No soul

Why do most school shooters and people who do killing sprees are white?

Do white people have no souls?
Also, is it true the lighter the skin, the less soul you have?

Is that why asians also have no souls?

White Teen beats his baby to death cause he was too loud:

White Teen kills someone, feels no sympathy for victim:

White Teen beats up young woman, insults judge and feels no sympathy:

And remember the school shooters:
>Elliot Rodgers, half white half asian, 2x soulless
>, 98% white and asian

If you see all the animal abuse videos, they are done by whites, asians, and russians.
Remember the kitten abuse videos back in Sup Forums, done by a white kid.
The guy who burned his cat alive and livestreamed on Sup Forums, white kid.
The guy who threw his dog into a highway and put it on /s4s/, white teen, not the old gif that's posted on /gif/ on the gore thread.
All those dogs eaten and slaughtered, asians.
Dogs being burned alive or boiled, russians.

Every single genocide was done by a white or an asian; Vlad, Hitler, Mao, Myanmar, etc.
Whites and asians have no souls, they feel no sympathy.
That's why everyone on /r9k/ and Sup Forums is white and asian, they laugh at dead kids in syria and would kill and rape a woman just to not be a virgin.
There might be a scientific reason, whites and asians are known to be incestuous, for instance, in the UK, 90% of the people there are related to eachother, and 98% of the asians in Ching Chong land are related to eachother.

Prove me wrong, this isn't even bait.
What is the nicest thing you've ever done as a white or asian person?

Other urls found in this thread:,

Spree-shootings in the US are done by all races, though East Asians and natives are over-represented and Hispanics are under-represented.

Some hispanics are considered white, they have spanish blood, without mestizos and arabians (when they took over spain) in their genes.

Pick up any number of books from the western cannon and tell me whites have no soul.

Jesus fucking christ man. Whites have demonstrated more humanity on a continued basis then arguably any other race.

Can you name one that has?

>White Teen beats his baby to death cause he was too loud:

It's funny, because I've seen at least 5 different webms of black mothers tossing around and beating babies.

I'm Mike Wolfe, and I'm Frank Fritz, and we're pickers We travel the backroads of America looking for rusty gold We're looking for amazing things buried in people's garages and barns What most people see as junk, we see as dollar signs We'll buy ANYTHING we think we can make a buck on Each item we pick has a history all it's own And the people we meet well they're a breed all their own. We make a living telling the history of America One piece at a time

Anyone can write a book, are you stupid?

Whites are underrepresented in school shootings

Not to mention, blacks have the highest rate of child sex abuse (mostly incestuous) out of any race

Most Americans are white. Whites are actually under represented among shooters.


Why do blacks do these things?

Maybe because white people go to school. Get out kike.

Different ethnicities commit different types of crimes.

nice image bud, 4th on the list, just shows that white people still have a tendency to murder, and look I'm in the 1%

Asians are less testosteronous. That has its benefits and its downsides.

lol read that wrong, it's actually 0.6%
that's 75% less than asians and 120% over whites

Blacks here mostly have a little white blood in them. African immigrants barely commit any crime.

1st of all not anyone can write a book.

2nd of all no I'm not stupid. The question was "do white people have souls" My response is to look toward that which is outside of the human form examine the literal sea of books on ceaseless topics and come back and tell me if white people have no soul. You can also objectively view the west as being the only real light in this whole world and you can see the amount of technology and science and dignity that white people have spread through the world. They come into our countries. not the other way around.

and whats the fucking point of this nigger tier thread anyway.

By the text book definition which is 4 or more killed in one incident, blacks commit more mass shootings then whites. This information is a few clicks away for anyone who wants it. As are the crime statistics surrounding blacks which goes beyond asking if they have souls to asking if they're even human.

so this is a fucking weak thread. Fuck you.

implying you even hear about 1/10th of the shootings in africa india pakistan south america middle east

Yeah I hate white people, everyone I knew, their school bully was white.

Even niggers didn't even bother to pick with me but that fat white kid always had to spit on me for no reason, fucking soulless prick. He even threatened me with a knife.

Fucking whites are soulless shits.

You have to actually show up at school to be a school shooter

>Why are [false assertion]?
Fuck off.

writing about expositional philosophy and fiction is sucking your own cock and making a name for yourself, it has nothing to do with the soul

I think white people really don't have souls, based on the posts here.

>enjoy seeing kids dead
>threads about being a lone and a loner on Valentine's Day
>threads about killing and raping women and and children
>threads about killing people


because white people can afford guns and ammunition.

White people are capable of planning.

Just wait till the Asians start to get pissed off. :-(

Funny since and overwhelming amount of killing sprees are done by blacks. Why isn't this reported? It's black on black crime. They refuse to label it as a killing spree or "mass shooting" when its blacks.
Too bad for you that the right is highly knowledgeable when it comes to facts, faggot.

I disagree with you, as a non-white.

I think it has to do more with genetics instead of race. Those white shooters are loners and virgins, the failures of society. Having a gun gives them a position of power that would have been denied if we lived in the age of swords and stone. And none of them besides the unabomber were intelligent, they used philosophical nihilism as a mask to appear intelligent.

Most white and Asian shooters are skinny, weak, short, socially inept, it has nothing to do with their own race. Blacks are naturally aggressive because where their ancestors were raised.

In short, most shooters are just pathetic outcasts, nothing to do with the soul. They all end up in hell anyways. That's why I always avoid and treat the quiet ones as shit, cause you know those guys have the worst intentions for others.

Why are most school shooters and mass shooters black in Africa?

>Why do most school shooters and people who do killing sprees are white?
Why do most school shooters and people who do killing sprees that the (((media))) chooses to cover are white?


yee fucking haw another thread about false assertions and absolutely no common sense. fuck off bait fag

Unabomber couldn't even fucking spell.

I'm still not convinced white people have souls, all you've done is accuse me of being a nigger, which I'm not.

Not one of you even tried to reason with me.

Because black/mexican shooting sprees and school shootings are simply listed as "gang violence".

White's kill far less than blacks and hispanics in the U.S. by ratio.

>Every single genocide was done by a white or an Asian


>Animal abuse videos

Plenty of black guys and brown guys with animal abuse videos. Especially black guys with the dog fighting and cat burning and kicking.

Also tons of Arabs killing dogs. Don't know if you count them as white or not though.

>Whites and Asians have no souls they feel no sympathy

Whites and Asians have less active amygdalas.

I don't scientifically know this of course, but it stands to reason - Psychopaths have non-functioning amygdalas. Liberals, blacks etc get mocked by us for acting on impulse, having excessive emotional displays. They commit violent, impulsive crimes, but also create exciting, impulsive arts (music etc).

Meanwhile, whites and asians are more rational, focused, competent. And less emotional. Soulless, as you said.

Why do violent murderous niggers who statistically commit the highest rate of crime crave the 'white women' so badly?

Even if everything you said was true, niggers crave to breed with that violent psychopathic genetics you speak of. They want to be as soulless as they are in Africa, after a cow pisses on their hair turning it orange, and they stare off into the abyss with their beady black eyes.

Also this - non whites seeks out white countries to live in. Not the other way around, except for sex tourists.

Why are whites considered a "majority" when they are only 15% of the global poplulation?

>Unabomber couldn't even fucking spell.
>Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski (/kəˈzJnski/; born May 22, 1942), also known as the "Unabomber", is an American anarchist and domestic terrorist. A mathematical prodigy, he abandoned a promising academic career
>Kaczynski was accepted into Harvard University at the age of 16, where he earned an undergraduate degree. He subsequently earned a PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan. He became an assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley in 1967 at age 25.

expositional philosophy and fiction.

And thats it?

...and then i ask you. What standard for proof of a soul would you be using? Whats your metric?

Mine would be transcendence through art, literature, and other forms of high expression.

Your metric for proof of a soul is what exactly? If its based on crime and violence then your argument falls apart.

>Political orientation[edit]

>Amygdala size has been correlated with cognitive styles with regard to political thinking. A study found that "greater liberalism was associated with increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex, whereas greater conservatism was associated with increased volume of the right amygdala."[79]

Sadly I don't think there are any studies on the differences of amygdala activity between races.

>he hates white he must be black or a jew
>time to post my infographic!

I thought Sup Forums would be better than that

you said writing books = having a soul, every single artist and author writes a book to leave a mark on the world to suck his own dick, your pragmatic sense of the arts and literature is near sighted

I think the problem is that they have too much soul and a slew of problems along with it.

>animal abuse
Africans and Muslims love this shit too, it's just normal there instead of weird like it is here so they don't mention it


lol this has nothing to do with the soul, it's just angry virgins, manlets, dicklets, and loners who find a gun and flip the coin on the wrong side

this is why eugenics should be a thing, and people from /r9k/ are shitting up this board and every other board

You need to adjust your browser settings from (((edgey))) to Ur'e not A robot. Just start with asians churching puppies.

Answer this
>Your metric for proof of a soul is what exactly? If its based on crime and violence then your argument falls apart.




Really tired of white people saying those things about honorary aryans

really make me think

Whites are so mad, they can't even conceive a single argument.

I'm scared someone here might stab someone or shoot up a school because they can't control their emotions. Can a moderator delete this thread please? I don't want some emotionally bottled up white or asian person who can only talk big on the internet kill a bunch of people because he was born with a small penis.

You didn't answer my question.

Whats your metric?

Also, who abolished slavery?

Spree-shootings made by blacks are also in my country but hidden by MSM as gangs wars.

How do you prove anyone has a soul?
Do we measure it through acts of kindness, compassion?
Look at all the charities white people create for starving africans.
If whites really didn't give a fuck en masse, then they would shit on these countries. And if they do this out of guilt, does that not imply a soul?

You're .1% of our country. meaning Muslims are overrepresented by a factor of 6. Blacks are overrepresented by a factor of 6 as well.

Where did I assume you were black? I posted some statistics about CSA. If the top offenders were Hispanic, would you say I'm calling you Hispanic? Of course you wouldn't, that wouldn't fit your narrative.

and 95% of the donations from charities are taken, "white people are charitable"

sympathy and compassion for living beings, something whites and asians clearly lack


Some people just want to be professional criminals, but it's hard to be a professional criminal if you're not black, so some young people go for the next best thing. Poor, poor kids, if only they weren't discriminated against by the mostly black muggers community...

So abolishing slavery wasn't a sympathetic and compassionate thing?

>o souls?
>Also, is it true the lighter the skin, the less soul you have?
>Is that why asians also have no souls?
>White Teen beats his baby to death cause he was too loud:
>White Teen kills someone, feels no sympathy for victim:
>White Teen beats up young woman, insults judge and feels no sympathy:
>And remember the school shooters:
>>Elliot Rodgers, half white half asian, 2x soulless
>>, 98% white and asian
>If you see all the animal abuse videos, they are done by whites, asians, and russians.
>Remember the kitten abuse videos back in Sup Forums, done by a white kid.
>The guy who burned his cat alive and livestreamed on Sup Forums, white kid.
>The guy who threw his dog into a highway and put it on /s4s/, white teen, not the old gif that's posted on /gif/ on the gore thread.
>All those dogs eaten and slaughtered, asians.
>Dogs being burned alive or boiled, russians.
>Every single genocide was done by a white or an asian; Vlad, Hitler, Mao, Myanmar, etc.
>Whites and asians have no souls, they feel no sympathy.
>That's why everyone on /r9k/ and Sup Forums is white and asian, they laugh at dead kids in syria and would kill and rape a woman just to not be a virgin.
>There might be a scientific reason, whites and asians are known to be incestuous, for instance, in the UK, 90% of the people there are related to eachother, and 98% of the asians in Ching Chong land are related to eachother.
>Prove me wrong, this isn't even bait.
Reading this shit, like fuck

So much hypocrisy here, glad I'm not a racist anymore.

Nah there are plenty of black school shooters.

The media just ignores them as routine inner city gang violence.

>Every single genocide was done by a white or an asian; Vlad, Hitler, Mao, Myanmar, etc.
What about the Rwandan genocide?

Then I just gave you a massive example of compassion m8.
I'm really starting to think you are baiting.
For all the bad things whites have done, there are just as many positive things.
Plus, I highly doubt you have ever been to the european countryside. I think any human loses its humanity when locked together with million others in a giant antmound we call big cities.

Hassan Ngeze was a plant for the Hutu Power to control the diamond mines and seize power and create a political vacuum, do you even know history?

And do you know who wanted those diamonds? A fat white queen.

This is definitely bait, but you can see the hypocrisy shown from some of the posters, probably his intention.


Yeah i'm going to need a sauce on the charity thing. But even so, those are scammers. The ones who give the money out of goodwill does not know what amount gets to those who need it.

He says look at these few creepy examples of mass shooters who are white. Hence do white people even have souls.

In this country we have 13% of our population committing 50% of our homicides.

Pro tip: they aren't white.

So his argument is garbage. Whites don't even commit the most mass shootings.

He is stringing together American media coverage to make his point.

The American media couldn't connect two fucking dots. Its a repetitive stream of hostile political agendas trying to one up the other.

This is why there might be 200 people killed by blacks in our country during the course of a week but when you turn on tv the only story they are covering all week is how brock turner got his thumb stuck in some slut who passed out behind a dumpster.

I mean for fuck sakes. Its the same thing with Trump right now. The media constantly makes everything he is doing look like a catastrophe. And people actually turn around and are like "trump is a catastrophe". I mean people will literally just believe anything you tell them over and over again.

proof: Diversity is our strength

How? Nobody can really say.

No, most shooters are near geniuses in terms of their intelligence.

alright this thread was bait
I run a company selling MAGA hats, I like to pretend to be a white natsoc and an anti-white PoC and make threads every few hours

business has been pretty slow after the election and I'm drunk and low on cash, I'll stop posting, this thread was bait

>sympathy and compassion for living beings, something whites and asians clearly lack

Ok. Then who exactly has this sympathy and compassion for living beings?

What race would you be designating as champions of these qualities?

I just provided you with an example of a genocide which wasn't perpetrated by whites and your response is an insubstantial conspiracy theory.
You still haven't answered whether the abolition of slavery counts as a compassionate and sympathetic act, thus meeting your criteria, and proving whites have souls.
I take it from your lack of response to this that you concede your argument.

huh.. maybe these school shooters realized there was something wrong with our society and they were just the ones doing something about it? really got me thinking.

People go around parroting the last thing they heard on TV or read on Salon. The fact that kikes control the media and are responsible for this isn't lost on me either.

also, checked

You got BTFO.

Nobody puts this kind of effort into a bait post in the middle of the night.

Sup Forums was right again.

OP confirmed for total faggot.

you do realize I was arguing with myself with another IP

you know how ID's work, right
half of the posts here are from me

Nobody loves you, that's why you come here and post, it gives you a sense of purpose.

If anything you should kill your self as soon as possible, no one would care. Your family wouldn't care, you have no friends, so it wouldn't matter in regards to having friends care about your death.

Do it.
Kill your self, nobody likes you and nobody will ever love you.

Its actually completely controlled by kikes.

And they basically control the narrative.

The reason we are the fly in the ointment is that because they can't control information anymore they are having a bitch of a time keeping the narrative on target.

This is why "fake news" suddenly appeared. Its actually pathetic to watch these media kikes fumble through their own funeral not even knowing they're already dead. Its over. All this controversy reporting is just a lifeless body being waved around.

Why are you even here?
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Nobody fucking likes you, leave.
Go home and kill your self already you fucking loser.

We know who you are, nice profile pic faggot.


Gets triggered like a bitch

tells an anonimous person he has no friends and nobody lubs him.

Dude you're so ugly, you should change your profile pic. No wonder you come here, you look like someone shat over your face.

Kill yourself buddy, your a prime example of a Sup Forums newfag, consider suicide.

>nice profile pic faggot.

Thinking I use social media in the current year.

Post my pic.

You know child porn is illegal right, you should clear your cache and search history, someone might consider reporting you to the police.

I think it would be better if you killed yourself instead, nobody would miss you. How do you live with yourself masturbating to little girls?

proxyfaggot tells me I can't hang with the big time neckbeards here on Sup Forums

If you livestream yourself cutting your wrists I might consider not planting evidence in your computer.

Nobody will miss you anyways, you should consider suicide as soon as possible, seeing where you'll be soon.

I'm bored, anything interesting happen in the news

>Why most shooters white

They aren't? Black people murder so much more often than white people do that the nation doesn't even consider it news when it happens.

You should probably get some rest. Tomorrow is a new day of proxying your jew shit all over a board that hates you.

Everyone knows Muslims are murderous cunts wherever they go. All this means is that you're alone in a country that wants you removed.

>Pizza CYOA is an infographic
it's like you didn't even look at them

Whites are statistically less likely to be violent, but the media would never say that. They make too much money capitalizing on the 'blame the whites' status quo.

The nicest thing ive ever done as a white man was serve 2 tours in Afghanistan ridding the world of the brown menace,

The nicest thing I've done is paid decades of taxes to support a perpetual welfare state for people who despise me.

Fuck you.

>Every single genocide was done by a white or an asian; Vlad, Hitler, Mao, Myanmar, etc.

blacks are too stupid to amass that much power. when they do become head of state, they lose power due to all their kin nogs eating everything that isn't nailed down; i.e. mugabe

You have to go to school to be a school shooter.