Will white people be treated well when we're minorities in our own countries?
Will white people be treated well when we're minorities in our own countries?
funny coming from sweden
hell no. they'll drive us out and then cry that they're starving. ungrateful third world vermin.
of course, all other races love white people so much
Ask South Africans, Brazilians, or Swedes
I seriously doubt it.
Have kids. Train them to be warriors.
This is what I don't get about lefties
>believe minorities always get the shit end of the stick
>totally fine with becoming a minority themselves
Essentially they are saying "I want the shit end of the stick". It really is a sort of quasi suicide cult.
It's okay we've been privileged for too long.
Of course, just look at South Africa. A bastion of tolerance.
>govt openly discriminates against us
>farmers being genocided according to UN definition
>no freedom of speech
>kaffers just have to claim racism, without any proof and whites are criminally charged
>woman fined 250k for saying something on facebook
Should i continue?
As I said. Suicide xult
In most western countries, whites are on the path to becoming minorities. Let's say things don't change and we do end up minorities, is there anywhere we can go to? There are no white countries in the world that don't allow colored people right?
Most of Eastern Europe doesn't allow niggers. Partly because they're poor and don't have any gibs to offer, partly because of their immigration laws and the attitude of the Natives.
Which countries specifically? I saw that article about hungary that would allow (in their words) actual refugees, that is white people fleeing multiculturalism and all that bullshit, but what else?
Balkans, Russia, Estonia, Poland, they don't take too kindly to sand niggers. I hate the fact that I will live to see whites become a minority in Canada. We already have in all the major cities.
no. white people will be horribly oppressed because the esrtwhile minorities will have been subjected to over a generations worth of antiwhite propaganda to the effect that there's no complaint a white person can make that's legitimate or worthy of consideration by that time
what annoys me is that most of this propaganda is being pushed by white trust fund assholes
No, of course not. Look at how the rhetoric is now. You think it's going to ease up when there are less of us...?
>whites are the only race that put other races before their own
>when whites are a minority will anyone care about whites
no user.
Everything has an end and unfortunately it seems like it's come during the period we were alive. I don't want it to be so but it does really seem like it's the end for white people in western countries. The worst part is that our open minded and welcoming nature is what will ruin us.
If your ancestors had that pathetic attitude you wouldn't have a free, safe, prosperous country right now.
No, see South Africa and Zimbabwe. You will be murdered on streets.
Might seem that way in Canacuck land, but we kinda voted in Trump and TruDOH is folding to Trump so maybe there is hope for you too.. Remember its harder for the muslims to get to us and Europe is taking the blunt of that. Europe.. Idk man that shit is a wild card. Depends who sides with who. Trump being president means maybe we will do something about this... America has more influence then it should and the only thing stopping us are neocons who are traitors.
We will be treated as we treated other minorities.
So we're fucked.
The "white flight" of people who just want their old ways, and comfortable lives back, will end up with people leaving in mass (see: big cities that lost a lot of jobs like Detroit, or Chicago for example) and will only end up happening on bigger and bigger scale. The shitskins will just keep packing up and moving to where its "nice" (white) and the cycle continues.
So basically, no. I have tried to make this point to people
>7 billion people in world
>between 1 billion and 1.3 billion whites depending what figures you take
>whites are approx 13-15% of the entire world
>whites are a minority
I'm Mike Wolfe, and I'm Frank Fritz, and we're pickers. We travel the backroads of America, looking for rusty gold. We're looking for amazing things buried in people's garages and barns. What most people see as junk, we see as dollar signs. We'll buy ANYTHING we think we can make a buck on. Each item we pick has a history all it's own. And the people we meet, well, they're a breed all their own. We make a living telling the history of America. One piece at a time.
what would they have done
Other than whites, what are there?
Asians and blacks? If so, are Indians included in your white calculation? Or are Indians a separate race? How about middle easterners? which groups compose the other 85%?
Tomorrow is a day without a wetback. it will be so nice to not see any Mexicans tomorrow.