Are Irish inferior and if so why? Were they just too small a number and oppressed by the English? Are they just Anglo-Saxon-Celt like the English?
Are Irish inferior and if so why? Were they just too small a number and oppressed by the English...
They're basically the Arabs of their island. Their ancestors cut off the heads of people because they believed the head lived on and they wanted to torture them forever.
Irish in UK are like Jews in 3rd Reich
They are the most terrible and vile of all white creatures.
The full embodiment of God-Culture.
They are a more unromanised Celt.
Their folk music is dank af tho
is that hash?
they are honestly our best immigrants, no idea what people have against them,
wtf thats not the pic i chose ive never seen that before wtf is that MODS
We have family friends who moved here from Ireland.
He is grumpy and cant say a sentence without swearing.
Apart from that I don't see why people would hate the Irish. They are hard working and speak their mind. Better then Brits who are PC about everything and bend over backwards to give London to Muslims.
In a way its karma for how the British treated so many different groups of people including the Irish.
I know, right?
BTW, how many Micks does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
one to hold the lightbulb while the other two drink until the room starts spinning.
ameripaddy here. we fucking suck and are inferior forsure. genetically (terribly easily addicted to alcohol/drugs), and culturally. but we're still better than shitstrayans, nigel thornberry
They're just ordinary white people. Really no different from any other European nation.
Daily reminder that the Potatoes shall inherit the earth
no the irish are the true master race
bongs like to pretend they are all descended from muh Anglo Saxons and some say muh Normans they are 90% all descended from the same people that the Irish are
It's a meme, you dip.
Wasn't Northern Ireland settled by English farmers? And wasn't Ireland also settled in large number by Anglos after the land was taken over?
Question for Europeans.
How do Irish women sound during sex? Is it as bad a British women?
> (OP)
>They're basically the Arabs of their island. Their ancestors cut off the heads of people because they believed the head lived on and they wanted to torture them forever.
This is actually true though. The soul resides in the skull until it is destroyed or removed through magical means. This is basic necromancy, friend.
dont fuck with the irish.
very hardcore people.
as bad as*
They honestly are the thing is the Irish are a bit more vulgar and annoying that the Brits.
Idk but I'd fuck both
we are THE whitest people. Oppressed by the english? I believe the NRA won the war. All you other people bitch and moan about your concepts or aryans,; its rare to hear irish people boast about how they're the only legitimately white people (assuming your going off Sup Forums's definition of race and racial superiority) because it doesn't matter much. our genetic isolation is unique, not unlike the galapagos
>(terribly easily addicted to alcohol/drugs)
iktfb. The irish line in my family is filled with drunks and drug addicts. I myself have to abstain because of the tendency.
It's a type of cheese from Sicily that is considered to be a delicacy due to the maggots ant shit in it. It's also banned in Sicily for the same reason. The maggots eat through the stomach lining.
They'll do a job for a nickel what a nigger does for a dime and a white man used to get a quarter for.
That's really fucking disgusting. I thought Italians had good food?
Wrong. Genetic tests show we Anglo-Saxon with a bit of Brythonic Celt mixed in.
The Irish are very interesting because of the IRA being a good example of what happens when whites chimp out against an injustice in the government.
Bombings, killings of army soldiers and police, shooting down of helicopters - that's guerilla warfare. Blacks and arabs weren't nearly as successful. Even ETA did not have shit on the IRA.
Irish people have the gift of the gab, descendent from Bards and Vates. Even the Romans recognised the power of their speech.
We can entrance you before you know what hit you, and you know it too, so you shy away from us, lest you give in to our wily ways.
Irish people look like fucking Dr. Seuss characters from this drawing.
Whatever dude all the Irish I've met when I went to the U.K were loud and sounded like they were drunk. I got a couple of girls to say Don't take me pot of gold for shits and giggles. Still laughing my ass off.
I'm not Irish but whatever sounds nice
We're the first people you want to party with, and the very last people you want to fuck with.
ps: can all the plastic cunts (burgers/etc/etc) stop posting that they're irish? you were born in america? you're american. fuck off. cheers.
Please don't use that, that was made by the English to justify there oppression of them.
I like Irish wimin
And you're an Anglo Saxon, Northerner.
Hey Styx. Wanna PM me bb?
What are those, taigs for ants?
Irish are low tier whites, like slavs. They are essentially Iberian's/spanish who intermingled with celts and a bit of scandanavia much later on.
i'm me, i really don't give a fuck about the long chain of who banged who hundreds of fucking years ago that led up to me being spawned.
Anglo-saxon is a meme, the majority of native britons don't have significant german or scandanavian admixture. anglo-saxons are a minority ethnic group.
Irish deserve respect for cultivating red hair genetics. They are an Indo-European (Aryan) invader people like nearly all Whites.
Bit like how Nordics/Germanics needed a bit of training under Meds; Celts need a bit of training under Anglos to be civilised.
i wanna suuck their toes SO BAD
Why are Scots generally favored across the globe over Irish?
Is the Irish stereotype of incessant drinking and wife-beating still alive and well?
These are the important questions that should be answered by the time this thread is dead.
You're the meme. Britons were driven out of England by Anglos. The reason we have genetic similarities is because Germanics and Celts were both Aryan/Indo-European invader peoples. Divergence is probably only a few thousand years ago.
let this be this threads theme song
>still better than shitstrayans
Where do you think we came from cuntface?
irish in america can be cool, but they always remind you of how irish they are, and they will talk about ireland and shit, but have never even been there
then I always remind them the only reason they are here is because they couldn't fucking grow potatoes, but my ancestors almost conquered the entire world in 1940's
t. not irish but have know many
This. We just fucked with them so much through history they never got a good thing going until recently.
>implying it isn't justified anyway
>tfw no pale freckled ginger gf
Who the FOOK is this guy?
>tfw no pale, redhead, irish, qt gf
great contribution to society Ireland
>janitor deleting threads left and right
>somehow this is still up
They didn't have horses.
>implying R1B wasn't spread throughout western Europe before the Indo-European migrations/invasions/cultural diffusion (probably by Bell Beakers).
A hypothesis I find interesting is that the original R1B peoples spoke Vasconic languages. Regardless most of Europe's population is probably descended from the indigenous peoples, they were either conquered by a small warrior caste that absorbed their languages as substrates (hence why the Indo-European languages are very diverse and each branch has their own distinctive sound) or they adopted the languages along with the cultural/technological advances of the Indo-European peoples spreading out from the steppe.
Their folk music and dance is unironically pretty based imo, probably second to classical and ballet. Unless they nicked it from France or some shit they must've been at least somewhat civilised.
Irish are the master race.
We took over America without firing a shot.
Even our niggers claim to be Irish because they have witnessed our dominance.
When you see a dindu getting clubbed by an overzealous cop who loves his job a little too much, you can bet your ass that cop is Irish.
I dont care if they are inferior, i want irish gf, they cute
They're based and I love their women so much, at least the girls I've met here that are "Irish" which means they're like 1/4th Irish and the rest German English. I guess I just like it all what am I even on about
that's just the irish up north. Southern whites are mostly irish and anglo and just see themselves as southern.
92 national average IQ - so yes.
Not sure how it's even possible from western white Europeans. Irish are a retarded anomaly.
Italians and Greeks do that too but multiplied by a factor of 10.
>posting 18th century anglo propaganda as if it means anything
Is that some kind of shitty jar haggis?
Lol those girls are Newfies, not Irish
>Are Irish inferior
>and if so why?
They're Irish.
The Irish immigrants were the best workforce that North America ever had.
>Brooklyn bridge
>tons of Irish cops and Firefighters
>huge numbers of Irish volunteers for the civil war (albeit for the yankees)
I find the whole meme of Irish being subhuman amusing.
I understand why Sup Forums would hate Canadians for the most part. But the Irish are good folk.
Please tell me there's more of the girl on the right.
True I see that in pretty much every thread mentioning my country and it is literal plantation era propoganda.
We won you fucking retard. It's because the idiots in the North enjoy being oppressed that they're still part of the UK.
North aren't oppressed they are just welfare queens who take so much gibs from Britain.
Tell me, Ireland lads. Do you have a nationalist political candidate of any sort? Is there a chance for them?
Anybody who claims to be what their ancestors were is fucking stupid. Ethnically sure, but culturally no.
Like all the Sup Forumstards who always talk about how German they are even though they are from the States or Canada.
Ethnically I am Irish but I don't speak Gaelic nor have I ever been there.
Also I remember seeing this photoshoot at least 10 years ago. They're all fat and married with 3+ kids now.
I would flamingo fadoodle the girl on the left if you know what I mean
while i agree with you
your pic is triggering because forrest was irish/scottish/english and anyway they had respect for each other, though that probably won't make it through your thick stupid yankee head
NO :(
Hardworking alcholics lol
That pic just makes based Sherman seem stupid.
god i hope they do something
There's no difference between them and Oceania islanders.