Cont of
Rare redpills continued
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Remember to redpill and remember to bump
> How do trains work on a ball.
How do you think a circle is drawn in a pixelated screen?
How do trains work on a hill?
>Polaris never moves
How does axis of globe work?
Ah. It be you. Have you responses to my questions the three?
Didnt think youd respond. Just saw you did. Brb
>GPS signals work differently
Gps signal has included data to calculate position of the sattelite.
Ground based triangulation uses static signal.
It's not even useful, as it has limited range and it's much easier to destroy ground antennas than sattelites.
That's why military invented GPS
Circles screens and nothing about 2 million tonnes going up any inclines. Who the fuck plans for any curvature in civil planning? Our fucking syscrapers do not go all Leaning Pisa the fuck all over the place. Trains don't God damn work on no hills. Period. Axis of globe eh. We are titled and rotating and tripping balls like the Gravitron at the Fair. And catching up with muh "stars are gauged by distance by colour durr muh fucking gravitational lensing" polaris fucking perfectly eh. Gravity is electrical not muh atmosphere muh you engage Benjamin Button if you drive fast enough. How are blue stars further than anybody else or whatever because blue. Light goes one speed. This star is further because unlike the sun this is too far so only retard colours now. What else. We further go around the sun. Which goes around the galaxy which goes around the nobody knows about expansion or anything else universe. But Bless that polaris. Has never moved a nothing in 6000 years
Everybody uses both and you just lie about everything what's your point
You are a huge idiot.
The word planet has nothing to do with the word plane, it's from a greek word "planetai" meaning "wanderer"
How do trains work on a ball? What are you even talking about? Honestly don't understand this question. Context?
Polaris DOES move, it just doesn't move much. That's because it's positioned above the Earth's northern axis. Theres many other stars that are like this around our axises but Polaris is jsut the most easily visible to the naked eye.
Flat earth is a fake red pill. I work as a navigator at sea, a flat earth would make everything I do impossible
Thats just replacing God did it with they lied.
Why did they lie?
Why people believing earth is a globe bad?
Will dump what I have in no particular order
Dictionaries lie and God tells the stars to move. Not our, to move. Are you 18? How could you not understand the train thing. Explain how they would work. You'd need 12 engine cars you dummy. We are said to be rotating 1000 mph. Around the sun at 30,000. Around the galaxy at 600K and around the universe at like 612 goggobingorion mph and polaris moves now. Yeah for sure eh
Switzerland, in addition to being absolutely full of Africans, Balkan types and Arabs, is a cultural and social void. It is the Connecticut of Europe. I lived there for two years and it was a horrific, shitty mess. A mountainous Belgium, where the bumpkin natives are quickly and thankfully being replaced with human chaff. If you like concrete, graffiti, covered up murders and a thousand laws for tyre pressures or gardening equipment then move there tomorrow - everyone else is.
It also has the worst food on the continent, easily. No one can drive properly. The beer is vile. Geneva may as well be in Angola. Zurich has more kebab shops than Istanbul. Bern resembles 80s Belfast, except no one is white.
If you ever find yourself in this place, take full advantage of their porous borders by extracting yourself to a proper country like Italy or Austria and leaving Shitzerland in your wake. I would only return in an attack helicopter.
If we are a space marble fucking around with aliens at 2 million miles an hour then the fuck is the point in living. If we are still a bowl of soup then you better think about that simpsons episode where Lisa makes the teeth people. Did they rebel?
Life (including sapient life) exists ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE in the universe. Humans and the general humanoid form (i.e. a head, two arms and two legs) are common throughout the universe. Humans are billions of years old and are not native to Earth. In each galaxy (including the Milky Way galaxy), the closer a star system is to the centre of that galaxy, the more spiritually advanced (and often also more technologically advanced), complex and sophisticated the civilisation or civilisations in that star system tends to be. Conversely, the further a star system is to the centre of that galaxy, the more primitive and nigger-tier the civilisation or civilisations in that star system tends to be. This is because of the electromagnetic radiation emanating from the centre of each galaxy, which has an expansive effect on consciousness the closer one is to it and has a contractive effect on consciousness the further one is from it. So it should come as no surprise that our civilisation, which is about 28,000 light-years away from the centre of our galaxy, is primitive and nigger-tier (including even Western Civilisation) in comparison to other civilisations that exist further afield in our galaxy.
I fucking love stoicism.
I should just practice that and remove Christisn bullshit
Its only an ideal though. You can't live like that to its fullest extent.
I'm 28 for the record.
Yeah dictionaries lie, lmfao. Its a complete moot point even if you were right. Butterfly has the word butter in it, are they made of butter? No. Stupid argument.
God tells the stars to move? Look bro if you are just going to retort my arguments with "Nope, God did it" then theres no damn point in presenting any evidence to you.
Still don't understand the train thing.. is this some sort of common argument flat earthers use? Please articulate yourself better, I can't just fill in the blanks and understand what you are talking about.
Are you trying to say that because the earth moves rotates fast, in an orbit that is fast around a sun that orbits fast in a galaxy etc etc, that a train wouldnt have enough force to move? Is that the argument? Because that clearly tells me you have zero concept of relative motion.
I'm pretty sure you are a troll.
It just sounds beautiful and you compare it to al dente spaghetti. Only toss speghetti to check for that. Don't do that to God. You are being really selective. Your shit sounds like the fairy tale. If polaris doesn't need to move then it aint going to move. And for every of those grains of sand on a beach does he move the ones he wants. We are not flying around at Mach 62 im going to be vanned for inventing words mph
Hello again!!!!!
Short intro:
"Red Pill" Lecture
Remarks on Benghazi
Long Form:
Understanding the War on Terror Through Islamic Law
Abrogation and the Milestones Process
Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, and the Milestones Process
The Role of the OIC in Enforcing Islamic Law
The Boston Attack and Individual Jihad
Books & Book Reviews:
Welcome to Nietsche.
I have your rope and a knife ready.
You can either kill yourself or build a swingset for your children.
Just try to move above whole Christian meaning and go to bloody forests and mountains to find yourself. The forests don't care if you're good or bad or believe in Jesus.
Discover how connected you are to the whole life and find the beauty in the fragility of all of it.
And then, then you find your meaning to live for something more than yourself. Then you find you can live for the true god, even if you don't believe he left any book except that in nature.
Muh kundalini
is israel, dare i say, our goy?
I honestly don't even understnad what you are saying bro. Are you high or something? Is English your not your first language? Have you not slept for a few days? Seriously you sound really incoherant.
>It just sounds beautiful and you compare it to al dente spaghetti.
What sounds beautiful? Al dente spaghetti?
>Only toss speghetti to check for that. Don't do that to God.
What does this even mean???
>You are being really selective.
Of what exactly?
>If polaris doesn't need to move then it aint going to move
See picture attached. That innermost circle is polaris moving. Look, I want you to stand up right now and spin around. All the walls in your room move right? But if you look at the ceiling, its not moving. Thats essentially what happens when earth rotates. Imagine polaris is on the ceiling and all other stars are on your walls. It moves slightly because its not directly above the earths axis, but very close.
>And for every of those grains of sand on a beach does he move the ones he wants.
Literally gibberish
>We are not flying around at Mach 62 im going to be vanned for inventing words mph
Except we are, there is considerable evidence that demonstrably shows this
Who cares how often it's used and you're still hung up on this concept? What is wrong with your brains? Hey everybody. You know when you wait for a train to pass and it stalls? Some nice curvature there. How long do these beasts take to crawl UP AN INCLINE and have no problems. With one 10,000 HP engine. Youre stupid and a liar and a fuck off
The spaghetti monster. And youre wrong. And you make no sense. And polaris doesnt move. And God moves the stars and since there are stars=grains of sand and all of em move but one but we are not moving youre a retard
I hate street shitter religions.
One red pill is that Jesus is Budhas knock off.
The only redeeming feature of Christianity are the Greco-Roman philosophical influences.
When they go full, peace and love man, I can't stand it.
Boring. Heresy.
lI'm 90% you are a troll. Well played leaf, you got me.
If in the other 10% you are just a retard and not worth arguing with. Heres your (You)
And flat earth is not boring?
Men can edit scripture.
Only true God can edit nature.
Who said I said He couldn't? You? And how is this boring. Go on.
It is literally human nature to treat women as pic related. Cave men dragging them into their caveman caves, prostitutes in every point of human history without exception. The only pill here is the Imodium for the brief grandpa period of respecting women.
Here's the thing. Men come from the ground and are lines. Women come from men and are curves. You should naturally have an instinct to know what is the ground. But you don't
Very easy video explaining visually why polaris appears "stationary". It does move, jsut slightly. I mean for fucks sake, I do celestial navigation for a god damn living. I fucking record it moving all the damn time
And before you give me the "hurr but earth is moving around the sun which is orbiting around the durrr" you have to realize that polaris is REALLY fucking far away. And it is also moving relative to us
I will repeat this.
Scripture can lie, because men edit it.
Nature cannot lie, because it has no agenda, only God made it.
Flat earth is scripture over investigating nature.
Just like the train. Man youre melting my face and i cant do it. Also this is a new lie of your industry. The whole slight wobble on polaris. There is also a slight wobble on my ballbag
This is the best thread ever.
This is the most effective picture for meming someone's brain into National Socialism.
When I first saw it, it finally pushed me over the edge into the full light of the truth.
Lie of my industry? I phsycially see it and record it you numbskull. I look in the sky using a fucking sextant (do you even know what those are?) and record it. It fucking moves. Jesus christ you are fucking retarded.
das ist gut Fruend
In you dreams ctr
Youre so disturbed you failed to breathe and tap my post number. It's ok. Breathe Stacy. Muh sextant muh gyroscopes for muh cardboard and hidden cameras of reflective mirrors on shuttles muh van allen muh terminator lines. Reflections on planets make no sense. The sun is not a furnace it's a transformer. And the fuck does a sextant have to do. Where's your proof? You'd lie at that too. We need it not to move or wobble in order to live and if it broke that rule it would be removed. But you lie about it like you lie about everything
I've been there not that long ago and I just love mountains of switzerland.
I only wish that there were less screaming chinese and indian tourists. I thought they were supposed to be polite people.
Anyway I loved the nature, but I couldn't stand the pozz of Zurich. Though Luzern seemed ok, but I only stayed there during the night.
And the fucking mountain jews are shekel grubby as fuck.
Anyway I was only a tourist but I felt that emptiness of country. And I would only return if I really needed to make money.
Met some nice swiss though, extremely nice people. They are going extinct as the rest of Europeans, I guess.
Blind Fanatic
Merchant navy uses celestial navigation ?
Today ?
Even as an atheist, I like what you're saying.
posting a few couldnt hurt
this one is oc
Problem with image is there's a direct relationship between housewife-ication and commoditization. Pulling women out of the fields in the middle ages led to both housewives and prostitutes, and defending capitalism means defending both.
this is a good one
a sad one
but good
religion is the blue pill hiding the red pill
one from Sup Forums
too soon you fucking idiot
this one is good
another on the same topic
Wow, that really made me think
You should look into Kevin Bacon.
Stoicism is the only thing getting me out of bed lately. Specifically Marcus Aurelius' The Meditations:
At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: 'I have to go to work — as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I'm going to do what I was born for — the things I was brought into the world to do? Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?'
— But it's nicer in here ...
So you were born to feel 'nice'? Instead of doing things and experiencing them? Don't you see the plants, the birds, the ants and spiders and bees going about their individual tasks, putting the world in order, as best they can? And you're not willing to do your job as a human being? Why aren't you running to do what your nature demands?
— But we have to sleep sometime ...
Agreed. But nature set a limit on that — as it did on eating and drinking. And you're over the limit. You've had more than enough of that. But not of working. There you're still below your quota.
You don't love yourself enough. Or you'd love your nature too, and what it demands of you. People who love what they do wear themselves down doing it, they even forget to wash or eat. Do you have less respect for your own nature than the engraver does for engraving, the dancer for the dance, the miser for money or the social climber for status? When they're really possessed by what they do, they'd rather stop eating and sleeping than give up practicing their arts.
Is helping others less valuable to you? Not worth your effort?
Based Jesus, usury BTFO
In reply to this pic...
This user fucking nailed it. You can red pill most women. Some are too far gone but most are dying to hear it. I am currently in a stable monogamous relationship (married, two daughters) with a formerly indoctrinated female.
Some rules of thumb.
>treat her with respect. Seriously. Even though she still behaves as a child most of the time, she does carry and bear your children which deserves respect.
>be the bread winner. Your wife should not be required to work to provide for your family. It's OK if she does work but only for supplementary income.
>indulge her but don't be afraid to stand your ground. It's good to allow her frivolities from time to time but occasionally denying an unnecessary expense reminds her that she has responsibilities.
>establish very early that divorce is not an option for you outside of extreme circumstances. Same for abortion. Like second date early for divorce, before co-habitating for abortion. If she waffles, dump her. This should have been first but I can't be bothered to edit it now.
>put her in charge of the home. Groceries. Doctor appointments. Paying bills. But keep everything outside the home such as vehicle and yard maintenance to yourself. Don't be afraid the help with housework but always, SUBTLY, remind her that you're just helping. "yeah, sure sweetheart, I'd be happy to help with the dishes tonight."
All these studies showing how unhappy women are.. Human nature demands gender roles. Establish them and you and your wife will be so much the happier.
What's ironic is that I've spent hours in my warm bed this morning reading pol.
Ok I'll go make coffee and breakfast.
And then I'll go to Nazi rally later today.
The fact that we're on Sup Forums and not various compounds deep, deep innawoods training to smash the deep state means we've already lost.
this shit is so fascinating, I would love to know what would be of your backyards (Central America) if this were to happen.
Buddha was a Hindu knockoff m8, but he pussified it