*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
Whoooaaa hol up, who won the popular vote again?!
*record scratch*
Other urls found in this thread:
Counties won:
Trump 2626
Hillary 487
States won:
Trump 30
Hillary 20
Our system doesn't run on popular vote. Electors make the choice you fucking leaf.
sorry shill, but hillary went with Pepe is racists. You literally can't use hillary pepe without looking like a complete idiot.
If you take away Cali and NY, Trump won the popular vote.
We cannot let shitlibs in 2 states out of 50 determine the fate of the country. This is the reason the founding fathers came up with the electoral system in the first place.
Also-go home CTR.
Whoops, looks like drumpfy is wrong!
OP btfo
Fuck off leaf Clinton only appealed to blacks and lesbians
muh population density
Only reason we don't annex Canada is to keep idiots like you out of the US.
I don't think that pie chart is very accurate.
And people with brains that don't spend every night fapping to the sound of Sean Hannity's voice.
This pie chart is so inaccurate.
How many Supreme Court seats does the popular vote get you?
why didn't this secy of def ever do anything aside from get people killed and try to hide it from our country?
Eh I watch waaaaay more cnn than fox
Do you think Hillary let's bill give her anal?
The one who's not president
u got lucky didgeridoos but all city people voted for hillary u faggot leaf
Well CNN is pretty painful in general. Fox is just ridiculously partisan towards the right.
Leaf faggotry at it's best.
Go suck some Trudeau cock.
I generally agree. Im not some hack like some of the tards on here
What difference, at this point, does it make?
>that snowsuit
>All this yank saltiness
So, you Americans don't like facts I take it? She won the popular vote. Drumpf had to resort to underhand tactics. Had llary is the true president of the US. You'll realise that when Drumpf gets impeached.
>The 2 most wealthy and advance states
If you take them out, you end up with some nigger or redneck states who still think in Creationism.
Gee why did Hillary give a concession speech and attend his inaugural then?
2 most Mexican filled states.
Popular vote doesn't matter. It's not like the EU Parliament where they need 50%+ consensues to pass everything
>Oh wait
can't come soon enough
>All this willful britbong ignorance
Pic related.
She's a masochist.
>Out of piss
>Drink american beer
>not a single amerifat can actually explain electoral college
Even cumpf knows it makes no sense.
That was pretty weak. The Brits are usually somewhat clever.. are you a paki?
Forgot pic of drumpf btfo himself.
One vote for each member of congress. Each state has two senators, each state has a minimum of one congressman based on population. Any questions abdullah?
>That was pretty weak
Like your shitty alcohol then. Stick to what you're good at, like shooting up schools and slowly killing yourself by stuffing yourself full of artificial food.
He's right, it is. America isn't a democracy though, it's a Republic.
as soon as those illegal spics are out of the country its a whole different story.
I love that every history book will have a "although Clinton won the popular vote." after the first mention of the trump presidency. Gotta piss trump off so much.
the illegals
Hopefully this IC battle brings the weasel to his knees.
>hurrr shitty beer
>hurrr skoolz
>hurr fake food
Now I am sure of it. A 15yo paki. Keep your filthy halal cock skinners off of the white children, mohamed.
And you should stick to what you're good ad, turning western Europe in to a Pakistani hellhole.
Just like the last President to lost the popular vote, and the one before him who did the same. Who were those two guys?
I say we turn it into a nuclear winter wonderland
Clinton only 'won' the popular vote by bringing in illegal's to vote for her.
fucking dumb cuck satanic pedo loving Clinton shills.
Who is president of the United States again?
Oh that is right... Donald J. Trump
Not the two time loser who lost to a half black Muslim and the first time politician Trump.
>Piss beer joke
Not nearly as much as $hillary. A constant stinging reminder of what a bitter, washed-up failure she is.. immortalized. Top Kek.
Going by your demographics one of you is not white.
Hillary did, and she still lost.
Hurts doesn't it, Hillshits?
You're flailing, mohamed.
We are both computer literate, so I'd assume we both are. I've also been the only white guy in sight in London, so what does that say?
Have you seen your own capital my friend? Have you actually seem every major american city? They're all majority non-white. Every single one.
>b-b-but muh 99.9% white rural town
Yeah, getting ran out of your own cities
>home of the """"brave""""
I don't know that I would ever call londoners brave, but okay. You do realize that most of england is a suburb of london compared to most American cities, right?
I'm confused, wasn't Hillary the one crying her eyes out when she lost and Trump being happy? The picture makes no sense, SAD!
Your sad attempt to mock reeks of desperation and failure, mohamed. Careful how nasty you get, fling your shit about.
Women are for fucking
>FUCK you Hilary
>I'm drunk
>suck my clock
>honor and obey me so it
nigger nigger i hate muslims
>ITT things our friend can't legally do
Trump since Hillary conceded.
>muh landmass
Like that will negate your impending doom
The truth hurts. What a shithole of a country. No wonder you need guns. You'll be robbed and raped on the spot if you ever left your house without one. A literal zoo.
We are cool my african/muslim friend. Tell us how you really feel about the demographics of your country.
Also, tell me how great you are for having so many more whites than us. I'll share it with my friend, report-it.org.uk
>This deflection
I see my work here is done. Go prep the bull now, cutlet
Enjoy your visit from the hate-speech police!
You just keep doubling down on the stupid memes, mohamad. You're far more likely to be robbed and raped by your fellow shitskins and yobs. You're pathetic.
Um no, sweety
>You just keep doubling down the the stupid memes
kek, pretty ironic. Also, they aren't memes. That's just your reality. Maybe if you stopped fucking your sister and left the basement sometime you'd realise that, inbred hick
But seriously we cannot let this rural and suburban retard get the launch codes
Are you done yet? People have gone to prison in your land for saying less than you have in this thread. I'm going to report you to the police and the TV license people too.
Hey, what's your IP btw.
Nvm, got it.
Still flinging shit, mohamad? And on a school night even. You'll be late to madrasa if you aren't careful.
We don't pick a president based on how California votes, this is why trump is president and Hillary is nothing
I guess its true. Yank poofters can't have a laugh. Pretty fucking pathetic. Anyway, neck yourselves you mongrelised non-white subhuman cut up dick scum.
>electoral votes
>underhand tactics
Why do you have to talk like a small child?
Urgh, you're either incredibly flamboyant or a really ugly girl.
Good night mohamad, don't get glassed and remember your jihad belt in the morning.
Practice spreading your cheeks for enrichment. You west-destroying chruchill-defending, destroyer of all that is good and white in this world. I love how all your signs are in english and Arabic now so that your conquerors can adapt more quickly. Glad you don't have the First Amendment, since I'm sure a part of you is holding back some choice words for me.
Isn't the U.S federal election made up of 50 popular votes?
Saying Cliton should have won because she got "more votes" Is like say Alanta should be superbowl champs because they won more games during the season.
One vote per Senator, one vote per Congressman. Two Senators per state, minimum one Congressman per state depending on population. That's the Electoral College. It's like the Founding Fathers had vision into the future to keep California from fucking us.
The ancestors of these guys live here now. I suppose your ancestors were the village idiots who weren't welcome on the voyages to better lands.
>west destroying
No, that's you.
I'm at 110 degrees West. How far West are you?
I love how you call us white destroying as well. We're the only reason why whites are outside of Europe. You actually sicken me. How much do you want to bet you're of German descent? Anyway, I'm glad Germany is dying. You're dying as well. You're pretty much right on the edge of chaos currently. I find it laughable how you morons think that trump will magically reverse the demographics. Its over for you. And I'm fucking glad.
Hey faggot! You know trump is the president now?
It's pretty awful here, I'll be honest. We have pockets where the demographics aren't crazy, but the major cities are lost. The thing that stands out here is that we have the legal right to say what we want to against it, and we elected someone who wants to stop it. Theresa May came here and paid lip service to Trump, and then went back to Europe to play the EU whore that she is.
I wasn't kidding about the stupid hate speech bullshit. Remember what happened to Tommy Robinson. I'm not going to say anything, but don't forget that 4plebs archives all of this shit. The last time I was in London I made a major shift in my job to avoid Europe in the future. Spics are assholes, but at least they are Christians.
So much anger.. sooo much impotent rage.
Does your school have conflict resolution classes, mohamad? Or is it straight off to acid bottles and jihad machetes for you?
In the morning, real britbongs will be on, and they'll have something witty to say.
I'll be honest, I think he's more Nigel than mohammed. Just a thought.