Pizzagate is rea-
What the fuck did I say earlier? No more of this not finishing your sentence garbage!!!
Its not funny. You are not cool or edgy. Just knock it off already you stupid dumbasses. I have seen a lot of phrases here but this not finishing a sentence has to be the dumbest piece of shit I have see n.
Just off yourself and anyone who thinks of doing this next. It is not funny nor original. You look like a fucking retard that needs to be gassed.
There is literally zero proof that pizzagate is real and anytime you ask for any the stupid LARPers who propagate the idea just call you a shill or a pedophile. It's some kind of psy-op, there's no way there are this many people that are this autistic on this board.
What do you me-
What about Candlejack me-
There is more information and evidence public that is reltard to pizzagate then we had in every other case.
And that is why you shills can't let it go
>putting a dash on a comeback post
I fucking hate whoever started tha
You didn't even say candlejack you stu
Wow, that sure is a lot of proof Achmed. Keep calling me a shill if you want. What you posted is in no way hard evidence of a vast pedophile ring cured tly operating in DC. I know all about Epstein too. Guess what? He's in prison. Because he's a fucking pedophile.
if one random person was suspected of cp dont you think coded language on their facebook, creepy naked paintings of kids, and goes on to attend weird ritual like dinner parties with satanic symbols. people would flip out if this was all one person.
look how the media reacted to pewdiepie because of a joke taken out of context.
and its not like cp rings dont exist in the world. they do, and it turns out sometimes theyre within powerful organizations (norway).
and then people should wonder why several pedophiles have close ties to people like obama and the clintons or the british monarchy for example.
why would bill chill with epstein? why is saville pals with prince charles?
short of them coming out and saying "hey look at me its john podesta and i like little children"
what more proof could you possibly want? like i said this could take out any individual. so what gives?
Oh look, this guy doesn't have auti...
Make sure to watch out for the snip-
Police are rounding all these fuckers up everywear so the bottom sells out the top. They just got a guy from pawtucket rhode island that was connected to germany yesterday
He got picked up 2 times for child pornography and that STILL didnt deter him, wtf
Thank you. Same with FPBP faggots. Don't forget, this is Pewdiepie's Youtube comment section now
Italian food aficionado here. Cheese pizza and other foods are just food
>It's some kind of psy-op
it is. i'm positive it started that way at least. now i think there's actual schizo fuck heads who keep posting it. it's those stupid fucking newfags at cripplechan, the same ones that got subverted by the trs kikes
Learn to Candlejack correctly you fu
Wow. Better take all that evidence to the FBI.
They will surely lock him up now