What was Pol like in the old, pre-shill days?

What was Pol like in the old, pre-shill days?

I joined near the end of the election. There's some really good threads interspersed with pointless hate shills.

I thought this would subside after the election but the board is still filled with pointless hate threads, is _____degenerate threads, etc.

Was Pol always like this? What were the pre-election days like?

It was nothing like this. People were probably more centre left or just left. There was more discussion, less memes. People could handle opposing views, Islam and other religions or races we discussed without much hatred. Except for niggers. And it was fun. And I talk as a person who was here long before Jihadwatcher or Turkfag.

Those little giys are dead, fucking chinks
Why the fuck do you need fur when we got cheaper to make and more quality fibers and synthethics and plastics, anyone who defends fur is a complete stoneage faggot who needs to die

pol/ has been taken over by alt right and kremlin trolls, very obvious....................

>more left
Absolutely disgusting

Lmao, as soon as someone even utters a single good thing about russia, hes labeled a kremlin shill, why?

Newfags get out.

Edgier. I believe pic related was the first instance of "meme magic"


See this is exactly what I'm talking about.

90% of the thread here are
Spic Hate
Mudslime hate
Kill Chinks

There's very little actual political discussion and almost no variety in political views.

It seems to be predominantly ultra right wing, white supremacist, neets that are against race-mixing, women, and pro nat soc

It's really just a cartoonish caricature of the exact type of person that the left loves to hate....... and I can't help but feel that it's engineered.

lol why is /leftypol/ shilling this mythical leftist past of Sup Forums so hard?

Sup Forums had two predecessors /n/ and /new/ both of which got deleted for being literally hitler literally stormfromt

I remember Sup Forums going full tilt paranoia when the US army was having urban warfare exercises in/near St.Louis some 5 years ago.

Shit was hilarious, everyone freaking out Obama was finally going to round everyone up in the FEMA camps.

Also Sup Forums trying to use their memeing to try and make a Mexican civil war happen when a bunch of villages finally went out to kill cartel members and the government desperately telling them to please stop, turn in their guns and let the officials handle the cartels

Apart form the women, what is good about Russia? Nothing.

>It was nothing like this. People were probably more centre left or just left. There was more discussion, less memes. People could handle opposing views, Islam and other religions or races we discussed without much hatred. Except for niggers. And it was fun. And I talk as a person who was here long before Jihadwatcher or Turkfag.

Wish I was here in the good old days before all these bullshit Gas the kikes and China hate threads

Oh infinity chan, go home to your safe space you cuck, what i said was a legitamate claim and chinks need to die, also fuck this tiny ass phone keyboard, who makes em so small?

A lot of libertarian and anti globalization posting. It was a truly glorious containment board

This is literally another shill thread.

This message brought to you by David Brock.


It was nothing like this. People were probably more centre left or just left. There was more discussion, less memes. People could handle opposing views, Turks and other Turkic peoples were discussed without much hatred. And it was fun.

The natural resources are nice, the culture and music that came out of russia is also nice, the fact that everyone is against them for "no reason" really makes me think

It was nothing like this. People were probably more centre left or just left. There was more discussion, less memes. People could handle opposing views, Turks and other Turkic peoples were discussed without much hatred. And it was fun.


Yeah? Well when I found Sup Forums in '08-'09 I thought it was going to be all hackers on steroids.

You don't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might just find you get what you need.

What are those things. I want one so bad, it's so fluffy

the very old poll was basically Sup Forums with more edgy jokes and swastikas. ocassionally some "redpill" thread popped up (those pics you can see everywhere her now about jews rulin the world)

Eventually some big meme came up which consumed the whole board, like doompaul or zim trial. Also a shill wave occasionally took the board over, spamming cuck porn etc. but it never was very subtle

A dead seal beaten to death for fur

Okay well that's great. Do you have any actual input about current geopolitics?

No? If you are just here for chink hate, then why are you even here?

If you hate them so much, why are you sitting on your phone typing, why aren't you out smashing their businesses and murdering their children?

Pretty clear you have no political opinions besides this racial bullshit, so why be a helpless neet too?

You hate chinks? Stop sitting on pol and do something real if you have the balls.

zimmerman, gamergate and trump were the major turning points.

just like your pic

Pointless hate threads are normal Sup Forums.
It's Sup Forumsitically incorrect, which means people are free to say their hateful views. Everyone hates niggers.

>What are those things. I want one so bad, it's so fluffy

They are baby seals. The photo is from a Canadian tour company that does sea ice tours.

It costs a couple hundred dollars. They will fly you out on the ice where you can touch and hug baby seals.

It was nothing like this. People were probably more centre left or just left. There was more discussion, less memes. People could handle opposing views, Islam and other religions or races we discussed without much hatred. Except for niggers. And it was fun. And I talk as a person who was here long before Jihadwatcher or Turkfag.

I would, but we have no chinks or niggers in croatia, the ones who are here are bullied almost daily to leave by teens who hate em, muslims dont even follow sharia and we dont even have a mosque in my town, only people who arent white in my town is like 7 families of gypsies and you dont even see them that much

No I get that.
It just seems like that's 99% of the content here, and I'm wondering if that's actually distraction shills.

I would have honestly expected it to be more like 50%, or maybe 20%.

There's really not that much to discuss in a hate thread

OK, after reading this I know you don't belong here.
Yes we have political views. They are based on not wanting pussy ass faggots like you around.

>gas the kikes and china hate threads are new

Not as new as you apparently

This is nonsense

Sup Forums in the past posted hitler much more than now, was much more focused on Jews and anti JIDF and general more brooding and less sensational.

The best way to describe old Sup Forums is it was a much more focused version of modern Sup Forums with a lot of the fat trimmed and generally better discussion, but less productive in actually achieving anything (real word effects, making memes... just in general).

Id say the good threats nowadays are better, but they are much more few and far between (or more factually, the amount of crap has multipled significantly).

more proportionally natsoc

more proportionally 'extreme' in general

but always inferior to 8ch

Its was like cripple chan is now but not as slow.

Fuck off back to r eddit nigger.

>I would, but we have no chinks or niggers in croatia, the ones who are here are bullied almost daily to leave by teens who hate em, muslims dont even follow sharia and we dont even have a mosque in my town, only people who arent white in my town is like 7 families of gypsies and you dont even see them that much

So what you're saying is that you have no experience with IRL chinks but you hate them with a burning passion anyway.

Have you ever thought about maybe leaving your house or your country and getting some real- life experience to base your views on, rather than just follow people's attitudes on the internet?

Honestly, if one hates chinks based on irl experiences, that's one thing. Following popular attitudes makes you a mindless tool.

You're really no different than someone who bases their entire world view on mainstream media.

>No? If you are just here for chink hate, then why are you even here?
The board is called politically incorrect, not politics you jackass

Elections in the US tend cause a political opinion shift in this place. The white supremacy stuff has always been here but republican vs democrat views change over the course of a presidents term. 4 years in to trumps term it will be pretty much equal republican democrat demographic. If republicans win a second term at the end of 8 years it will be full of democrats.

I was here when bush was in power, everybody hated him. Obama shills everywhere.
At the end of Obamas term pro trump everywhere.

It's not hard to see the trend.

t. Oldfag been here since before /new/

If you want to see what Sup Forums used to be like, go to cripple chan and check out their Sup Forums.

We didn't have stickies like they do, but the quality was roughly the same. There's virtually no shilling over there because they actually ban the fucks.

Only downside with cripplechan is that they also ban a lot of people who just want to argue one way or another, so it's quite a lot more of an echo chamber, but at least you can discuss things without 15 blatant shills blathering on.

Those threads are predominantly started by spammers / edgy retards looking for you's

same deal with all the "is x white" and the spam of nigger cuck threads; it's all just spam. You newfags seriously need to figure out what the fuck is spam and what isn't, christ.

There has always been "shills"

They used to be called "opposing arguments" but the line
has been skewed ever since the

What I don't get is, you people who call people shills, and genuinely believe in the concept of shills are the only reason there are posters here who specifically make contrarian posts to trigger you dumb fucks who honestly think that any major political party or group would send paid employed shills here to post.

>Not dating a lovely ebony track star, who watches Friends with you at night
What a sad life you must lead.

We shilled for Romney you fucking retard

>implying i havent traveled anywhere outside croatia
Ive been to america, russia, australia and all the other cou tries on the balkan including greece, ive seen what niggers look like and act, ive seen chinese people and they are all smug and act like they are the shit, ive lived with spics for a while in america and they had a seriously disgusting way of living, also you dont need to have expirience with another ethnoc group to hate it, we have the internet to educate us and i saw what chinese people act like in china, heartless commie ants

Gas the kikes, racewar now

>He'll never get the chance to live through the ZimZam Saga, or drink shots with his brothers every time a leftist says "but think of the the children"
>He'll never get to sincerely chide the JIDF
Truly, *truly* lamentable, user. This distresses me greatly.

There are no pre-shill days; just different confederacies of shills.

There were more pro Barrack Abo-ma threads than there were Romney threads.

>This is nonsense
>Sup Forums in the past posted hitler much more than now, was much more focused on Jews and anti JIDF and general more brooding and less sensational.
>The best way to describe old Sup Forums is it was a much more focused version of modern Sup Forums with a lot of the fat trimmed and generally better discussion, but less productive in actually achieving anything (real word effects, making memes... just in general).
>Id say the good threats nowadays are better, but they are much more few and far between (or more factually, the amount of crap has multipled significantly).

Yeah this is exactly the sense that I'm getting. There are a lot of good threads here but they are lost in shit shilling

A lot of the initiatives following Trump's election like investigating Pizza gate and following up clues to human trafficking have been quickly derailed. I was wondering if the situation would have been different in the old days when CPR was not around in full force.

pedowood threads got deleted.
things weren't better for that kind of thing really.
it's better now with more eyes on.

Sup Forums shilled for ron paul you fucking moron

How to spot a newfag 101.
Go die in a fire nigger.

Really great input. Thank you!

Idk i think they were quite different.

Back with obama there was shilling but there definitely wasn't a movement or any real passion from the site for obama or what he stood for. It seemed like most wanted the election just over and done with, a "anythings better than bush" attitude.

Trump was different, Sup Forums genuinely rallied behind him. I agree that support will wane but I don't think Sup Forums will flip much unless he really fucks up, which he hasn't at all yet


Heh. You pine for a Sup Forums that never existed. Like the Norman Rockwell version of America that never was. But if you want to pin down a point when Sup Forums shifted hard to the right, that was Gamergate. When some greasy vidya playing nerds called out Anita Sarkisian for sleeping with game industry (((journalists))) for good reviews and inadvertently brought down the whole weight of the (((media))) on them. Gamergate was crushed, but in the process it revealed the bias and manipulation of the establishment. Gamergate and the ensuing shitstorm pushed moderates and even lefties to the right as it became clear the establishment left was attempting to shut down free speech and any dissent. The number of posts who started with "I voted for Obama twice" and went on to detail their shift to the right is legion. The reason Sup Forums embraced Trump is because it became clear that every aspect of the establishment opposed him. And that was the same establishment attempting to shut down dissent. As to why you don't see honest lefty posters that often? Blame CTR and their successor, Share Blue. The board is so full of obvious shills opposed to Trump that it will be a long time before anyone here takes a lefty poster seriously again, if ever.

> "no reason"

Wew lad. I suppose Wikileaks were onto Hillary as well for "no reason".

Pedowood threads were deleted
That season was cancelled by the government before we could avenge Real Miley.

I miss 2012+1&2

both fbianon, dnc hatchetman, and the White House staff member that posted today has confirmed that there are paid political party shill that are posting to distract from important issues that come up. Multiple confirmed insiders have mentioned this

Regardless of why the demographic shift happens, it does, this place is just anti establishment. I must admit Sup Forums is far more popular than it ever has been in the past but I think we've hit the peak and Sup Forums will return to normality by the time the next election rolls around.

Doesn't help with the fact the we were at war.

T. Meme veteran of the 2016 election

One last thing.

Sup Forums has never been a Christian board, it's been a warground between Christianity, atheism, /x/ and on the rare occasion neo-paganism for a while now, it's gotten worse with time

I really wish /religion/ existed

>can't flimflam the Zim Zam
>can't corner the Dorner

Shilling for /god/ board kys.

So how much mutual ground is there between pizzagate and good ol' pedowood?

I agree but it really depends on how the US and west change in the next few years. If trump is still anti establishment and the media is still just as bad as it is now I don't see Sup Forums changing.

If there's one thing about Sup Forums is it's hungry for truth so will always be against any media or politician spouting bullshit. As long as trump keeps being direct and doing what he says (which has been quite unique) I don't see the swing happening. Sup Forums went hard right because of how obama didn't deliver in his first term and ron Paul got fucked over by the media.

I meant more as a containment board to clean up Sup Forums. Or better yet just force or religious discussion to /x/. I'm just as sick as you are of it

I'm wondering about that myself.
Pedowood was before my time. When Pizza gate was first uncovered there was a good solid effort at digging that uncovered a lot of information.

Within about a week or two the threafs started getting slid and deleted. And the mainstream media was working hard debunking it and creating false Flags.

There's some renewed interest in it now with some new info being uncovered, but the information originated from other places and was re distributed here..... pointing to the diminished digging ability of this board in particular.

It feels like good information is coming from elsewhere now and this board is mostly toothless rambling.

>there are people here shilling for the worship of a dead kike on a stick
With these pathetic retards would fuck off already

> But if you want to pin down a point when Sup Forums shifted hard to the right

Found the newfag, guys

It's a real teller when faggots like these weren't around to know what /new/ was, let alone why Sup Forums was fucking created in the first place

I've been here for about 6+ years.

/pol used to be a relatively healthy enviroment where people came to share ideas and to test their own capabilitied against others. It was a really fun place where alot of smart people resided daily.

But since Sup Forums became popular to the edgy mainstream kids and endless shills its quality of users and thus the quality of content quivkly deteriorated.

Shame to see this place like a shithole but /pol is at an all time low rn.

>It feels like good information is coming from elsewhere

To be honest, it probably is. The ones who are actually out there seeking answers no long do it here where the threads get hounded and trolled. I'm glad they come here to discuss it now and again, though, if only to k-keep me p-posted

That's how I feel, I like the format of Sup Forums along with the reasonably healthy speed of discussion, also I don't really know where else to go for decent general info, can't beat the eclectic sources of info on here..

I mean... you know what they say... Slavs are white...

pedowood was first some small threads, then it started piling up into big pastebins, and then suddenly it dissappeared completely. Still here an there, a thread popped up with some pastebins, raging about pedowood being banned. and it disappeared again. Pedowood was more of a general investigation. Pizzagate is full of concrete names.

Ive been on /pol for a long time, so I still come here, but man, this place changed.
First there was a lot if actual discussion and information and it was fine. Then slide and shill threads appeared here and there. After some time I learned to recognize them and simply ignored it. Then there was more of them, then there was a wave of cuck porn, then wave of tranny porn....after some time this board was full of shit. Nowadays, looking for genuine informative thread is like mining gold in a pile of shit. Sad!

If you parse between the bullshit hate threads, it is a decent place to stay informed, especially of things that the mainstream media doesn't cover or is actively suppressing.

Beyond that you have to do your own research but for First Contact it is good

There's one every couple of days. There was a really good thread from a white house insider, another handful of good threads from Insiders on the California Dam situation.

I always assumed the cuck stuff mostly grew out from Sweden and merkle memes. I'm probably wrong there.

I also find I get linked to some great stuff or recommended things by anons I would have never have found on my own. It's particularly hard to find indepth material unless you know where to look and Sup Forums can be great for setting you in the right direction

This is correct.

>I joined near the end of the election.
Fuck off reddit

Most of threads are objectively pointless. Then there are some that start as a good concept and they get drowned into OT. Only very few threads have something to offer beyond OP post.

I think another problem of /pol is that too much memes piled up here and meming entered too deep into /pol meta. most of bloat content here probably arent shills and slides, but pepe and anime roleplays. I understand that its fun, but you might as well call this board /b with more swastikas

Ebola-chan is love.

wow that looks comfy. puckcuck monsters would club those.

those are the only logical conclusions, that's why we keep spouting them. don't forget the merchants.

I've seen some attempts by oldfags to restart a more focused pol without the bloat, more as a place to enact a genuine political change.

I don't think any of them have gained any traction, but that demand definitely exists

It's a Canadian sea ice tour that they offer for a couple hundred dollars to go out and pet the baby seals on the ice. Since its Canada, and a couple of years all those seals will be brown, and the sea ice will be governed by Sharia law

I would like that too, but Im not kidding myself. I always was more of a lurker and I dont even know how to conduct an operation of reclaiming this board. At this point, I just visit other places for serious biznis. If nothing, this board can at least lure in and contain the normies and make the shills waste their resources here

This is how old Sup Forums saw itself.

This is how other boards see Sup Forums.


This is how the MSM sees Sup Forums.

God tier edit

This is how old Sup Forums voted om summer 2015 just before the Trump campaign started.

fuck off maggot

This is the first Sup Forums parliament.

This is the most commonly used emblem for Sup Forums.

Does this look more centre left or just left to you newfag?