What exactly is wrong with Centrism?
they are racist cucks
a lot of the time, centrists will never have any strong convictions because it might make then seem bias
they may never have a strong belief about an idea or person in case it means they have identified with something left or right
>tfw centrist libertarian
The 'center' is constantly moving.
Being a centrist only proves you believe in nothing.
Centrists don't want to remove kebab
It's too reasonable for ideologues to comprehend
When has staying in the middle ever solved anything?
It just means youre scared to believe in something and you want to be (((cool))) with everyone
Because they're liars, you're always gonna like one side over the other. It's just how humans are. Trying to go against that can't happen
because data isn't politically correct
It lacks both the German idealism and the dialectical materialism. Trash tier-ideology with no future.
>Being a centrist only proves you believe in nothing
What are the positions of a "radical centrist"?
So does the left and the right. Centrist just means you fall around the current center, it's not a philosophy of staying in the middle of the political compass no matter where it shifts.
Except a lot of moderates like myself have a strong left/right position on each subject but we simply don't immediately take sides like you retards.
Yeah it's wrong. It proves you believe what the information you see will lead you to believe. Anyone who views information, and acts on it is obviously an idiot. Right, guys?
wow hey guys i am a moderate my views are so balanced that is good
I'm allowed to think that both sides can't be trusted.
Or are you a fuckin commie
wtf is the state that's over half black
We are seen as too normal. People want to have edgy labels attached to them like "Alt-right" or "liberals".
Gone is the days where policies mattered most.
>not accounting for shifts in party policy priorities
>posting this dumb fucking inforgraphic
>rooting for either "team" when all both want to do is fuck you out of one freedom or another
Whats wrong with that logic in your meme? You need both to balance each ideology out.
>you need to eat shit to balance out a sandwich
nigger did you even read the sticky at the top of Sup Forums?
As well as too complicated for fans of demagogues to keep up with.
>"Wait, you mean I have to form my own opinions? What is Infowars for then?"
>oh shit son
>a reddit MS Paint Comic
>centrists watch out
Washington DC
>not a state
I know, but it's still a valid example
Why does the centrist look like podesta?
Yes libertarian centrism is the ultimate redpill
centrists are just leftists in disguise. if you really grill them on what they believe in they'll admit to supporting almost all leftist policies, but it will be disguised as moderation. stuff like "I just want common sense gun control" and "there has to be some kind of safety net for poor people." then when you point out that they're ideologically on the same page as the left they'll just say that it only seems that way because you're too reactionary.
Left & right are constantly moving too
The problem is that the American Left is the center-right of the rest of the world, so a centrist looks like a commie to yall.
t. Shlomo Bernstein who wants to leech off of foreign people's hard work
Anything that isn't ethno-nationalism is scientifically proven to turn into an absolute cuckfest of pleasing foreigners and neglecting your own people.
>people who look at the facts and decide based on those things What their beliefs are lean left
Really makes you wonder...
Because it's fucking lazy, being incapable of following anything to a conclusion and create a vision of the world you want to live in is just plain lazy.
It's not even an intelligent position to have because it has to be by far the most contradictory and I personally think it's the least practical long term because the longer you keep that status quo going, the more and more the divide sets in before society snaps.
You can't unify people being a centrist, you just make both sides pissed off until they go each other it seems.
because they are commies. you can't moderately believe in individual rights, only in moderately infringing on them. a conservative says "no one is entitled to anyone else's property." a leftist will say "the rich have an obligation to give to the poor." a centrist will say "ok how about we only take some of your money." the ideology is the same. only the degree is different.
>like you retards
ummmmm im actually a radical centrist my self, checkmate
I mean... In your example, the centrist is right though. Society devolves into a hellish plutocracy if there is no redistribution of wealth at all.
The reality of the matter is that the extreme positions are almost never the optimal ones, no matter how many hilarious MSPaint memes get posted here.
Literally nothing.
It is objectively the best political stance.
Really makes you think
the point is that the centrist is just a leftist who decides how much is "reasonable" to infringe on your rights based on the political climate.
>you can't moderately believe in individual rights
how not
they are also the first ones to vote for hitler (& sanders) apparently
due to strong ethnocentric views, despite significant leaning left policies among the group
Bogpill really is a moderate head in the sand meme. When the social ramifications are too steep you bogpill and pretend its edgy trolling
from what i can see
the center is divided too
half wants welfare state & nearly no immigration (old eu?)
the other half wants business state & maximum immigration (singapore?)
Well, the thing with the center is that depending on your definition it can stretch from one extreme to the other, or only be a point dead in the center. I can understand why people holding right-wing views would prefer to label themselves as centrists.
>nationalize energy, arms, healthcare, education, agriculture, and natural resources
>free market otherwise
>abolish minimum wage
>minorities out
>borders closed to immigrants, open to trade
>America first
>equality for (white) women
>legalize DUDE WEED LMAO and other recreational drugs
Am I a radical centrist
That's not what centrism is.
"radical centrist"
yeah you gotta have a head full of dusty old books and cobwebs to come to some bleak concept as that
radically toward the center? its just like, what? what does that even mean?
>1 post by this id
how does a non-existent government please or neglect anyone?
Basically not being an ideologue and adopting solutions from different sides as necessary.
Avoiding shit like
That they're going to lose :/
Being a centrist now in America is a bit like being in the South African PFP in the 1970s.
People are basically talking monkeys and underneath their clothes all people wanna do is fuck the guys and girls with good genes and kill the slightly different looking monkeys.
The centre will still exist in, say, 2030 but they're going to be weak, impotent and ignored by everybody.
Basically the "centre" of American politics was the mainstream GOP. It tried to ignore or mock racial conflict and told everyone look, race politics and identity politics generally is for losers, just get your shit together, make some money, move out of the trailer park or ghetto or wherever you live and we can all get along.
We see how that worked out. Reins Preibus or however you spell his name is basically the centre personified. People like him will still be around in a few decades time but you won't remember their names easily let alone how to spell them.
too many isms ignore the nature of man, namely that we shit in our own cereal for lulz
My guess would be Baltimore.
Neither side can be trusted because they're both overrun by commies. I still think Trump will turn out to be just another marxist, just maybe slightly less marxist than the other marxist.
The center doesn't move, left & right moves.
nothing, don't listen to these racist cucks
Because the kebab isn't an issue.
No you fucking retard, there is literally no objectively best political stance, politics is inherently subjective.
Well, there is theoretically an optimal way to run a country which maximizes utilitarian happiness for the population. We just haven't figured it out yet.
muh moral relativism, maaaaan~
everything's a grey area, maaaan~
just go with the flow, maaaan~
smoke weed and fuck tranny kikes all day haha memes epic do w/ever you want, bruuuu~ haha
Fuck off you snowcommie millennial shill.
Thats retarded, centrists of the 1940's wouldn't be considered centrists now the political spectrum has shifted a bunch and will shift in the future, the center will change as the left and right change.
Projection game strong over here.
>using the projection meme invented by leftoidal gender-psionic rainbow-haired neo-millennialoid /hsg/ kikes
fuck off and die of nigger aids, snowcommie
So you're saying you believe in objective morality dipshit, ever notice everyone who believes in objective morality always coincidentally know what it is.
pretty much
i hope, give, sympathize ... a gorillion votes
i hate, take, reject ... a gorillion votes
i evaluate, adjust, continue ... no one gives a shit
>leftoidal gender-psionic rainbow-haired neo-millennialoid /hsg/ kikes
kek'd. thanks brosef.
Just keep proving him right.
Look up the Golden Mean fallacy. Being middle of the road just means you are only half wrong.
objective morality is all snowcommies must die NOW
fuck off samefag snowcommie, die in a bus fire
Is this the famed autistic meltdown? What a fascinating phenomenon.
Fucking christ I wish I could feel bad for the retards who make these shitty anti-moderate arguments.
Focus on the actual god damn individual issues. A lot of the issues are clearly binary, others have more of a gradient. Why people choose moderacy/centrism is because the extremes have stupid as fuck "gotchas" to them. Yes, there are situations where being in the middle of the road would be the right choice, but not everyone is a lobotomized orangutan who doesn't understand the difference between nuanced issues and binary issues, though you "people" seem really eager to believe everyone is as stupid as you are.
>using the autism meme invented by Sup Forums
snowcommie die in a river
Nuance, on MY Sup Forums? Get out.
But yeah, the best argument I've seen against centrism in this thread is a serenade to anarcho-capitalism. Kinda weak.
Keep it coming Jacob.
snowcommie die in a river fire
Well, what is a centrist, someone who has no ideology or someone who takes bits from different ideologies to make a new one? If the latter, you aren't a centrist.
depends where you draw the line
Then what are you if you are the latter?
>someone who takes bits from different ideologies to make a new one? If the latter, you aren't a centrist.
what is it then narco
Either they have no strong convictions, and therefore no strong values or virtues
Or they're actually lying and only saying that to seem smart.
>river fire
Fukin hell my sides are in heaven.
actual people and areas that are politically centrist are rare, most people just don't care about politics and want to be sheltered from people yelling at them.
Hitler was a centrist :^)