Ben Shapiro

Okay lads, it's time to settle this once and for all.
Is he /ourguy/ or not?

There are many examples of him going against Trump, whether justified or not:


But also, he is willing to defend Trump when he's right or the media is incorrect. He is also great at calling out the left on their bullshit:

>pic related

Ultimately he seems genuine and cares about truth, although he's still pretty butthurt about how he was clearly wrong about the election. He and others like him who want limited government are the future of American politics in my opinion, though. Thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread:

he's clearly a top-tier debater, but his anti-trump stance is just boring desu

He sided with a woman who was verifiable lying in the hopes it would damage Trump

He should be hanging from lamp posts with the rest of them

>Ultimately he seems genuine and cares about truth
Nope. The campaign manager scandal revealed he's as corrupt as the rest of them, and has the integrity of a Vancouver hockey fan.

He's a NeoCon who doesn't like Trump, so no he can't be /ourguy/.


He's a fucking kike.

controlled opposition

Ben is right more than he is wrong.

Treat him like all the other entertainers out there. Fun to listen when debating lefties but don't put his views on a pedestal

Michelle Fields

Who owns Ben? This should be good.

For the last time, Jews CANNOT be /ourguy/.

Shapiro is fantastic, even after the "scandal" which led to him leaving Breitbart.

Hate him all you want for not liking Trump during the campaign, but conservative dissenters serve a great political purpose. And watching him BTFO libs is delicious.


>Thinking all Jews are the same

I absolutely agree that he got the whole Michelle Fields incident wrong and bought into the media narrative. It seems his moral inhibitions got in the way of his better judgment, he showed this throughout the campaign, but most of what he said on a principle level was spot on.

not an argument

Watch Ben Shapiro Thug Life videos on YouTube.

>Thinking they're not
Your nose is showing

How does it feel knowing the majority of the free world thinks your views are shit?

Nice meme, he is definitely a zionist which definitely pisses me off but you can't compare him to these other marxist jew shills floating around.

Rat Shapiro didn't buy into the media narrative, he helped create it. He was an integral part of the lie.

>Who owns Ben?

>Rat Shapiro didn't buy into the media narrative, he helped create it. He was an integral part of the lie.
He hasn't even had any mainstream media influence recently though, his appearances are limited after he destroyed Piers Morgan a few years back. Again though he was completely wrong about that, it doesn't discredit the principles he puts forth as a whole. What do you disagree with him on, on a policy level?

Why did Shilling Shapiro feel the need to bring up a Trump comment innocently regarding his daughter? A comment that I might add has been consistently used by the Left and nevertrumpers to claim Trump is pedo?

Yeah honestly I think he likes where Trump can go, but for reasons to keep unbiased he takes a more nurtural stance so he can still speak to lefties. Benny still gets riots tho so I approve, and even on (in b4 leddit fag) r/Imgoingtohellforthis people where showing wide approval. Though desu idk how any of those are T_D operatives

Ben knew it was bullshit, but he was looking for a way to leave Breitbart and had been for awhile. He just jumped on the first opportunity he had to justify it

Because he found the idea of seeing one's daughter as attractive sexually disgusting on a personal level. He doesn't like Trump as a person but has agreed with 75% of his policies so far, which seems incredibly reasonable coming from a religious person.

>been consistently used by the Left and nevertrumpers to claim Trump is pedo

Didn't he make that comment well after she was 18?

Ben might not be /ourguy/, but it doesn't mean he is against us either.

He has discussed being bombarded with le happy merchant cartoon en masse before (at a speech he gave, he was answering a question re. Milo) and has spent some time speaking on the significance of anti semitism.

HOWEVER, I think you will be hard-pressed to find someone as well educated and versed in the art of debate and political discussion as Ben.

If Ben wasn't Jewish, you guys would be all over him:

Shapiro 2024

Sticks to his principles, I'll give him that much. He could have easily hopped on the Trump bandwagon but chose not to, even left Breitbart as it gradually became Trump's personal media outlet.

When you claim to support a bunch of policies, but oppose the one guy pushing them while backing the enemies of those policies, you are not actually in favour of those policies.

Shapiro is a typical subversive kike. He has no morals whatsoever, only an agenda that is hostile to you and yours.

>He has discussed being bombarded with le happy merchant cartoon en masse before
When he did this I couldn't stop fucking laughing:

The rest of your post is spot on though he is right on 90% of the issues, which is more than you can expect from almost anyone.

Because he is a Jew and they are generally degenerates with a bizarre fixation on incest.

Shapiro's game is the same as people like Mark Levin, to try and steer conservative/right-wing sentiment into a safe place for Jews. He is a Zionist first and an American second.

but, jews love pedos...

God this video is so funny.
>the jew memes with the Yotsuba B background

I have a question for you though:
You say that
> he is right on 90% of the issues

What issues is he wrong on? Just curious.

If he wasn't Jewish then he wouldn't be a Jew who places his tribe above the US. No shit.

I missed the sexual attraction allegation. Source

When he runs for President, I hope that I am an American citizen so I can vote for him.

to be pro-Israel is as anti-SJW as it gets.

I support Israel 100%, why?
Because I have never seen SJWs get so butt-hurt over anything else.

He's pretty based.

Talks shit on other kikes all the time.

If he wasn't jewish he would be Sup Forums's guy.

I love Ben Shapiro. He's the best the right has to offer, along with Stefan Molyneux, Paul James Watson, and Mike Cernovich. Cucks BTFO!

>When you claim to support a bunch of policies, but oppose the one guy pushing them
This seems to be how most Americans feel though if you give any credibility to the recent polls, which are reasonable to be skeptical of. It's the only information we have though. It really is the opposite of how Obama was, where most Americans liked him as a person but hated his policies.

>He is a Zionist first and an American second.
Trump just came out today in his support for a one state solution in Isreal, you don't have to agree with every position a person has to think they are overall correct on most issues.

>What issues is he wrong on? Just curious.
I guess wrong is pretty subjective, but I really disagree with his pro-Israel stance, as well as his stance on foreign policy which seem really hawkish and the same ideas that have created a vacuum in the middle east and led to ISIS. He is way more eloquent and informed than I am though so I tend to give him the benefit of the doubt.

>'If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her'
Seems to be a joke that was overplayed by the media. I don't think it's a big deal, but I understand how religious people might be pretty uncomfortable with that kind of talk.

> (You)
>to be pro-Israel is as anti-SJW as it gets.
>I support Israel 100%, why?
>Because I have never seen SJWs get so butt-hurt over anything else.

You are literally retarded. That said, Israel needs to exist so that Jews have a place to be sent to.

>I really disagree with his pro-Israel stance
Fair enough.
>his stance on foreign policy
Enlighten me.

Why am I retarded?

Ovens already exist in the hundreds of millions.

There are many other places Jews can be sent to

>Enlighten me.

He's not nearly as hawkish as Clinton would have been, so maybe that's an exaggeration, but he is much closer to that than an isolationist.

>mfw a leaf beat me to it

Thanks for the sources. I have to get more read on Shaprio's foreign policy views.

Do you and I agree on everything else though that he has said (gun control, abortion, minimum wage, etc.)?

He claimed waterboarding (simulated drowning to make someone say whatever you want) isn't torture using convoluted verbal trickery. He's as kike as they come. He just has a weak opposition.

This fucker gets it, I remember back in 2014 when there were happenings in Israel, I was out with some of my mates at an event and we got talking to these girls and eventually later on in the night this one girl brings up Israel/Palestine (taking the side of the muzzies ofc) and I just simply pointed out that the Israelis aren't the bad guys and the look she gave me will stay I'm my head forever, it was priceless

He's just utilizing what he learned in law school; my brother is a Christian and uses the same verbal games.

>(gun control, abortion, minimum wage, etc.)?
Shall not be infringed, killing a human is murder, it is immoral to tell the government how much to pay someone and the free market is better at regulating this, so absolutely. He's really intelligent and almost always presents the facts behind his arguments so it's really hard to not agree.

>I was only pretending to be retarded.


He isnt anti Trump anymore. He doesnt sniff Trumps farts and does call him out on some stuff, but I have been watching him consistently and he gives off like a vibe of 80% support for Trump.

he was raised as a neo-con

>the Israelis aren't the bad guys
Israel has attacked the West far more than Palestine ever could, all while supposedly being our greatest ally.

Yeah exactly. To support Israel is to oppose yet support what SJWs stand for at the same time; it sends them into some weird paradox chamber that they can't get out of.

Just a typical zionist. The anti-sjw shit is just to trick a wider range of people into going along with his agenda.

Glad we had this discussion. Thanks.

Calculated. Trump won, so he can't openly oppose him. His base would desert him. He will cautiously support Trump until he sees an opportunity for betrayal.

If Trump had lost he'd be celebrating Clinton's victory as a necessary evil and then encouraging you to vote for a cuckservative next time.

These are not arguments. You are playing identity politics just like the left and using labels to dismiss positions instead of attacking the ideas themselves.
Cheers lad

I can only think of the USS liberty incident and a bit of spying here and there....

Trust the leaf to side with Muslims though, the brainwashing must be strong in Canada

I would like him more if he and Milo STOPPED YAPPING ABOUT FUCKING ABORTIONS.

How hard is it to understand other people can have different stands on the matter while still having right-wing viewpoints.

i understand and respect his righteous anger on some issues like abortion, altough i disagree with him on atleast some details in those topics. Shows that he is a very well spoken person that lays out his arguments accuratly.
I like him better than Milo atleast, because although entertaining that guy is just on constant troll mode and i don't know where i am supposed to take him seriously.
My biggest problem with him is, like with all conservative alt right spokes persons, is that they push the "climate change is a myth" or atleast trivializes it. It's always sad to see otherwise rational people don't apply their rational faculties anymore once they have an agenda on something

He understands us and agrees but cannot bring himself to support it because he is of another culture

If your brother does that to spread lies (outside the courtroom) then I don't have a lot of respect for him.

>spread lies
He isn't lying though.

>Constantly talks about Israel's interests
No, not our guy. Not even remotely.
He's a Jew shill.

Hes just undercover, he goes full chosen at critical moments.

he fights the goyim

Also Jews do it more. Perhaps because aptitude at legal quibbling was their most advantageous trait for hundreds of years. (Talmud skill = become Rabbi and have the most kids, not many options for work other than being a merchant or a hustler in some sort of vice industry)

Shapiro certainly is. There's a difference between fucking about playing devils advocate and dividing ideas and going full shill to an audience


okay so what does Shapiro lie about though?

>He will cautiously support Trump until he sees an opportunity for betrayal
I am so ready for this to happen and to call him out on this, something in me doesn't want to trust a kike.

>I like him better than Milo atleast
Still waiting for that debate, Milo is such a little bitch and knows he would get destroyed.
>they push the "climate change is a myth" or atleast trivializes it
I actually haven't heard him talk about this much, do you have any links for this? I am all for being skeptical, but some on the right are delusional to the point of being anti-science.

This is still not a fucking argument.

Quoted for truth. Opportunistic turncoat.

Waterboarding not being torture.

Fuck off ben, you rat nosed kike

he'll join whatever side is winning or that will make him the most attention and money and then switch sides before you notice the knife he put in your back.

let me get your source

Nope, after that Michelle Fields thing he lost any support from me.
>women are so used to falsely accusing males or assault/rape and ruining their lives over it
>video comes out proving she was lying
>Ben continues to back her after the video
Fuck that shit. Anyone who feeds this bullshit needs to be hung.

climate change:

one of the times i wonder where he gets his information from. Because he is straight up denying it on some points in the talk and then diverts by saying, that even if it's true it's trivial for humans (something along the lines: "water rises? Just move higher up")
I agree with him when he says, that we have more urgent problems and on some points where he critizises liberals approach to it, but he completely dismisses it being one of the biggest problems humanity will face in the next generations to come

Then why did he leave Breitbart when Trump's campaign was taking off? Why did he still oppose Trump the day after he won? Why did he ever oppose Obama?

Yeah I like that he's skeptical because that's always good when you're talking about public policy. The quote that solar power is at 4% is misleading because the best products are at 18% now and with the increase in technology, it will become quite efficient. However, government oversight and carbon taxes still aren't the real solution to this, the free market will do a better job at reflecting consumer needs and desires, which he's right on. He's also right that China and other developing countries don't give a fuck, so if they don't care about the environment, why should you? The government shouldn't punish us for using our dollar as we see fit. He takes a very lax view on the climate and how it affects us though: the world has been fine through massive fluctuations, but that doesn't mean the human species won't be fucked. Thanks for the source.
"The definition of torture is actually damage to systems so pulling fingernails is actually not torture goy it's called enhanced interrogation that makes someone who was your avowed enemy one minute ago say whatever you want without being swayed by conversation, learn the definitions, also my friend, in a safe environment where he could stop at any time and with the fact that he only /felt/ like he was drowning explained to him by the interrogators found the experience extremely unpleasant but also amusing." The level of intelligence, superficial resemblance to truth and utter lack of honesty is quite amazing.

You really need an iron mind to withstand the lies of the Jew. I would say you need devotion to something outside yourself, like truth or god or a folk. They are fantastic at word games and playing on emotions. They like completely without guilt and only look vaguely annoyed when caught irrefutably. The "I grew to hate them" quote is dead on.

What's wrong about what he said though? Why is it wrong on a principle level about waterboarding people for information if it is actually effective? Seeing as the alternative could actually affect someone for the rest of their life? (if you cut off limbs or a finger from someone)

completely agree. The public policy is his strongest argument here. Carbon tax is retarded, but i do think that we should push cleaner energy (funding research into technology, have reasonable legistlation against pollution like we already have now: you can't just pump whatever you want into rivers or the air; entice companies with grants if they are carbon efficient).
My problem with solar panels and other clean energy sources is that it takes energy to produce those things. If france produces solar panels, getting their energy for a large part from nuclear reactors, then it's a relatively clean source of energy. If italy produces them, getting large percenteage of their energy from fossil fuels, then it's not so clean anymore.
Until large scale offshore power plants, or giant solar panel fields in the sahara are a thing i think we should build some thorium based nuclear power plants

>i do think that we should push cleaner energy (funding research into technology
This is the future, investment into the development of technology in first world countries will be a net benefit for everyone in the world.
>we should build some thorium based nuclear power plants
Absolutely, nuclear energy is so overlooked by the left as some sort of boogeyman for environmental pollution but is incredibly clean when properly managed. I blame the Simpsons:
Still a great episode from the greatest animated series of all time.

What's wrong is that he claimed it's not torture, when it obviously is by any reasonable definition of the word. If someone really doesn't want to say something and you expose them to a level of physical or mental suffering to the point where they do it, that's torture. What's wrong on principle is that he's being deceptive. He's pulling people away from reality and thus weakening them.

He's a cuck, Trump is the only real deal you yanks have and you can tell that from how viscerally they hate him.

ben shapiro is a weird guy.. seems to change his opinions every time he opens his mouth..

>If someone really doesn't want to say something and you expose them to a level of physical or mental suffering to the point where they do it, that's torture.
That pretty much seems to be the core of your argument. Let me play devil's advocate here for a minute. Let's imagine a hypothetical scenario where you know a person has hidden a hostage somewhere unknown with a bomb that will explode at a given time, killing the hostage.

You have this person on film and is a person who is clearly identifiable. Let's say he's a black guy with a giant Afro with a blonde stripe in the center. Let's also say he is on tape kidnapping a person from a gas station and forcing that person into a recognizable car like a red ford ranger.

If you only have 4 hours to find out where this person has been hidden, is it okay to torture him to the point of suffering to find this innocent person? What if it's 10 people?

The point I am trying to make is at a certain point caring about one person's suffering will actually lead to a large amount of people suffering. It seems there are cases where torture could be morally justified, although implementing it into governmental policy would more than likely lead to abuse.

Hes a jew. Even if he brown-nosed trump it wouldn't be good enough for Sup Forums

He is far too right to be labelled a neo-con. Not liking trump doesn't make you a neo-con. Trumps a moderate despite what they want you to think. If anything trump is the neo-con.

>Hes a jew. Even if he brown-nosed trump it wouldn't be good enough for Sup Forums
Are you speaking for yourself or about Sup Forums as a whole? I understand there are many here that will never give him credit because tha jooos, but what do you think?
>Trumps a moderate despite what they want you to think
So many people, especially on the left, don't realize this and it's hilarious.

The subject wasn't whether torture is acceptable.

What was the subject then? That he is being deceptive? Because that seems like an impossible claim to prove or disprove.