how true is this?
How true is this?
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There are many human subspecies.
Morrissey is the embodiment of /polgbt/.
Spend a week in Sydney and you'll find out
If they all disappeared off the face of the planet, nothing of value would be lost
Subspecies =/= Subhuman
Morrissey is based and Smiths is one of the GOAT 80s bands.
Morrissey is a fan of Brexit, FYI.
well, you can't help but feel that the faggots are a subspecies.
I think he said this in reference to the Chinese's treatment of animals.
If so, he is correct, and Sup Forums has has numerous threads on how fucked up the Chinese are towards animals.
Kek. The Smiths are the most overrated band in the history of recorded music.
The born with the cock in his side, was a classic.
No, they are not a subspecies, but they are our enemy. Never underestimate your enemy.
China has been around for 3000 years. They may not be easy to take down.
Reminder that Morissey is a British Nationalist and has written songs about it and probably likes Mosley.
The Chinese are fucked up towards anything that lives. Should of let the Japs take over.
he fact that so many books still name the Beatles "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success: the Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worth of being saved.
He's a pussy though. He only picked on the Chinese because they aren't a victim group in the same way shitskins are. He would neve dare to speak out against blacks or muslims even though they commit atrocities against *other people* on a daily basis.
Morrissey doesn't care about people though.
I hate thier politics, but to call the Beatles overrated is outrageous. They were musical pioneers, who constantly pushed boundaries like nobody before them. The Smiths on the other hand, were whiny, one-dimensional charlatans, riding on the coattails of the British new wave. They have some decent songs, but don't deserve the reputation they have.
Speak for yerself, homo.
Go back to your Duran Duran albums.
Long live the Moz
Good to see you have no idea of how anything in asia works.
it's 100 percent true. they eat bugs and horse penises and even their own young. A rather savage folk incapable of higher thought. perhaps on the same, or even lesser level than a niggers. Certainly nowhere near the thought capacity of a white man, or russian, or jewish.
What does that mean? What does 'subspecies' mean? Still a member of the species? Autism never changes.
fuck you nigger
The Chinese would probably agree with him desu. Many of them refuse to believe that humanity originated in Africa and then spread throughout the world and instead believe Chinese people somehow evolved into the same species, but in China.
Not really, they have some dedicated penitents out there. We're a cctv police state with laws to keep us poor . Probably there is more opportunity in China.
But then he never liked England much either
You can still mate with a chinese, right? So yes, same species.
This is really stupid, also for the reasons stated above.
Also yes Morrisey and Smiths are OF ALL TIME.
Japs are no better.
>This is really stupid, also for the reasons stated above.
Don't look at me I don't make the rules
I'm looking at the Chinese who are stupid enough to believe this. If you can mate and produce fertile offspring you are the same species and evolved together, sry mate.
Also Morrissey really doesn't like anybody.