Why do leftists say he won't make it through a full term without getting impeached?

Why do leftists say he won't make it through a full term without getting impeached?

Because he barked up the wrong tree by going after the intelligence community. He's fucked.

not just leftists. Most business people and conservatives I know realize he's a huge fraud (the main reason he doesn't release his taxes is because his net worth is far less than he claims) and eventually he will fail in the crucible of the presidency.

Because they are assholes.

Leftist mentality. Like a child constantly begging their parents for a new toy. They think if they repeat themselves enough, eventually they'll get what the want.

>Why do leftists say he won't make it through a full term without getting impeached?

In all fairness the right was saying the same thing all through Obamas presidency.

because they don't know the requirements for impeachment

>his net worth is far less than he claims

I think it's great. They whine and ramp up everything to an 11 while mainstream Democrats say "what a bunch of retards... what happened to my party" and are leaving the party in droves.

The intelligence community went after him, shareblue.

Because they're dumb enough to want a civil war.

Why did 3 million more people vote Hillary if people are leaving in droves I just don't think that is the case as much as I want it to be maybe there just are more left wing retards.

So it's the Leftist version of meme magic

Because they want to believe it and because they really don't have any idea what sort of platform the Democratic party stands for any more so all they can do is cling on to the hope that Trump and the Republicans implode.

4 years from now if the economy is doing well and he's avoided a major scandal he'll stomp anyone the Democrats throw at him and that terrifies them.

Because he's incompetent. He allowed himself and his team to be used as "useful idiots" by a hostile foreign power.

Yes but extremely innefective

leftists at first were in the denial stage of grief

now they are in the anger stage of grief

Wishful thinking.

Ignore them.

First post is best post. Guys a total noob who'll get pwnt

Because they've been in denial this whole time and continue to be in denial.

Every time they are let down, it allows for the massive amounts of salt mining that I've come to love.

I'm willing to bet most mainstream Democrats are thinking the same thing. Trump is largely unpopular, especially within the center left wing of the American populace

>Why did 3 million more people vote Hillary if people are leaving in droves

They lost the POTUS, Congress, state governors and legislatures. Trump won states that typically went Democrat.

Because they don't want him to.

The reality is that it's very difficult to fuck up so hard you get impeached. The entire country could fucking hate you after one year, but unless you commit treason, or some other high federal crime, you're not getting impeached, and you're certainly not getting removed from office.

They can scream and cry all they want about how they don't like how he's trying diplomacy with Russia instead of just making demands of them, but it's not going to get them anywhere, and it's certainly not getting him impeached.

Because, OP, they have no idea what you actually have to do to be impeached.

They think that disagreeing with policy is ground for MUH IMPEACHMENT.

Liberals are not smart, and believe whatever they read on HuffPo, then share that same nonsense and get others riled up as if something might happen.

Precisely why we should all be investing in big pharma companies that make antidepressants, because when these faggots realize they've got almost a decade of The Golden Don to rule over them, they'll all be needing to take something just to keep from cutting their wrists each day.

>In all fairness the right was saying the same thing all through Obamas presidency.

Not that I ever heard.

A few may have barked about it, but nobody really found a reason it could happen.

Forcing the penalty for those who didn't get insurance coverage SHOULD have been a reason to consider it, but the RINOs in charge were all faggots and were colluding on that shit, so no go.

Left wing has a concentrated voting base. They don't realize it doesn't matter how crazy you act on the coasts.

This has to be a troll..

They live in a world where they still think wishing there were a puppy in a box might still result in one appearing. Remember all the "Electoral College is gonna flip!" posters and reports? Same shit.

Desperation from a dying party. Ignore them.

>suffered the most humiliating defeat in modern political history
>attempt to save face by trying to get him impeached at every turn
this is all a charade to try and save face. they don't believe it, they just want YOU to believe it

Once again, zero proof of any grounds for impeachment, but you still believe in it like a 5 year old believes in Santa Claus.

Get that Prozac script filled, kiddo, you're going to need it for the next decade and beyond. If you make it that far.

>Why do leftists say

Are you seriously trying to have us rationalize the complaints of a groups of homosexual faggots, SJW's, and POC fueled by kike propaganda?

/thread, fugg, that was beautiful.

Hi Ben

Same reason they said in total seriousness that Ronald Reagan would end life on Earth.

Everyone I know is beating it raw with excitement over him keeping campaign promises.

>Guys a total noob who'll get pwnt

Ah this takes me back. It's 2001 again

Forgot pic

If it's any consolation I don't think he'll get impeached.

[spoiler]He will probably just resign though.

Prove it is. Be sure to account for all of his debts.

LA, SF, Chicago, DC and NYC literally made up 40% of her votes. Its a joke. Libs are concentrated

Leftists have no magic

Because they hate him and want him gone and lost the election fair and square and have a severe case of butthurt?

Because Clinton was impeached for lying about sex. If dems win the house and Senate, which is likely, given the way political flip-flopping occurs in the modern era, then things will likely look bad for Trump when they start airing his dirty laundry.

Everyone you know is deplorable then.

Not likely at all.

Red districts got more red in 2016, and 24 of the 34 senate seats up are Dems.

It's not just lefties. We in the middle know he's up shit creek too. He's not fit for the office and some people who trumppost on this board knew it too.

Kek's will is unyielding.


Because they are eternally assblasted. This is going to be a fun 8 years since the lefties only know how to doubledown like they let their wive's doubledown on Tyrone's dick.

republicans already won the house and senate...

>Because Clinton was impeached

What? He wasn't impeached. You weren't even alive for his presidency were you?

>Person A claims X
>Person A is asked for proof by person B for X
>Person A wants person B to find proof of the opposite of X

Burden of proof, kys.

These cuckold analogies are just creepy. What is it with you americans and your black dick obsession

It's not all Americans. Those of us who don't have sex with our family laugh at people who call others cucks.

Because they're idiots. They somehow think that if Trump gets impeached Hillary will be president instead. They have no clue.

Let me explain the joke to you.

It's to make a light jab at the leftist because they are stereotyped to be cucks. It was meant as a humorous remark to their wives while also saying they don't know how to do anything else.

For the same reason they said:

>lmao you drumfsters are so cute, Drumpf will never be President

Delusions of grandeur, arrogance, it's all so tiresome.

He's too stubborn to resign.

He'll go down screaming.

>Bill Clinton cheats on hillary


>Dubya wiretaps and shit


>Obama wiretaps and drops bombs and shit


I'm happy about his popular vote nonsense. It muddied the waters enough to prevent any meaningful reform of the Democratic party as it crashes and burns

If they had anything on him, they would have used it. It's just MSM looking for clickbait to sell eyeballs and ad revenue at this point.

bill clinton stepped down, there has never been any president that has gotten impeached

>(the main reason he doesn't release his taxes is because his net worth is far less than he claims)

Tax returns don't show or imply anything about net worth at all. The only thing his tax returns will show is that he paid barely any income tax (if any at all) which we already knew. He didn't release his tax returns because people finding out that Mitt Romney's effective tax rate was lower than theirs was a huge blow to his campaign in 2012.

No he didn't. He was acquitted by the Senate and he served out the rest of his term. He wasn't impeached and he didn't step down either.

Literal retard

Read a book dumbshit

>If they had anything on him, they would have used it.
Not at all. They're just waiting. The reason why the "mainstream" GOP who were all anti-Trump during the campaign fell in line is because they realize they can use Trump to push all their deregulation stuff. GOP can say to the Democrats "Look, we just want him in office for a few months, it'll be a big show, and you guys can take the time to re-organize your shitty party, and then we turn on him." Dems go along with it, hence their half-assed "opposition" and reliance on idiot agitators in the streets. GOP turns on Trump whenever they think he's become a liability. It's already happening.

I can guarantee you they want to impeach him by 2020 to put in Pence.

Because they've reached event horizon levels of delusional desperation in the face of losing ground on virtually every political battlefront.

Presidency: Republican
Senate: 52 Republican, 46 Democrat
House of Representatives: 239 Republican, 192 Democrat
Governships: 33 Republicans 16 Democrats

The 2016 Election literally beat the shit out of them so hard they used mental gymnastics to convince themselves that a Republican-dominated Congress will somehow vote to remove a Republican President (whose popularity many of them rode into power) out of office.

Basically, we're living in a reverse October Revolution where Trump is Vladimir Lenin, the Republican Party are the Communists, the Alt-Right are the Red Guards, Hillary Clinton is Alexander Kerensky, the Democrats are the White Movement, Blacks Liars Murder are the Black Hundreds, Obama is the deposed Nicolas II, George Soros and other Left Coast elites are the other members of the Romanov Dynasty who are delusional enough to believe they can still regain control of the Empire despite their influence and popularity crumbling on all fronts.