I hate Americans so fucking much. All you faggots do is rave about "muh freedums" and "muh guns" but you cucks don't use them. Your freedom and constitution is completely worthless if you don't use the rights given to you and you coward faggots don't use your freedom of speech for anything fucking useful.
>Your constitution didn't stop the government from spying on you, and you faggots just whined online.
>Your gun rights haven't been used for what they were intended for since 1861, regardless of government overreach and non white violence on whites.
>Your White House got burned down by Canada because Americans are massive fucking pussies
>You have had almost all the good strong genetics culled in three terrible kike instigated wars, and you continue to be used as the kike pawn
>Your right wing are bigger cowards than Swedens right wing
>Allow your judges to overrule your current presidents executive orders, instead of getting off your fat asses you jack off to 2d waifus
>Allow your supreme court with three kike justices to rule over everything, something that your founding fathers did not intend and was changed far after they died.
>Allow niggers and antifa faggots to run wild in your streets and have literal shit eating commie faggots beat you up
>20% of your women need to be put in their place
>Dumbest motherfuckers in the world, even without niggers your average IQ is boosted by your asian population and a small percentage of whites.
>Destroy your heritage to forcibly make something new because of magic dirt
>All of your 'culture' for the last 150 years at least is all kikes niggers and spics.