Remove Spaniard.
Meanwhile, on Aztec Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
but you thought they were gods
also gibsmegold
Yeah, aztec internet. I'd like to me quatzipotl, the shaman that created the Human Sacrifice Transport Protocol they use between ziggurats
bring out slaves
must offer to tiki gods
>not performing genital bloodletting
get out of here weakling
i hope the sun comes up tomorrow i wonder if we did enough human sacrifices today
>still stone age tech in 15th century
How the fuck did the Spanish conquer us? They only have 300 people.
Also, is watching Spaniard on Aztec cuck porn degenerate? I can't help it
What's da matter Aztec boi? Can't handle BSC
If digits, Quetzalcoatl will smite OP
Quetzalcoatl will SMITE you
chicANOS: the thread
>Guys, these Spaniards bring diversity to our cultureless society. Build bridges, not sacrificial altars
>With the strength of both our people meshed into a unified race, we'll become the chosen race destined for greatness!
>remove half my bloodline
>that pic
more like
the thread
can't land a plane for shit
That's why we gave you spanish names.
anyone notice the abudance of frogs around here
Is that her IQ? Bitch looks like 30 something.
You have to go back
Redpill me on the (((tlaxcalans))) Sup Forums.
stop watching porn
TFW you want to deny your ancestors sucked mad dicks at repelling foriegn invaders and now you have superior genes from Europe mixed with your Aztec ethnicity.
easy: spaniards were literaly moving sacks of diseases, so when aztec warriors or any other amerindians who were minding their own business get in contact with them, they got infected and die. Also, aztecs were the most powerful group in mesoamerica, an empire to be precise, thus the other amerindian hating them helped the spaniards a lot (aztecs would literally burn to the ground your town and slaughter all the people there if you dare to refuse to pay them triute, Chontales were a good example of what would happen to you if you didn't pay them with gold/women or warriors to serve in their army, they were practically wiped out and at te place where their towns where located aztecs built their own towns and markets, that's why practically everybody in mesoamerica hated them). This is also the reason all aztec warriors perished in the siege of Tenochtitlan, they knew the amerindians rather than the spaniards would show them no mercy for the things they had done to them, so they prefered to fight to the last man than letting themselves be captured and tortured by the others. Ironically venancio and manolo back-stabbed the others and took over.
>implying I intend white people to be representative of a meme that means whites can't land planes even though they invented them
its a guy
I think you might have wrong pic. That's Rayquaza.
i saw you daughters tits this afternoon
she showed it all off to everyone
Tlaxcala here, remove Tenochtitlan
Spain will make us great again.
The Spaniards were the only ones that contributed anything of worth to Mexico.
This is his rayquaza skin
Latinos. Empowered.
>tl;dr triggered mexican intellectual
Parroting generic indigenismo (((propaganda))) started in the19th century that polluted the well of Mexico.
What a sad fucking brown faggot you are.
Read some real history about your country that's been banned from your educational system.
Read Breve Historia de México from José Vasconcelos. Even though you shitskins owe him your education system, all his writings and ideas about Mexico and Spain have been purposefully forgotten.
He was the most redpilled Mexican to have lived. Even names the jew in his books.
nope, that's what happened. Leaf being as abhorrent as usual
the sun demands blood increase the sacrifices tenfold
I still laugh when I think of Neil Young and his song about Cortez. I quote:
>War was just a legend
>hate was never known
He wrote this about the Aztecs.
Quetzalcoatl curses outlanders
they were the only significant culture in a hardcore jungle biome
That pic literally frightened me, I thought I was having a stroke
let the Conquistadors in they said
They will culturally enrich us they said
Plot twist, Quetzalcoatl was Hernán Cortés
Typical idiotic hippy.
Aztecs were savages.
The only direct historical sources about them reveal some pretty obscure practices.
Dude, the Tarascans (I know, that's a name the Spanish came up with, their actual name was the Purepecha) were absolutely wrecking the Aztecs. The initial Aztec invasion force had been completely wiped out and the Aztecs were getting their Western Front kicked in. This was causing rebellious sentiment to spread among the dissatisfied and oppressed Tributary states. And then the Spanish arrived. The fact is the Aztec Empire was unbelievably unstable and probably would not have survived much longer anyway.
that's one interoperation of the prophecy joking aside I am surprised you know about that
the aztec's enemies helped them. it was more aztecs vs. their enemies + the spanish
>Primitives that eat people and sacrifice them to a sun god
>Having a successful ethnostate and relative understanding of proper seige defense
You're kidding yourself spic
Oh Gods. Please kill me. Just sacrifice me to Huitzilopotchli and get it over with.
I don't know. Those causeways were actually a pretty clever defense mechanism.
¡Santiago y a ellos!
Por mis venas galopa sangre cristiana e ibérica, herencia de grandes méritos. Vistosa y apreciable gala para el espíritu del hombre.
Me lanzo en fiera arremetida, aderezado de panoplía bélica bajo el amparo del lábaro del buen apóstol, trueno para los indios y rayo de luz para los misioneros. En nombre de la cruz, el santo Jesucristo y su madre propicio bienmerecidas apisonadas a moros, ladinos e indios por igual, colaboradores del mismo Satanás y proliferantes del vicio, la insensatez y chabacanería para que se reunan en el infierno con padres y mayores.
>incan empire
>Implying they had any harder of a time than fucking India, or Thailand
Nigger please, we got the long end of the stick when it came to predators and then we just genocided them to stay safe
they were almost the end of Cortez
For that matter. Shouldn't we all be using Nahuatl in this thread? I don't know Nahuatl. This could be awkward.
>Reminder that Quetzalcoalt got so fucking drunk on pulque that he and tezcatlipoca raped his little sister
>be Cuauhtémoc
>lose your capital and your empire with an army 100000 strong against 500 Spaniards and some neighboring spearchucking tribes you were too negligent to conquer/destroy
Metal casting was a thing in the Aztec Empire.
We get it. You saw a documentary on the History Channel.
>yancuican detected
>Being this full of shit
Even at their height the Spanish would have wrecked them
The only ones who could have repealed them successfully was the north American empire during the 13th century but either exposure to Vikings carrying western disease or some mysterious disease on its own wiped them the fuck out.
There's also evidence that the north American empire btfo the chinks, but it's also possible they just stayed as far away from them as possible while exploring
>Also, is watching Spaniard on Aztec cuck porn degenerate? I can't help it
Where do the hell did you find a surplus of Spaniard on Aztec cuck porn?
y is this picture always circulated on Sup Forums? this is like the 5th time i've seen it.
Why do the ugliest, most obviously-mixed spics in Mexico think their Spanish?
Embrace that you're a shitskin.
>Not getting drunk on pulque and grabbing bitches by their chochas
Get out you piece of Spaniardshit.
>t. miscegenating """conquistador"""
Because I have posted it 5 times.
Kek not me.
>t. Mapuche nalgas de plancha
Top kek
A city being named that definitely existed but there is quite a bit of embellishment on what it looked like
Cheifly being that it was in the middle of a lake that doesn't exist
The History Channel has documentaries on something that isn't aliens or Hitler? I'm pretty sure that "the Aztec language is Nahuatl not Spanish" is common knowledge at this point.
>Read posts on thread
>Purepechas. Check
>Deity name drop and sacrifice. Check
>Causeway. Check
Now mention the chinampas plz
what are you trying to do/prove? You already know no one thinks you're white. Not even white Mexicans would think you are white.
>Mapuche nalgas de plancha
I was talking about conquistadores having offspring with the very same people the Church sent them to evangelize or genocide.
>trueno para los indios[...]colaboradores de Satanás y proliferantes del vicio
said Francisco José San Fermín de la Calzada while slipping his BVC (Big Visigothic Cock) into a filthy indígena
>Not me.
What a fucking mess. These people are in need of psychiatrist.
I heard from some japs that he almighty god returned, is that true?
Yes, these were major details about the Aztecs. If this were an Ancient Egypt thread I would probably mention the Pyramids and Mummies. Why does this trigger you so much? What threshold of obscurity do my posts have to reach before they are acceptable in your eyes? What is this, an Aztec hipster thread?
aztec Sup Forums would be empty because they killed everyone who was around them and sacrificed the citizens to the gods.
English you fucking spic.
The chinampas were the "floating gardens" in Tenochtitlan that the Mexica used to grow most of their food.
>when you're so barbaric and devilish that it triggers the laziest, least expansionist population of Europe into a centuries long purge of you, your history and any trace of your existence
Spaniards did nothing wrong.
>nobody is posting that one girl
guys I need to fap
>north American empire
Kuruminha is Brazilian.
Hey guys my name is Tichotuhlan and I just met with some white people!
*dies of a disease*
Fucking spaniards, I know they are all dead but I would go back in time just to kill them again.
I really like reading those stories. There's one about Franciscans stealing Indias after getting drunk at the bullfights.
I approve.
What about it?
>metal casting was a thing in the aztec empire
>still use wood sticks as weapons
Aztecs btfo
It wasn't developed, they used them mostly in ornaments. They adopted bronze metallurgy from conquered tribes because basically every large civilization in South and Central America had metal casting by around 800AD except for the Aztecs. So no used for weapons, but it existed.
I've been looking for redpilled material to read about my country, thank you.
have the dreamworks(?) counterpart
If I recall, while the Aztecs had some very basic copper/bronzesmithing they outsourced most of their metalworking to the conquered Mixtec people. They even had a type of metal axe called a tepoztli that saw limited use. Granted, bronze wasn't going to stand up to steel, but they did have some limited metal weapons. Part of this was that most Aztec warfare was a ritualistic affair designed to take captive for sacrifice not to kill the enemy on the battlefield. Metal weapons were too efficient at killing for this purpose, and so their development was halted in favor of the "traditional ways."
Aztecs was psychotic killer on shrooms, dmt and Ipomoea. Cortés did not do anything wrong. He was deus vult incarnate.
Macuahuitl were very good at hacking through flesh so that doesn't make much sense
A fucking maya
Yeah, but they didn't have much weight or heft behind them like metal weapons do. I can assure you, metal weapons have more killing power than obsidian ones. Metal weapons have more force even if they have less sharpness, and that makes a big difference in combat.
what a shit race of subhumans