Auspol fags please join me in trolling and shit posting this fat, disgusting, degenerate piece of abo pond scum.
His most recent post on facebook celebrates the death of one of the most important men in history and he needs to be taken down a peg.
I have been digging at him through multiple facebook accounts and would be most appreciative if a wave of pol style hate speach could wash over him.
Thanks in advance.
Aus/pol/ come together and join me in shit posting this pos
Other urls found in this thread:
great link.
Is that Briggs?
It's Facebook page. Sup Forums thinks it's spam.
Yeah it's that turd.
Hey has anyone noticed australia seems to be getting more and more redpilled since january?
maybe you shouldn't be a retarded cunt then
ever think about that?
huh, you fucking faggot?
did ya?
Do you burn abo coal you faggot???
Nah cunt, I fucking hate abos. They're fucking degenerate subhumans who fuck their cousins.
That's beside the fucking point though.
The point being you are a retarded cunt because you can't post a fucking link while getting around a simple work filter. That's the first reason you are a dumb cunt.
Further you not only have a fagbook account you give a big pile of shits about what the kikebook people are talking about despite them all being a bunch of dumb fucking faggots. That makes you a double dumb cunt and a massive fucking faggot.
Well then do something about you abo loving cunt and have a go. I'm not some fucking nerd like you obviously are. Do your fucking duty and pull some faggots and abos into line, you gutless cunt.
you two gonna kiss?
Only if you join in and briggs watches
how much of a nu-male nu-poof can you be that you don't know how to bypass the filter
just delete your shitty thread nobody cares about this boong.
Not nu-male, an old cunt. Generally do shit with my hands, just trying to fight the good fight.
for real?
only retarded cunts got into that shit. do your own work knob...
being old is no excuse for being lazy and stupid and dumb apes use their hands to throw shit at people so what are you getting at?
I'll work it out. I'm sure if you can do it, it's not that hard. Men use their hands to build the house you live in you faggot. You use technology to fling shit you pussy.
A friendly reminder that Nuclear is the only way for Australia to have a stable power grid.
gr8 thread
You've obviously never had a Job nor ever had to compete for something in general.
ive worked since i was 16
but nice try mr unemployed
Terrible bait
is this how you cope with being unemployed?
you're pathetic
Yeah in the sense that racist views, anti immigrant and anti muslim sentiment is starting to slowly permeate into the mainstream.
You have the Liberals normalising Pauline Hanson's One Nation and calling them sophisticated for a preference deal
You have One Nation over taking the Greens in the National vote.
You have Bill Shorten from the progressive abortion that is the Labor party these days, talking about the need to drastically reduce 457 visas and put Aussie Jobs first
You have the Liberals with their same offshore processing setup and the deal to send refos to the U.S
You have people in Melbourne forming vigilante groups to fight African gangs
You have federal senators such as Cori Bernardi and George Christensen speaking at Anti-Islam events hosted by the Q-Society.
You have a lot of anti-Islam people in the Parliament (Pauline Hanson and all her senators, Cori Bernardi, George Christensen, Jaquie Lambi)
You have Bernardi forming his own party to quite literally "Make Australia Great Again".
People are finally starting to wake up to the Oppressive, draconian and fundamentally incompatible religion that is Islam which is diametrically opposed to everything the enlightened West stands for and that importing people from 3rd world war torn shit holes such as Sudan, Somalia and the Middle-East, you are just importing 3rd world problems and this knowledge is trickling into the mainstream.
And as things continue to go to shit economy wise, more people will flock to One Nation. Things look bright ausbros JUST REMEMBER TO FUCKING VOTE AT YOUR NEXT ELECTION.
>When Lawyers try to make themselves seem more human
LMAO, if you think Islam is the problem, wait until you're working in a chink owned sweatshop.
>Islam is the problem
You're a fucking moron, cobberoo. Bernardi is a self obsessed numpty, Brandis is a populist poo pusher and that ranga led One Nation abortion will be lucky to retain even s third of its elected reps 3 months out from an election.
You should probably give some serious thought to suicide.
t. Greens voter Ahmed "true-blue" Mohammed Islam Sulemani
Kek nice one faggot, you must be feeling insecure with the way things are going ;^)