PewDiePie Goes Full 1488

Wow, this response is actually quite surprising

Other urls found in this thread:

I love this timeline

Leni Riefenstahl would be proud


Pewds has lost it

Good vid lad


Donald Glover aka Childish Gambino also went full 1488 last month too:

Pewd is rich enough to become a IRL shitposter. He's living the dream.

>literally shilling your own youtube channel

I honestly cant tell if this is a extremely thick layer of sarcasm he is using or if he is just attempting to rustle as many jimmies as possible, or perhaps both.

literally stfu
the edit work is worth it

Friendly Reminder: Ben Garrison called it and pol was right again!

SWEDEN NO!!!!!!!!

Sweden.....ohhhh yaaaahhhhhsssss please.

Now while I do agree with the sentiment of freeing Hitler from the burden of lies history has put on him, pewdie dug his own grave working for a Jewish sextrafficker.

Also I do cannot tell if this a meme.

>some higher ups at fiver

holy fuck pewds can't even hide his power level when he's trying to hide his power level

it's heavily edited (out of context)

It just seems he wants to come to us. When it's convenient.
I do support the sentiment.

wish there was more I could do to help Germany
keep pushing, wish you protection and blessings Deutschland user


B-but we said he was only pretending!
Sup Forums is satire and you're a dumbass to think otherwise go-goyim.

It's both

Hes essentially mocking SJWs and the press for caring about words with no real malice or destructive context behind them.

Everything he does is sensationalised so he just giving them more fuel to self destruct over and show their oversensative colours. Hes giving them material to take out of context, which then shows all his fans and friends how full of shit the media is, since they know the true context of what he's said.

Hope you aren't actually falling for
>Uncle addy dindu nuffin

If it still has stupid meme editing and his dumbass fake voice shit I'm not watching it

Pewds is not a nazi, and he's not racist. He's just cutting through the bullshit and speaking his mind, which in most cases can come off as "offensive" given how incredibly sensitive everyone is nowadays. He's just playing the media like a fiddle and proving how retarded it has become.

ACH MEIN GOTT what the fuck

Did he delete the video?


Yeah, this shit needs to happen more often, maybe some day the media will take the fucking hint that people are sick of their shit, probably not though, at least people are waking up about it somewhatly

am i late? why is this on page 5? i don't think ol pewdie has long to live.

holy fuck i just realized thats what sarcasm looks like in sweden

Does every last person in this thread not realize this is an edited video posted by someone else?

Fucking kill me.

Sit down an listin' childen. Let 'ol missa Golliwog tell yall da histry of blackin up. See, it use tuh be that a white man, who we use'd call "massa" would entertain hisself and the missus by puttin' shoe polish on hissa face. Now he woulda usually leave the area round his mouth clean, cuz boy did that shoe polish tatse like the devil, and lordy lordy did he holler and shout if golly did'n apply that polish all correct-like. Now massa would invite all his friends round and they would wear Golli's clothes and imntate Golli's songs like "Forty Hosses in de Stable" and "Lynch dat Tar Baby Like a Kentucky Hog". Why they would even do Golli's "Genuine Negro Jig". It were a mighty fine affair you see. People would come from miles and miles to see massa do Golli's songs. And afterwords massa would let Golli sleep in the stable next to the hosses. Massa sure wassa nice ta Golli.

Course nobody do that nomore.

what really sux is that as a newfag i came to this site to get away from the normie culture i was surrounded by, and yet posts pertaining to this dipshit keep popping up. am i being trolled? is this just a normie site? am i an absolute idiot for searching for any type of higher level discussions here?

wtf I love pewdiepie now

He's trying to play the edgy leftist meme, while at the same time genuinely (yet discreetly) courting Nat-Soc viewers and outrage clicks.


I'm pretty sure it browses here
You don't just get to "lol the jews" out of nowhere unless you start browsing Sup Forums. He's definitely been redpilled. I doubt he's a full on unironic neo nazi, and most of this is just shitposting, but bluepilled people don't shitpost like this.

Is this offensive?


>reptile money carving jew

>as a newfag
(You) have to go back (to reddit)
