*record scratch*

*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
Whoooaaa hol up, who won the popular vote again?!

Other urls found in this thread:


Counties won:
Trump 2626
Hillary 487

States won:
Trump 30
Hillary 20

Our system doesn't run on popular vote. Electors make the choice you fucking leaf.

sorry shill, but hillary went with Pepe is racists. You literally can't use hillary pepe without looking like a complete idiot.

If you take away Cali and NY, Trump won the popular vote.

We cannot let shitlibs in 2 states out of 50 determine the fate of the country. This is the reason the founding fathers came up with the electoral system in the first place.

Also-go home CTR.

Whoops, looks like drumpfy is wrong!

OP btfo

Fuck off leaf Clinton only appealed to blacks and lesbians

muh population density

Only reason we don't annex Canada is to keep idiots like you out of the US.