Teach me how to slay pussy

You're the manliest board on the internet. If I don't get my dick wet soon I'm going to whiteknight cuck to some rampaging thundercunt sjw.

How do you really slay the pussy Sup Forums?



Visit Eastern Europe or some other 3rd world shitholes where you immediately have value for being a Westerner

Money and a massive cock are required.

/fit/ ez slay ez life

So just leverage my mediocre 48k a year and look fucking rich to a mudmonkey civilization?

Rich no, but simply the idea of escaping some filthy, corrupt depressing af shithole where her local future husband will beat the living shit out of her every day is enough for her to latch onto you

PS don't actually marry anyone lol
PPS doesn't obviously work in Eastern EU countries that have freedom of movement

Get a better job. I just got promoted at Burger King and now I'm making over $200,000 per year and that's BEFORE tips and performance bonuses.

Also it doesn't hurt that I'm 6'4" with a 9 inch long cock which is about as girthy as a water bottle.

>tfw fit college student with handsome face, decent grades, some $, and interesting hobbies/talents but women still ignore me

Stop masturbating, channel that energy into getting ripped and making money.

Get /fit/ and stop trying so hard

Do the opposite of whatever advice a woman gives you.

*raises paw* get a fursuit from DHC duh.

>You're the manliest board on the internet.
Stopped reading right there. Obvious troll.

Money, looks, cool friends, cool lifestyle, wit

Wit's the most important, honestly.

these are the studs you're asking advice

>How do you really slay the pussy Sup Forums?

Stop being a complete idiot and falling for the vaginal jew

literal muh dik nigger

Yup. Money is at the heart of slaying pussy. And most people with money got it by having some defining non-autistic attribute, like intelligence or alphaness which are themselves to be considered pussy slaying assets.

Don't fall for memes like needing to be well dressed or eloquent. If you're gonna make it in life you'll need those things anyways. Work on being successful first and pussy will follow.


That is not thick, good sir.

beautiful tuck

1 drink water, like a gallon a day but not much more (it accelerates you metabolism and clears up your skin) it takes 2 weeks to form a habit

2 cardio and basic weight training (no access to weights do push-ups and pull ups, a lot) like do as many pull ups as you can in one go and then do the same number you just did even if you have to do it one at a time (building muscle is destroying muscle, the burning is good); run a little before workout to get great pumping and then about 10 min after workout (too much after it burns muscle)

3 stop putting girls on unnecessary pedestal, it puts you at a disadvantage because girls like confidence (but dont be an asshole)

4 when conversing with girls don't try hard cause you will end up looking like an idiot with bad jokes or being a tool trying to look cool

5 you miss every shot you don't take but don't shoot from the other side of the rink if you know what I mean (you have to build up some sort of relationship for a decent woman)

6 if you go out and drink just Dance even if youre bad, you'll get better over time

7 when it comes to sex foreplay foreplay foreplay. Take it slow kiss her, nibble on her earlobe and then Kiss her where she pees. (You'll learn to love the taste because it always leads to sex ""psychologically"")

8 if she doesn't suck it first just start with the tip to start, prod a little till she nearly puts it in herself (the foreplay will do this)

9 don't go Jackrabbit just yet, slow and steady till you edge and you'll loose some sensitivity then your good to go

10 learn the muscle to push out pee and to stop your pee, during sec you'll want the push out pee muscles (don't worry you won't pee during sex) to stop yourself from Nutting, the stop the pee muscles

11 stop beating your dick so hard is bad for you, be gentle with yourself, take your time; also be a fucking adult and get a fleshlight and practice until you get a girl, thank it for its services and put it in the garbage or put it away

This thread needs more flavour.

Dont bee a total autist and just talk to grills i may be a 100% autist degenerate but ive slept with 7 girls in the last 7 years pretty ez

What the fuck is that some gmo or something sage has a white hue to it

>You're the manliest board on the internet.

Stop caring about cunts so much.

Cunts love it if you don't need them

12 if youre a NEET get up go to the nearest fast food or grocery store, merchandise retail store and get a job, work like they're always watching (they are) and do the best job you can do everyday (it'll feel good even if you don't get rewarded or the opposite cuz you know you did your best)

13 out in the real world you'll work with females and learn the mysteries of their mind, but really you won't but you'll get experience talking to them

14 when talking to women, they're doing most of the talking because they like to hear themselves talk and they will enjoy talking to you, you ask them how they are how are they feeling but not like a pussy say it like a man who has hair on his chest

15 if they say something like "my boyfriend is being such a dick" don't go to the friendships and try and be the nice guy say "yeah he is a dick"

16 that's probably enough for you to find your own path, good luck faggot

Don't ask me, I was "friend zoned" by Crystina tonight and I'm the leader of the Alt-Right so we know even being Duncan Idaho doesn't count for shit where women are concerned. O_o

17 oh yeah that too, play a little hard to get, girls want what they can't have like in that dazed and confused movie when she asks to go to the party with her “‘I’ve got my own ride, but maybe I’ll see you later.'”

Whoa there Elliot. Don't get cocky. Stop caring about pussy, invest your time into improving yourself, and the pussy will come to you.

if you aren't ugly just be a cunt that doesn't stare and dribble over good looking girls. they'll beg for your approval soon enough

use a sharp weapon to threaten your soon to be wife.

I hate r selected females so so much.
