When I was a kid we had Pamela Anderson
When I was a teen we had Jessica Alba
And now the media is trying to tell us THIS is a 10/10 now?
Who are they trying to brainwash?
When I was a kid we had Pamela Anderson
When I was a teen we had Jessica Alba
And now the media is trying to tell us THIS is a 10/10 now?
Who are they trying to brainwash?
Make your own 10/10 and stop asking America to feed it to you
>the media tells me things
There's your problem.
in her prime she was a 9/10 tho
now is not even a 5
The only REAL 10/10.
Pretty sure Kate Upton was pushed as 10/10 for a good amount of time.
And before her, Megan Fox.
There is a new one every year, dont bother trying to remember them all
Jessica Alba is a fucking nigger for godsake.