The silent coup

I want to tell you a story Sup Forums. You see in the near future, a group of men who Trump knows very well and admires are going to meet with him. When they do they are going to tell him about how he is being misled, how his vision for America is truly inspiring, how the media is being unfair to him because of rogue elements. Ivanka will be there and will have been briefed beforehand by her husband and these men. They will tell Trump how they want to help him make America great again. Ivanka will agree with everything they say, she just wants to save her dad and his sanity. Its not the first time she has seen me begin to fall apart.

That day they will tell him to purge his administration of these rogue elements and bring in people who can help save his administration. Soon after Bannon will resign and many others, replaced by establishment people. The media will begin to back off, the country will begin to normalize Trump, and his policy will become strangely coherent. You will notice a man or maybe a woman always at hand by the president, who will whisper things into Trumps ear, kind of like that man who followed Reagan. All of this will happen and his administration will be saved.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why does it matter if Whites go down the shitter? How to make USA tolerable again without racial laws?
1)abolish all welfare
2)enroucage sterilisation in exchange for 40000$ payment
3)abolish all taxes, but 10% corporate tax
4)create tariffs: for the third world - 400%, for Europe 60%, for Canada - 40%, for Australia and NZ -40%
5)ban chinese and third world products
6)go full eco fascist with federal environment protection laws; destroy monsanto experimentation with all the crops; ban gmo crops and food
7)ban artificial insemination
8)ban transnational adoption
9)cut off all government funding outside of STEM education


Fuck off larp fag

What strange replies. I am merely telling you what will happen. Do you think that the powers that be will not retain the Trump presidency but plant their own agents like they did with Reagan?

This is what will happen, it is as Joe Scarborough said "A storm is brewing." Trump will agree to all of this because what he wants most of all is to be apart of the elites.

Sounds like we're getting more of the same bullshit that we don't fucking want faggot.
If he starts backing off of his campaign promises we're going to see it.
We're not going to sit by quietly as you continue the same old policies.

Reagan passed the amnesty. Fuck Reagan. How my reply is strange? It's a matter of genetic survival

We have ONE day to spread this around Sup Forums, twitter, and all other outlets where the right people converse. We are entering a critical point in this meme and info war. Save this image, do not reply to shills, and post this in any non-shill thread over the next 24 hours.


We have gotten too comfortable and complacent with Trump's win. We need to keep the pressure on the leftists, cuckservatives and the rest.

Do everything to point out media falsehoods, lies, misinfo, and swaying of the general public to your friends, family, co-workers, and the random people we talk to online. As soon as people begin to distrust the media, the power of the psy-op weakens considerably.

What's gonna happen

>what he wants most of all is to be apart of the elites.

Lol, this is the exact opposite of the thing that Trump wants

Like you did with Bush? Bush got 8 years in spite of Iraq being a disaster. Lets face the truth, Trump is the ultimate front man for quite a few reasons:

1. As long as Trump seems to speak truth to power, in a plain manner like Reagan or W. Bush, people will trust him.
2. The right and people who joined from left fear the possibility of another democratic president.
3. Any gaffs or controversy Trump generates allows congress to quiet jam legislation through.
4. Trump just wants to be loved and so by appeasing him, he only energizes his base and leads to a continued right wing government, even if its in the interests of the true elite.

So no, you the voter wont do anything because you will fear the alternative and will be effectively controlled by your own cognitive dissonance.

The times they are a changin.'

This is a really shitty larp OP. Try a different approach next time that actually makes sense.

Yeah OP confirmed for BS. Trump could have been part of the Elite easily if he wanted to.

>2. The right and people who joined from left fear the possibility of another democratic president.

Ain't that the truth.

Forgot to put on your proxy?

If it's more of the same his base isn't going to be happy.
If he doesn't start bringing back jobs from overseas we won't be happy.
If he keeps letting in foreigners and doesn't ramp up deportations we won't be happy.
If he doesn't build a real wall we won't be happy.
I'd happily run the nation into the ground if those things don't happen and I'm not the only one.
Acceleration to destruction is acceptable.
I'm not alone in this thought at all.
There are many people who are looking for certain things to happen and if they don't no one's going to be happy.

What kind of rope do you and your ilk prefer?

Nylon? Hemp? Perhaps you'd fancy a silken one instead, die as you lived, with something fancy around your neck?

It's your funeral, g-man.

Enjoy your time alive. Not even you families will be spared, but don't worry! They'll kill themselves for us.

But you will do nothing about it. The left is much your boogeyman as your are theres, as it should be. Every movement, on the left or right that has risen in the last 120 year has been coopted or discredited. Trump will only be a continuation of all of that.

Trump supporters aren't the types to keep following that shit.
I've left groups that have been coopted before.
So have the people here that keep this place what it is.
It's not Trump who's in control of us.
We chose him.
We can leave him as quickly.
We are a community who is aware of and opposes exactly what you are talking about.

This. He's on record saying that he enjoys fucking with the elite

You are a highly informed minority. The average supporter just cares that hes there and is saying what they want him to say. The average supporter just wants to feel like they matter and are not interested in paying attention to the minutia of government. Get er done and the crowd goes wild. Lock her up and the crowd goes wild. Watch the news closely.

Get off your proxy Shlomo

>Always the same droning from these shills

sage and hide.

It's highly informed minorities like me who have an unusual way of getting information to spread like wildfire.
I'm not worried. My word weighs more than CNN's.


How am I a kike for being concerned with White decline?

>and his administration will be saved.
It doesnt need saving.

His pride would not allow it. You shills don't seem to understand the man you're dealing with. His name is worth more to him than his entire fortune.

Lel is that why he bent over for the Saudis who openly shat on him before?

I usually don't argue with defeatists, he is already dead inside. You cannot save him.

>he memes his own destruction
>he memes his worst nightmares
>he is lost