Greek Diaspora = ~7,000,000

>Greek Diaspora = ~7,000,000
>Total current population of Greece = ~11,000,000

Nearly 40% of all Greeks on the planet don't even live in Greece.

I know tons of Greek here in Melbourne and they all seem to be fucking loaded. Why don't the diaspora go back and help their country not be shit?

I am Greek

I am Greek

I am Greek

Meme am Greek

Greek. Displaced by world war 1 and the turks murdering most of my family

Look at our history man.

Always blood, violence and war, be it turks, commies, anglos, americans, Persians, arabs, bulgars, latins, francs the list goes on.

Always has been for thousands of years and always will be.

Oh and obviously jews and germans.


>Why don't the diaspora go back and help their country not be shit?
Because that would mean paying denbts.

Can confirm, I'm half Greek and my grandparents are loaded.

I am Greek.
Who cares OP? My dad moved to Wellington, ive got an uncle in Chicago, another in London and an aunt in Auckland.
Its just what we do.

Why aren't Australians in Great Britain?

as soon as i finish my university studies i plan to move to usa or australia,work on my accent,change my name and forget greece was ever part of my life

A lot of Greeks usually go to america due to how broke the country is.

how do I find myself a Greek qt

Tip top post. The same can be said about the irish tbqh.

Why is it so shit greek bro?

>and they all seem to be fucking loaded.
Theyre famous for dodgying taxes, scamming and working outside the legal system.

Because through the great anglo saxon spirit for conquest and colonisation we turned a barren continent into our home. Australia is/was great british clay. Greekfags turned up after ww2 when all the hard work was already done and they have no national claim to the country.

Greece is a fucking shithole.

I'm greek and every greek in south africa is far above the average income level, because greeks (outside of greece) are smart, hardworking, and have healthy food. (not too sure about the first two)

The second you take that money back to greece you will literally get fucked in the ass by taxes.

Thats why no one in greece pays taxes, Why get a good job that pays loads then die of a stress induced stroke at 35 when you could become a fisherman or social servant, live a chilled life until 80, and end up taking home exactly as much cash at the end of the day thanks to socialism even more fucked up than australia

I hope the whites in south africa manage to get out in time before those fucked up dictators try to kill them.

Greek here. Just spreading out the race.

This whole thread proves why your country, race & society are losers & failing eternally.

Niggers of Europe.

Pay debts
you LAZY retard niggers
Love, HARD W O R K I N G

>Why is it so shit greek bro?

Greece isn't that shit, It's a very nice place to live (except of Athens of course). It's the state that is a whore house and that's because our political class is actually a mafia stealing the hard working peoples money.

This is why Greeks don't pay taxes, why should we? So Karanikas can play with twiter? Fuck retirement plan, i prefer to live now with what i earn and when i grow old i'm gonna go back to my village and live the hillbilly life.

>This is why Greeks don't pay taxes, why should we?
I don't think we want you now

kek greek here as well

Ελλάς kαι τα μυαλά στα kάγkελα kουφάλες

>because our political class is actually a mafia stealing the hard working peoples money.

Same here but we're too much a bunch of cowards and cucks to say fuck you to the government

Ancap when?

Greeks used to run all of our fish and chip shops til they got outbid by Chinks. Now they're dim-sim and fries shops

>Why is it so shit greek bro?
personally i don't care about money and living in luxury,the reason i want to move out is because of people's obsession to be "proggressive" and europeans,so they copy every bullshit they see them say and do.I know usa and australia are probably about the same but i just can't watch greeks do it, i have higher expectations from them.

Can we cut the olive niggers a break here?

They did, after all, invent Western Civilization.

>olive niggers

At least your goverment privide you some basic servises. We have to pay 25% of our income so some retard who haven't even finished school can roleplay the philoshopher.

Greece is in a semi-ancap phase since the revolution, we never really acsept the politicians as our rulers. Pic related is a research about who the Greeks trust the most. From up to down:
>The army
>The church
>The police
>The justice system
> TheNGOs
>The parliamentThe syndicates
>The I.M.F

>Greece is in a semi-ancap phase
actually privatize and reform then

>the church

just fuck my shit up

Same with Serbian diaspora, nobody want's them here. They sold them selfs to West, they are not considert Serbs anymore.

Allowances given on public servants, brace yourselves:
>car preheating, telephone company, 690€
>hand washing, train company,420€
>propeller (??) Greek coast guard, 840€
>antenna (??) Public railway, 1120€
>envelope transport, public jobs, 290€
>bus receiving-delivery, 450€
>finishing cases faster, dept. of justice, 595€
>fax, 870€
>cafeteria using, although free for employees, oil company, 120€
>Bonus: allowance for not depositing the allowance on time.
Prices per month. While a private worker makes 335 euro and has 35% income tax and 10% immediate solidarity tax.

I've got a mate who's half serb, half croat but he identifies with croats and fucking hates serbs.

Explain ???


Fucking kek

I hate them so fucking much.

Because he's got Croatian passport and can go almost anywhere without a passport and work there. I too would be hating Serbs just to get a another passport and get out of here. Why doesn't he live in Croatia?

wait what, they pay people to wash their hands?

Same in New Zealand. My city only has two Greek run fish and chip shops left. The rest are all Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean owned.
Its sad, coz us Greeks (and some Italians) make great fish and chips.

My best mate is Croatian. I never tried to figure out the hatred thing. I get it and I know why. But I just dont need to know. Growing up he literally got me hating Serbs, yet the two Serbs I knew were real decent people.

Sounds reasonable. His parents left during the yugoslavian wars and he pretty much grew up here.

Yeah its pretty funny. Croatians and serbians always say they hate one another but there was a croat and a serb that went to my highschool who were like best fucking mates. They were both like at least 6 foot 4 and looked like they could have been brothers.

greek lives matter guys..... Fucking check your privilages black people. We have suffered oppression for over 1000 years... all you fucks dealt with was a few hundred yrs of slavery... Bow down and give us your reparations.

Notice how greeks have been fucked constantly for hundreds of yrs and still are proud people. Debnts sucks but greece is still one of the top places to be in the world if you have a little bit of doolash

So you moved even further North where Muslims are establishing a caliphate?

Yeah, Greek and Italian run fish and chip shops are a dying breed. The ones that are left all seem to be good though. It is rare to find a good Asian run fish and chip shop.

it's a balkan's thing

That's how it usually goes, we hate eachother but when we're in a foreign environment we always stick together because we 'get' eachother.

> be me Greek heritage born in NZ
> as a kid had a couple trips back home
> dad always talking about love/hate relationship with this 'beautiful shitty country full of malakas'
> I have no idea what he's talking about, its just a cool place to visit and I've got some cool cousins who wear different clothes and make fun of my haircut and shoes.
> suddenly at uni, become real proud of heritage
> its all about philosophers, mythology, foods, architecture, even the drachma and seeing an Olympic airways plane gets me proud
> last visit to Greece- noise, dust, annoying beurocracy, terrible drivers, nothing works properly, sad to see Germany has screwed us over again and people suffering
> I suddenly understand why my dad was always so angry one second but happy the next when we went home

How is it in Estonia?

I became really interested in it recently, might even move there since I'm an IT-fag. Learning the language would be hard though, but the language seems cool.

Bumping coz I wanna know too.

Any Eestibros able to answer this one?

The people who lives in Greece today, has no real connection to the ancient Greece. I probably have more greek blood than anyone in Athens.

Greeks are white niggers. Wave the flag or talk about ancient history, they all salute but they will stab each other in the back for a dollar. Every Greek family I know has been split up because someone fucked over someone else for money. Greece has a wealthy class and as soon as the crisis hit they moved all their money to foreign countries. They tell you it's because 'muh taxes' when they just don't want it going to other Greeks. Thats why the Golden Dawn is so popular now. They are the only Greeks that care about othet Greeks. And btw there's a lot more than 7m. Theres more Greeks outside Greece than in. They are the original economic refugees and once they get paid, its "fuck you"