can we have memri tv thread?
Memri tv
is this cap real i gotta ask it
Is there anyone here speaking arabic that can confirm the accuracy of the translation?
I know the channel is literally run by an Israeli intelligence officer, but I also heard he only cherry picks the worst parts but doesn't outright distort them
Keep going
more like the best parts
i went to that page, type WIFE in search.... well its a goldmine
singapore this shit is based, I recently stumbled upon this site while remembering the "social media posts by women cause cancer" pic
By allah taste my shoe
Anal problem cured by semen
What's with arabs and weaponized footwear?
Here you are backwards polska
It is real phamalam
Uh oh, somebody wants to smear the Israelis, I smell a roach, or is it a Sandnigger?
Hello Syrian
Are you the damascus one?
This is probably the best thing that comes out of the ME
Hello Island Loopoo, are you the Tamil one? :3
>memeri TV
(der juden planned this all along)
kek I love how they talk like this in a cooking show.
Arab here,
I need audio for this shit
This cant be real
Im fucking dying here reading this shit.
The only one I can say im pretty sure about is the watermelon head erdogan one, egyptians say it a lot.
I hope she does not realize about thai airways
i wish i got memri tv on my channels, maybe then the TV in my house would be used for something
>tfw will never have a cocaine kebab combo from my local McHussein
Holy shit, this is middle eastern tv?
What have I been missing out on all these years?
ok ok thanks i did not mean to doubt you, it was just too perfect so i had to ask, but yea i should not have doubted the madness of mudshits
jej, the objectively best frame
Some spicy OC coming through
Friendly reminder that memri is a 100% Jewish run organizatuon by Israeli Intel services.
MEMRI do not dispute this. Burger tax dollars at work
Because the walk on the ground which is covered in camel shit, so it is unclean. Anything with shit, piss, mucus, saliva on it is the dirtiest thing in Islam. They can't pray if they have touched any part of their bodies with that stuff.
i wonder if the muslims down under us think that this is just normal news there
That makes it even better
Thanks man
Don't let the russians get you
>Founder: Yigal Carmon
>Colonel in the Israeli defence force, IDF Intelligence from 1968–88
>Acting head and adviser on Arab affairs, Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria, 1977–1982
>Counterterrorism adviser to prime ministers Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin 1988-93
>Delegate, Israeli peace negotiations with Syria in Madrid and Washington in 1991-92
>Founder and President, MEMRI, 1998–present
The funny thing about this vid is that when the sub says that the show is about the beating of wives, in reality the sub should be saying:
"welcome to this episode, which is titled, "beating wives""
It's translated by the same ppl who turned Ahmadinejad saying israel should be wiped from the Sands of history to "Israel WILL be wiped off the map".
what the fuck was the context for this one?
Why do I get this message every time I post outside my wifi?
Your neighbor is posting CP.
After 9/11 I studied Arabic at Florida atlantic. I dropped it after 2 yrs when I realized it was a farce, but I know enough where i can show an example...
OK here- Seems totally retarded, but he's saying at the TV show with mickey mouse should be cancelled. That's one I remember seeing. Granted, it's for religious reasons, but religious weirdos can be found anywhere saying that this or that is the devil-including allusions to pizza. Easy to edit and simply misquote.
religion of peace
I hope these subtitles are fake, who the fuck can say shit like this with a straight face?
Amen to that.
>mickey mouse?
Btw this is the dude that performs all the beheadings in saudi arabia.
he is a shi'ite, they have no morals
Really about time to redpill us on the weaponized shoes.