ITT: Things Ameriniggers can't have
ITT: Things Ameriniggers can't have
Sharia Law
Muslim immigrants
I could have a whole case tomorrow if I go to the Mediterranean place I know with the little international grocery in the back.
We don't have here as well.
Except you do, Achmed.
Not if based Turnbull has anything to say about it
But I saw those on the counter yesterday in my local grocery store I live in Oregon .
this is now a "naughty little things the limeys can't have" thread.
People who say hi when they pass and will help you up if you fall on the street. I stg nobody has any decency and everyone thinks it's all about them in America.
Absolutely Halal stickers on their food products
Itt: Americans acting like their country isn't full of Muslims even without the refugee crisis
Real food
>OMG if you can't have chocolate shaped like and egg WITH a choking hazard toy then life isn't worth living!
We have chocolate user, and you can get it shaped anyway you like because this is America. Let's see you get chocolate shaped Hitlers without being arrested. OR chocolate shaped naked children.
Whenever you think something is strange the first thing to ask is why is x thing the way it is.
>US kids are so retarded that choke on a fucking kinder sorpresa.
Actual freedom
ironic coming from the muslims of western europe.
just because it isnt wrapped in a sheep's vagina and covered in the cheif's urine doesn't mean its not real food little jündersmurf.
Are you fucking serious? Europeans always say they get creeped out by Americans because apparently we say hi and talk to strangers too much. The falling down the street and nobody helping is something you just pulled out of your ass. Only way that happens is if you're surrounded by nothing by niggers. Off yourself
Muslims literally make up less than 1% of our population fucktard
id believe it in new york. people are fucking cold there.
Make up your mind user, we either get the eggs or we don't. Now whose kids are choking? Cause it' aint the American ones in the US.
>apparently we say hi and talk to strangers too much
You do, in Northern Europe you shut the fuck up if you don't know a person or ask directions etc.
Heating up prepackaged items is NOT cooking. Making mac and cheese is probably considered cooking in the US, lmao
That's just the welfare class. I have a few processed things in my freezer, but most of my fridge is full of fruits, veggies, meat, and dairy. Friends are all the same way. We're all men in their mid twenties with solid jobs.
Millennial women have no clue how to cook because it's empowering to be helpless in a kitchen for some reason. Girlfriend was floored the first time I offered to make breakfast for her. Came out with an omelette and some home fries. She thought it took an hour to cook like that. She's a fucking RN and can't cook much more than toast or microwavable meals.
This boipucci
You also drink to much, get depressed, and suicide. You should smile and be sociable.
>things that europeans can't have
mac and cheese isn't cooking? I tried it once and it took so much effort. not even meming.
>tfw knife collector but can't carry a knife in Italy
Sure it is. Cutting up shit with knives isn't cooking. That's preparation. Who the fuck eats mac and cheese raw? Or frozen chicken?
Ugly families? You might be wrong here
still not getting the appeal of possibly choking to death on my chocolate but whatever. enjoy your muslims and choking victims.
I'm was going for the fact that soon we won't have white families.
Only halal ones.
But you had to fucking nitpick.
He means the boxed shit. Mac and cheese is hard if you don't use the proper cheese. You need Velveeta, or if you want to avoid processed shit, gruyere works well. It takes time, and don't add your flour too quickly. You'll fuck it up and end up with lumps.
>be Italian knife collector
>have to place knives in boxes and tape them up before moving them from one shelf to the other
>Not getting 20 pounds of chocolate and GI Joes
we have those in the US you stupid britnigger
>Sharia Law
>there is only one religion by religion #125535353
pic related for like 700 bucks
History and Culture.
White homogeneous society. Jews gave them niggers since they started of their country. lmao
i'll just let this here...
sorry we like to keep our food seperate from our choking hazards broke ass euro-fag.
europes so broke and flooded with muslims they have to mock america about candy to make themselves feel better every time their girl gets raped or ran down with a box truck.
gtfo faggot. enjoy mocking us while your countries continue declining into third world shitholes
Once Trump gets impeached and Pence becomes president, you're getting a Christian version of shakira law.
is this art?
are you looking for the word denomination?
They cant walk through their own neighborhood at night cuz nigggers
And...? I wouldn't mind
Kinder surprise is really a fucking stupid treat to give little kids when you think about it. I'm lucky I didn't mistake the stupid toy to be another piece of chocolate when I was a little faggot.
It deserves to be banned.
A country full of niggers. White trash. And mexicans. School shootings. Drugs. Ghettos. Jew media. And you are mocking europe for the flood of muslims your goverment forced upon us because of fucking WAR in rhe middle east.
Shut the fuck up cuck.
>Trump gets impeached
sharting in mart is their culture I believe
No you're right, there's no niggers, drugs, ghettos, or jew media in Europe.
Totally. It's fucking utopia over there, let me tell you.
Literally any old structures.
Is there anyone here who would rather have a shitty chocolate egg with a toy inside than the right to purchase a firearm legally?
As much as I hate shit being banned, with Kinder Surprise it's no real loss. Shitty chocolate with shittier prizes.
Nice comeback dude. Kek
things 3rd world britbongers can't have
The ONLY good thing Europe has that America legitimately doesn't is cool old buildings like castles and medieval villages and ruins and shit.
Other than that, almost any other good or bad thing you can think of in Europe will have some kind of parallel in America and vice versa.
says germany, THE most cucked lil country in the eu.
please, you act like you dont have stupid ass white trash in your shithole country? ill say this my ancestry may be german but that doesnt mean ima bow to it and praise anything you fucks do.
your cars are a joke, our school shootings? is that the best you got? you only hear about those cuz the fucking "moral crusade" false flag bullshit so they can pass laws to turn us into little cucked faggots like you assholes. the whole fucking reason why there are shootings are because theyre gun free zones to begin with.
pot calling the kettle black, ill take our mexicans over your mess. last i check you assholes have had blacks for a while too dumbass. drugs are a world wide issue, we just air our shit out in the media cuz it makes good ratings. Jew media? you better look around at whos ran your country since ww2 there fella.
you assholes are forcing them on yourselves. you better just take that shit and put it away right now. just cuz you guys cant tell your govt you dont want them doesnt mean its our fault youre stuck with em.
keep letting your govt shove muslim dick up your ass faggot!
We can only get hunting rifles here I think.
It fucking sucks desu.
Wtf I love Pence now
I have a feeling you're being forced to do many things you don't enjoy lately. Say hello to Muhammad for me.
Doesn't appear so.
I welcome this
well be purging them soon. fyi, the media likes to portray us as all that way, the majority is not, but it is a problem of most people being lazy bastards. besides europe is full of fat fucks
isn't brie banned in the US for some reason as well?
actually it's pretty rare to find any decent cheese in the US. except maybe in some specialist deli where it is massively expensive
americans usually think cheese comes in a tube or is just those flavourless squares of flat plastic that they put in burgers
Who started war on the middle east? Why are we dealing with muslim refugees in europe?
Btw there is no such thing as chicago in germany lil nigger. You are so goddamn brainwashed it hurrs. Please tell yourself anerica is the best country in the world..
#1 would be swedistan, mind you
germany is only #2 or #3, depending where you put france, they're pretty close
Unmutilated dicks.
I wonder what it's like to have lost both world wars? Honestly I'm trying as hard as I can to imagine but for some reason I just can't fathom it.
technically britain started it with you pre ww1 over the fact you two dildos switched your navys from coal to diesel so it became a fight over the oil in iran/middle east. look it up fag. weve been stuck with it ever since basically.
yea i hate chicago btw. cesspool cities are all the same around the world. also, guns are pretty much illegal in chicago and look how far that gets them every day. not brainwashed just know living where i am is better than being stuck in your hell hole during this time period. let me know when you get your shit fixed then we will talk.
youre right. honostly i do feel bad for the germans(and most of europe) cuz i have some friends that are native to germany and theyre stuck dealing with this shit.
The Metric system
I'm not snipped but I'm definitely not in the majority. good one.
England should have some grey lines through it.
>Things Ameriniggers can't have
Cameras on every street corner.
A monarchy.
Muslim refugees.
I could go on...
>countries that have OFFICIALLY adopted the Metric system
Seriously though why not officially adopt the Metric system? Do you think there would be public backlash if they did?
Feels pretty based that it needed 4 countries at least to bring us down. And a few centuries later we are the most succesfull country in europe again.
Its like laughing about a dude who knocked out 4 people in a bar and gets ko.ed from behind by the fifth.
nice mixture.
>Cameras on every street corner.
Don't large cities like NYC, Chicago etc. have these?
Congratulations! you went with the system the french created in the 1700s instead of the one thats been used for centuries! who gives a shit?
you can stick the metric system up your ass