paying parent, the school doing this would piss me off and I would be picking up my kid and either finding another school, private school, home school or find another alternative.
you don't walk out
if you are the only one that stays you will be probably sent home as well, but you earn favors with the teachers.
l2 politics user.
Use the free time to study or anything else academic related. Maybe get a slice of pizza far away from wherever the protest is happening.
But the Iraq War ended in 2011 how could-
>They were 12
Stay in class and demand extra credit for not being a delinquent.
Damn it would really be a shame if ICE was outside tomorrow waiting for all the losers
Stay in your seat, poop in their desks after they're gone. May want to start eating beans tonight.
Enjoy your day off?
I'm so glad i was born 20 years earlier than you. All millennials must be gassed. No exceptions.
This Do your duty Cali-bro.
So where are you? LA? Central Coast?
>Implying this is not an excuse to just skip class.
Fuck who wouldn't take this?
Wear all white clothing and stay in class.
get banned
San Diego is a Sancuary city but if I tip ice directly can they still send the deportation squads???
Go, chant, make some friends.
Have fun.
San Diego
>Those noses
Kek. I was in Iraq when you were 4.
Fucking crazy
>dat pic
Gen Z really will be our salvation won't it?
Give every student who does so an automatic failure for the class the missed and force them to take it again.
Sanctuary cities are fading fast.
San Francisco cucks can only obstruct ICE so much now that Trump's at the helm.
You have to walk out or you will be laughed at as a teacher's pet. No redpilled friends?
I recommend a counterprotest, sign ideas
>Obama deported 2.5 million people, y'all
>apparently cutting in line doesn't hurt anyone. Good2know
Be both snarky and not overly mean. Use facts.
Don't forget Gulf War senpai. What - 9 years before they were born?
Time flies.
Have a sign that says, "Illiterate students there is a legal difference between illegal immigrants and legal immigrants, US citizen and non-US citizens."
That's Gen Z to be fair user.
If i was in hs i'd do anything to skip classes legally. just enjoy it user
You're the same age as my faggot brother thats a complete cunt. I hope you're not a complete cunt, cunt
>high school
This OP
LOL I live right down the street from that high school. Do something funny around 1:30pm for me OP.
?John Schindler, a former National Security Agency analyst and current columnist for the New York Observer
So... nobody?