What kind of mental gymnastics are you doing to explain this one, Sup Forums?
What kind of mental gymnastics are you doing to explain this one, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>goldman sachs donates to clinton foundation
>pol assumes sachs is anti trump
>trump wins and hires goldman sachs exec
>pol fails to notice the switch and continues to parade trump as anti globalist
>shareholders are the same as employees
why are liberals so ignorant?
Jews > Muslims
Anyone competent in Finance has worked for Goldman at some point.
Well, no shit, kike. Can you be any more of a fucking kike, kike.
When did the phrase "mental gymnastics" catch on? I hear it every day now
duh not as and executives
so.. a goldman sachs exec is working with trump and you still think he is anti globalist?
Notice how this thread will get almost no replies.
Trump is an even bigger kike lover than Clinton
I genuinely think that Netanyahu is the only Jew left in politics with any common sense. All the american jews are libcucks and the other israelis like the Ragheads.
>Netanyahu is a good zionist because Trump is friends with him
Hm... Maybe we need the Kikes in the coming global war against Islam?
>kike kike kike
>kike kike kike kike kike kike
Yep. His friends in Israel are trying to get rid of him. I mean, What do you expect of Jews, they backstab gentiles and they backstab eachother.
Russia is the greatest country in the world. We should be honored to have them as out ally, and it's only fair they get to have an opinion on all decisions our country makes.
Never said that, Just saying netanyahu isnt a faggot
Agreed. I noticed that Goldman Sachs donated to Hillary's campaign, and encouraged Wall Street to crash the stock exchange in their publications to create an image "Oh we're not really Trump supporters."
if you stare too long into the abbyss, the abbyss stares back. we /team semite/ nao
>Netanyahu 'told New Zealand backing UN vote would be declaration of war'
> isnt a faggot
He's literally the embodiment of everything wrong with zionists.
Hes a faggot but not as much of a faggot as Soros or Streisand. Meaning if you go by jew standards, hes not a faggot.
Thats not putin? Bait?
The same as trying to defend Christianity, why?
Exactly, and its working great. Peasant poors working to stay peasant poors.
Id rather have fundamentalist jews running around the middle east than ISIS and Iran, because at least they wont stone christians and rape your women.
>mental gymnastics
>/ourguys/ meeting
Sup Forums is a likud\republican supporting trump\bibi loving board.
Yeah, like they'd let a POTUS be against Israel...
your beard is showing ahmed.
>His friends in Israel are trying to get rid of him
u wot m8 ?
>PM on his third term
>yea his friends trying to get rid of him
Europe+its Diaspora has moved beyond clan-based purity and has adopted America's skin-tone and culture race theory. Ashkenazi fits into this American definition of White. As for faith aspect of Judaism, well, we pride ourselves on religion and personal spiritual progress remaining a private matter.
>Ashkenazi fits into this American definition of White.
fuck off chaim
I always liked Israel. I dislike Jews who live in America and own everything
Bibi is about as based as a Jew can get. he basically denied the Holocaust with this statement, its as close a jew can get to denying that shit without being lynched.
>Not understanding the difference in Federal Reserve, MSM jews and based Israeli jews
Sup Forums is not an individual. I like Jews and Israel. I hate muzzies and spics and I want them out.
dropping the Islam created by the catholic church redpill for israeli bros.
>those digits
>that headline
Hard to be an ethno-nationalist while denying Jews the right to have their own country. Not that it wouldn't be nice.
>he doesn't know about rightwing israel
>he loves mudslim
go back to red...dit faggot
that's BS and even if it wasnt we dont care and have no interaction with islam or catholicism .
religion\conspiracy theories are retarded senpai.
This. I hate kikes, Israel, muzzies and blacks. Not necessarily in that order
>Believing there is a difference
Toppest goy
Dumbest nigger.
I've been pro-Israel for over a decade and I think Bibi Netanyahu is fantastic.
Sup Forums was pretty vocal in complaining and Mnuchin when he was brought in to the Trump team.
I watched a documentary that linked the same cabal that killed JFK to Abraham Lincoln to 9/11 to the holocaust. Eustace Mullins (one of the most red pilled people you could ever listen to) is adamant that the holocaust happened, and given his reasoning I am too. Without the holocaust happening, (or being lied about) the jews ABSOLUTELY REFUSED to settle israel, and the tragedy was needed (like 9/11) in order to coerce the jews into settling Israel.
to give you some context theres something called the 1928 trading with the enemy act. Ford built the entire nazi war machine, and when America bombed Nazi tank factories, Ford sued America AND WON. if thats not some shifty jew shit I don't know what to tell you. Every work camp was a death camp, and every death camp just starved people to death and threw them in land fills, the ovens and gas chambers are designed to be lies, the lies are on both sides, and the criminals flood you with misinformation so you can never get to the truth. I hope this opens the eyes of who ever reads it.
how much $$$ you wanna bet Bibi gets popped?
Sorry, toppest kike
I generally don't point out flags but
Soros is barely a jew, he sold his own family to the nazis
Get Ebola faggot.
>conspiracy rambling
please leave Sup Forums and go here
>Bibi gets popped?
will never happen, besides the shabak VIP security unit being the best PMs security unit in the world bibi is a fucking badass and has personally killed dozens of people .he's literally the navy seal copypasta IRL.
I'd have to agree. Jews shouldn't be trusted, but I don't find it difficult to figure out Netanyahu. It is clear what he wants for his country. Muslims are just like destructive, crazy animals, especially the men. Nigger tier. Some redpilled Jews can be okay--again, I don't trust them, but they can be worked with. I differentiate between nationalist Israeli Jews and Barbara Spectre-type leftist/globalist/marxist Euro-Jews. One is infinitely worse. And you can't work with hardly any Muslims, ever, and you can't allow large numbers of them into your country.
In any case, no matter how we feel about Netanyahu, his support of Trump will probably make some normies feel better about Trump, so at this difficult point in Trump's presidency, this is a strongly positive episode. It counters some of the "warmongering psycho Hitler" propaganda out there and I'm all for that.
That kinda makes him the ultimate Jew though.
>South Africa
Choose one. Aids would have been better. Keep supporting Israel and destabilizing the middle east causing the sandniggers to flood Western countries you kike.
.t Muslim nigger from Oslo
One of the craziest redpill news items ever.
I know Israel hates the UN, and the catholic church has unbelievable pull with the UN. maybe you should be paying attention to the catholic church
this military alliance doesn't like the way you treat Palestine, thats not really a conspiracy. especially with what happened in the 6 day war.
Wasn't that g.s guy an ex employee with..like..insider infos ?
Here's the thing, Sup Forums. You don't just throw votes at a president then hope they make your dreams come true. You have to be the puppet master. Now's the time to control Trump to our favor. He's an asset. A very strong asset.
He's practically right, they are trying to politically assassinate Bibi, again. Thankfully it'll fail miserably, again.
yep. but noone will listen.
What are your thoughts on Steve Bannon, user?
>pay attention to ramblng religicucks
>''''millitary'''' alliance
>of countries without actual millitaries
>that also dont care about palecucks
newsflash senpai : arabs hate palestinians , especially syrians\jordanians\egyptians ,lebanon only likes them because they zergrushed the country after being thrown out of everywhere they went to and turned the country to shit.
its more likely for israel to fight alongside that alliance against palestinians\ISIS then for them to attack us (neither will ever happen).
he said bibi's friends are trying to fuck him, as far as i know most of the coalition and all of likud are still pro-bibi. so leftie opposition and not his friends are tryina fuck him.
also he's done a lot of stupid shit to give them ammunition against him.
How does anti-Iran analog of NATO for UAE, KSA, Egypt, Qatar and Jordan that is being created right now by USA and Israel fits into this?
Saudis ARE FUCKING BIGGEST terror sponsors in the world, not Iran. Their radical madrasas are popping up all over the world.
Seriuosly, Trump slow and steady transforming into someone even worse then Hillary.
Instead of draining the swamp he hires Goldman Sachs. Instead of fighting islamic terrorism he unites it into one alliance. Instead of improving relations with Russia he fires the only pro-Russia guy in his admin (Flynn) and constantly bitching how 'Russia should return Crimea'.
WTF? We were duped. It's time to admit it.
Yeah you are right about the friends thing.
And it doesn't matter, they tried to put him down so many times that even if there is a legitimate scandal people will not care and will see it as leftist media slander.
which is why they'll just shoot him in the face.
Plenty. Lots. You wont have ever seen a better mental gymnast God ever created. Sad
So you can just pick whatever cock and balls minesweeper order you want eh
muh globalism
We don't have a leftist deep state unlike you, we assassinate our peacemongering presidents
I don't know what that is
what do you have to say for yourselves?
he's basically the israeli trump in that regard, less extreme tho.
if your PM\president has nonstop 'scandals' that turn out to be BS from day 1 no one will give a shit if he does have an actual scandal.
basically bibi\trump playing 5d chess and using their opposition's hate of them to shield themselves from backlash over possible minor fuckups.
i dont really care about bannon. im pissed about gary cohn.
>implying the same Torah didn't predict Rabin would be assassinated too.
i mean, not really?
What do you mean not really. You look like you're at Bob Ross' RGB studio just mixing paint. 12K letters here. Skip 916 verses. Pick something on bananas. And voilĂ . Prophesy
That Trump is a Rothschild shill doing what he is told by his Rothschild shill cabinet?
torah writers didnt know about it because it was written before the assassination and before the whole political climate which would allow you to predict it so no it didnt predict it .
Oh you're talking about those retarded codes?
The Hebrew is all broken and the translations look forced. Have fun with your obvious bullshit.
The JIDF is strong in this thread.
Lilith isn't real and does that mean he uses that shit or it will be on him because poison hasn't much to do with Revelation eh
t. kaffer boetie
Bitter water is. There are owl BS that I guess people tacked on. So what does that say. Because Revelation says a lot of people get the bitter water. What is your picture really saying then
Pol is a Christian board. Faggit.
Anybody who didn't think he was gonna fall right in line with the same old shit, is a sucker.
I've had a change of heart about all this crap after I found out that the earth runs on geocentric astronomy and not heliocentric.
the earth is flat tardos. it gives the bible code a lot more merit.
Jews should seek Jesus. I don't want you to burn in hell even tho you deserve it.
>Sup Forums
religious people are the rapefugees\dindus of religion .
Sup Forums is a nonreligious board.
>I've had a change of heart about all this crap after I found out that the earth runs on geocentric astronomy and not heliocentric.
earth " earth runs on geocentric astronomy" because of the cosmological principle . the universe is everywhere-centric. learn some fucking astronomy cuck (t. someone who got 97 on my astronomy course)
>the earth is flat tardos
its only flat from a luminal frame of reference in which the entire universe is flat.
>it gives the bible code a lot more merit.
no it gives merit you your babby tier intro to special relativity course .
watch more ren and stimpy