>be whyte
>go outside
>get skin cancer
Be whyte
>be black
>go outside
>get killed by own kind
>be black
>think immune to skin cancer
>get skin cancer
>be black
>go north
>get vitamin D deficiency
>be Indian.
>have to go to the bathroom.
>run pass the bathroom.
>go outside.
Poo poo in the streets.
So Indians are niggers? WE WUZ POO
>Be black
>Live in cold climate
>Be black
>move north for gibs
>forget to take vitamin d supplements
It's almost like people evolved to survive in their natural cli.ate or something.
>>be Indian
>>pigs steal your fetuses
>>bodies float in rivers
>>women shit in alleys as mating call
>>have to pay extra for rape free bus
>>bobble head
>>creepy monkey hands
>be average Sup Forums user
>decide to step outside for the first time in a month
>"the light, it burns!"
>be indian
>go outside
>slip on a turd
>fall into ganges
>die of aids
>be pajeet
>go to designated shitting street
>get driven over by a truck
>Be black
>Go to a high altitude
>Be black
>Live in Africa
>Be Hindu
>Cannot poo in loo
>Catches poo-borne disease
>Dies too
>be indian
>go outside
>get parasitic disease from lack of sanitation and sewage disposal
>be indian
>go outside
>get all sorts of diseases because of the shit filled streets
>contract a new form of disease thanks to the overpopulated shithole country you were unlucky enough to be born within and its lack of basic hygiene
>mutates so as to grow 10 new fingers in each hand
>gets shived by crazy fanatics for eating a hamburguer
>serves time in jail for messing with a monkey that was bothering you
>gets rejected as the dirty creep you are in online chat-rooms
>finally thanks God for ending your pathetic excuse you call life
>be black
>have genetic heart condition
If you need welfare,
to survive in the city,
you were never designed to leave the jungle.
>Be black
>Not form higher thoughts
>Lack ideas beyond throwing rocks/feces
>Lack desires beyond fucking primates
>Fuck primates
>Get ebola
>Dead body gets fucked by another
>Gets ebola
>Dies as well
>Further research is needed to determine the underlying causes, the experts agree. Some evidence suggests that maternal stress and vitamin D deficiencies may play a role, particularly among immigrants from impoverished or war-torn regions.
talk about getting caught with your pants down
>be indian
>need special baby condoms
>regular condoms keep slipping off inside baby cousin
>can't afford special condoms
>get caught fishing a Trojan out of a baby's ass
>explain misunderstanding
>uncle laughs
>be indian
>wake up
>bathe in shit river
>eat shit covered breakfast
>tongue cows anus
>go to tech support job
>eat leftover curry for lunch
>take runny shit on designated street outside office
>save some of that fresh curry for dinner
>go home
>eat curry
>brush teeth with curry
>sleep in shit covered, rat infested bed
>thrive on planet anyway
how are we just this fucking great?
>be black
>think you're immune to skin cancer instead of just resistant
>don't wear sunscreen
>Be black
>In horror movie
>Horror movie has dark environment
>Can't ever see black actor
>Literally blends in shadows
>Director gets mad
>Kills off nigger first
>be native american
>drink alcohol
Go away young pajeet, to the designated shitting street.
>Be black
>Live in northern Europe
>Have to take Vitamin D supplements to survive
Shea butter is Nordic life hack #2764
Shit bait.
I'm wondering where this stupidity originated. I'm white and I don't waste time or money on sunscreen. Plus skin cancer is more likely to kill brown skinned people because the think they are immune to it.
what the FUCK
>Be white
>Build civilization
>Extend life span
>Make scientific advancements
>Don't shoot each other
>Niggers move in to neighborhood
>Move out
>During all of this millions of useless niggers
>Be white
>Browse Sup Forums all day
>Never go outside
>White skin useless for creating Vitamin D
You know, for a people who claim to absorb cosmic knowledge from sunlight via melanin, they don't seem very bright.
So you are saying brown people need sunscreen but you don't?
>be indian
>dookie brown skin
>Dookie brown eyes
>Dookie brown breath
>Dookie swarmed with flies
>Dookie brown genes
>Dookie brown mind
>dookie is your heart
>dookie is your life
What's with all the hate brooo?
>Baiting on Sup Forums
>Posting something that's Pro-Nigger
Literally face-fuck a saw, you subhuman shit.
>white people weren't designed to live on this planet
and still they managed to conquer the world and rule over all the other races
>be brown skinned
>live in the wilderness like an animal
>never build or invent anything
>be white
>bend nature to your will and change the face of the fucking earth to conform to your needs
>be poo
Humans evolved to be white cause it was fucking cold in Europe you dumb shits.
>be Caucasian
>have skin like that of a pig
>eat shit which gives you intestinal diseases
>women prefer fucking guys who don't look like piggies
> brazilian making fun of india for being a shithole
Did he slip in his own shit?
white skin don't do shit for cold weather, it's for the D man, and just cuz you got the white skins ain't mean you don't need to sup with some pills
>be white
>have higher life expectancy
>black guy dies
>still alive
>Finally dies
>that's not what your mom said
>confuse Indians with East Asians
>bet my left nut I'm bigger than you
>be Indian
>go outside
>slip on shit
>tumble into the street
>get run over by Horse Drawn Taxi
>If you need sunscreen to go outside, you were never designed to live anywhere other than in a cultured, civilized society where work is done indoors and things that are considered comforts abroad are considered commonplace at home
>be indian
>be black man
>be raised by shit single mom
>get femnig preggers
>get theee or four more pregnant
>get shot by another black
>be black womanizer
>get baby daddy on purpose
>get three or four more baby daddies
>have two of them baby daddies in jail
>have other two baby daddies die
>get gubbament checks for life
>live to 60
>die of being fat
>muh dick
>acting like a nigger
>Vitamin D
That's what milk is for, nigger.
Might be a bad idea to mention shit, Pajeet. As for intestinal diseases, you're not supposed to actually eat shit. That doesn't clean your guts out.
>Never go outside
I'll have you know, I leave my apartment on Tuesdays and Thursdays for class.
>Be white
>Browse Sup Forums all day
>Never go outside
>White skin useless for creating Vitamin D
>Drink milk because not a lactose intolerant nigger
>Be fine
>Be white
>drink milk since you're not lactose intolerant
>Being black in Africa on modern days.
>Depend on white civilizations to not die of starvation
There was a firmament of water surrounding the upper atmosphere before the flood. It kept the harmful rays at bay.
It's what caused men to live 600 to 900 years before the flood.
After flood men started dying around 100. We have millions of particles shooting through our bodies, damaging our DNA.
Our DNA makes imperfect copy after imperfect copy before we're dead.
>be Indian
>have skin like that of fresh poo
>bathe in river of shit called the Ganges which gives you intestinal disease
>women prefer fucking guys who don't look like fresh logs of shit
>be black
>that is all
I'm Mike Wolfe and I'm Frank Fritz and we're pickers. We travel the backroads of America looking for rusty gold We're looking for amazing things buried in people's garages and barns What most people see as junk, we see as dollar signs. We'll buy ANYTHING we think we can make a buck on. Each item we pick has a history all its own And the people we meet well, they're a breed all their own We make a living telling the history of America. One piece at a time.
I saw two indians at the pool yesterday.
for real
one of them flailed wildly trying to swim in 3 ft of water. pathetic
the other one spits in the sauna
im not racist for noticing this and passing on the info
Not every part of the world is the same climate as Africa.
Northern countries get less silent and the people there evolved to have paler skin.
If you need Vitamin D supplements in a cold climate country to avoid malnutrition, you weren't designed to live.
If you need welfare to survive, you weren't designed to live.
If you need designated streets to shit...
Why are blacks so obsessed over their skin? They don't have any accomplishments as a culture so they try to make having dark skin into one?
>>bobble head
> be only white tech worker in team
> others Indian on visas.
> Heads bobble when explaining anything.
Wish I could do it. It's like Italian hand waving genes were expressed in neck muscles.
Ayo, hol' up. If white folk ain't s'posed ta be on 'nis earf'... You sayin' we wuz space kangz 'n sheeit?
we invented sun screen
key word invent
its kinda a white people thing, you wouldn't understand.
>cant hang in modern civilization and everyone knows it, even you, when no ones looking, and political opinion is only split on whether to treat you like a dog that lives inside or out the main house