Europe is the alpha and omega of human civilization and should be one country to defend itself against american, chinese, russian and arab barbarians. prove me wrong
Europe is the alpha and omega of human civilization and should be one country to defend itself against american...
>tfw not european
Why even live?
Agree, with separate states
well duh, only burgers, ruskies and niggers are against united Europe.
>Europe should be one country
if you become one you will eventually lose all those precious languages, cultures, histories and ethnic groups.
dont become america please. even if its a 100% white version.
I wish we could stop giving a fuck about shitholes like the americas or africa and just get that pan euro-asiatic alliance between europe, russia, middle and far east going
of course the eternal anglo will never let that happen
That's why we should leave EU and €uro
>Europe is the alpha and omega of human civilization
>said no Mesopotamian ever
>said no ancient Egyptian ever
>said no ancient Greek ever
>said no Roman ever
>said no Persian ever
>said no ancient Chinese ever
I cannot prove you wrong, brother, because you are right
have you taken the Gottkanzlerpill yet?
>Europe is the alpha and omega of human civilization
>Also, said no Moor ever
>Europe not tearing itself apart the first time Britain doesn't get its way
Yet for some reason, we grow weaker in unison. EU is behind our downfall.
Single digits are not strong.
Yes, WITH Russia, against America/China.
I love the 'Serbian' category. .i.
>op is a massive faggot shilling for an european federation
>french flag
I can't.
Too bad it will be gone in time. Truly we are in the shittest timeline... unless something happens.
>*clutching of hands*
Except the plan to unite Europe into a single country is by making you all brown mutts with no national identity through the influx of niggers and Arabs.
That's why Brexit is such a good thing. No more anglo corrupting the process. Next is the Polish...
That's nice and all, but the EU is an antidemocratic, globalist piece of shit that will reap what it has been sowing for decades. There's no pan-Europeanism in todays Europe; it's either chanting against evil Drumpf while sucking Chinas cock, or nationalism.
they will bend the knee, worry not
or we will cut the subsidies
>alpha and omega of human civilization
>wages war against itself whenever
>america please help
Hail Europa
Fuck off jew
I think the idea of Europe as a unified entity with nations taking a similar role to states in the USA is breddy cool, but the current "take all the refugees we can get and let them run a train on my wife" EU is a total waste of space.
Und Heil Schulz
I can agree on the alpha and omega. Europe was the birthplace of the west, and we owe it eternal gratitude because of that.
As for America being barbarians. I disagree. I believe we (America) are the spiritual and only logical successors to the Roman Empire, and we are the true third Rome and final incarnate of the empire, and the eternal one too.
My facts supplementing my proposition are that we have the largest military, one of the largest battle histories, with the outstanding majority of those fights being won, a cultural and defensive global hegemony, with military bases all over the world, we've made English the lingua Franca, American culture has permeated to almost every country on the globe, one of the largest countries, similar customs to the romans (we have the senate, the president is essentially the emperor and we added the Supreme Court, and of course they must all be upheld by the army) and we have the most consistent human rights and standard of living
Prove me wrong dirty frenchie
>posted nigger
When did Europea for Europeans go for Europe the Doormat, or was it always like that and didn't take into account millions of migrants/refugees?
It annoys me when people anachronistically bring up the point that Western countries have historically been open, but they don't take into account that those were policies for a different time, when there weren't millions of migrants, and when non-European populations were absurdly lower than they are now.
I mean, for fuck's sake look at this map. A single one of those tiny African countries now has a higher population than god damn France. JUST
>dodging arguments cuz to intelleigent
You are nothing but a slave for israel. Fuck off you disgusting amerifag.
Ha. That's funny. That's implying there is anything wrong with Israel.
You say Jews are the problem, but Germans have been using dirty Jew tricks since before the Jews even fucking existed. Ever think about that?
Arminius and The ambush at Teutenberg Forest?
Oh and who sacked Rome in the 4th century and caused the collapse of the west? FUCKING GERMANICS. Don't try and twist history you dirty fucking kraut. Always trying to destroy the west. And now look, you've allowed countless refugees in Europe, and plan on electing Schulz and letting in more upon the EU. And you wanna dare criticize the greatest empire in existence right now for aligning with the only democracy in the Middle East that has the balls to kill these mudslide terrorists?
You've got to try harder than that klaus
Enjoy living in your dream world. Stop comparing yourself to the roman empire. It was shit anyway.
>American culture
europe is the cultural capital of the world by a dramatically long shot
And the Italians
Italians are backstabbing people, you don't want us in EU, better for all if we leave.
United EU with the currently pushed model is retarded, Hans.Shekelberg.
Franglo alliance would have reached the stars.
And you should stop shilling for (((Schulz))) you dirty fucking jew
>better for all if we leave.
not in a million years, guido
>the map
Fucking Karadjordjevic, greedy fucking fuck.
There has never been a European identity. Without identity there is no Nation, and no cohesion. The EU is the biggest mistake Europe ever made.
Bring back internal borders and the invasion stops at the weakest link, and they alone have to deal with it.
>Not European
I barely know anything about Schulz.
Is he pro-immigration? Stance on refuckengees?
Before uniting Europe, nuke Germany.
go live with your family in Germany
... and the weakest link can ask for help if it is needed in dealing with the invasion.
Yes, this is an invasion.
>Europe should be one country
Lmao serbs
>Europe should be one country
What the fuck do you think would happen if we became a single nation?
The more division the less power (((the ones in charge))) have.
>Is he pro-immigration? Stance on refuckengees?
What the fuck do you think?
What's wrong?
The communism generals are such a disaster that you now try to force memes about communists?
Yes, but theres only one problem. Different nations rule for themselves. Nobody wants to compromise. Starting by the krauts and your own people.
I expect him to be Merkel 2.0, but I might be wrong.
Just a side note: the Krauts would rather get fucked in the ass by Syrians while giving them subsidies then helping the Greeks. By that alone you can see how fucked up the "union" is.
He's a guy who thinks Germany is a tool for Israel and is friends with George Soros.
Merkle is conservative.
Schulz is far left.
Germany will be destroyed if he is elected.
That general is quite uninformative.
I only see criticism of the AfD, but I would like to know what makes Schulz so great. Why should I support him?
You already tried that. It was called the EU. Look what it did to you.
Celtic Master Race
followed by Slavic & Medit
Nord/Germ girls are only a solid 7 out of 10
Because he is a high quality goy.
Being in EU and not knowing shulz...
He is Merkel tier old commie who is responsible for the current state of EU
shulz is some sick jew meme
But it can't. It always needs help.
Europe should be a continent of independent nations with a variety of native cultures, languages and ethnic/christian religions. I do agree that we don't need any brother-wars anymore, I'm ok with a pan-european military union (without the globalist BS.).
I'm not that guy, I'm a german and I'm not communist
btw I've noticed spanish girls can't resist the BGC (BIG GERMANIC COCK)
Yes, however often you retards repeat it: the EU is not the problem. The political establishment and media are the problem.
Tell me you idiots: if the leadership of the USA would have been Clinton, would you have dissolved the USA?!
Yes, of course you are.
And no, obese communist numales don't get girlfriends, they spend their time going to places full of people that don't agree with him in a desperate attempt to convince someone.
Fortunately, you won't.
Trump was elected, Brexit is happening, the European Union is on it's last breath, and Germany will burn.
You are a liability, you have already caused more trouble than you are worth.
So, like muslims, you will be put down.
EU is the problem. It is going in the wrong direction and does not care about their citizens at all.
Your thoughts about CETA?
>the EU is not the problem
Yes it is.
NATO and EU need to be disbanded.
Found the Tumblrina.
Your ideology is dying, please, go be irrelevant somewhere else.
Lol. Germans are the biggest autists floating around here. They couldn't manage fucking a prostie in a whorehouse since it would require making eye contact.
Nope. We need nationalism for each seperate country.
Schultz is the ex-president of the EU.
All the immigration policies of EU had been approved by him.
Schulz so great because this fall there will be election in Germany, Schulz want to replace Merkel and EU money is spent to pay people to shill for him all over Internet.
> EU is not the problem
wrong. The EU is the problem. Your corrupt political establishment and media are merely a symptom of the disease.
You fucking let Turkey of all places into the EU. Dumbass.
In fact it's very similar to the stupid shit that happens in Canada, with morons from Toronto thinking they can make decisions for the whole country, simply because of population distribution.
yes but it's not viable unless we have a powerful common ennemy
You have.
We all do.
>in the EU
sure made my neurons fire up
Ofc they never said it cuz they don't exist anymore dumbass, that's why they're not the alpha and omega of the best civilization
Turkey is balls deep in Germany.
Deutsches europäisches reich
Maoist caliphate...
This is what happens when you subsidize the existence of nigger countries. Population booms. India and China deserve their huge populations afforded to them by their ability to feed themselves, Africans do not.
>TFW Argentinian
feels good man
Fuck of nigger
>Ha. That's funny. That's implying there is anything wrong with Israel.
>Checks flag
The 12 years of government funded Holocaust shaming education has finally paid off.
Gib bag Gonstantinopoliz :DDDDDD
He's worse than merkel.
Not only is he pro immigration, he's also pro more european union.
wtf do you care? You are leaving right?
lusitzi, silesian, prussian are not german
fuck off u retard
I can't wait to save you worthless vermin and assimilate Europe into our glorious empire. We will turn you into citizens that represent the face of the Earth, the face of humanity. You will become worthwhile for the first time since WWII.
PLEASE continue to not resist our ultimate plan of brown invasion; our consumption can only happen if the average middle class's life is truly fucked, then they'll be inclined to allow for us to save the day.
Our president likes Trump, so you can start from here, you won't meet opposition apart from those commies at Catalonia.
Kill those as you please.
There's nothing wrong with Israel?
What do you think of pic related?
No it's not, it's America.
American culture is all over Europe.
Meanwhile, where can I find German culture in, say, England or Spain?
Nowhere, that's where.
>guerilla warfare against a professional better prepared invading and oppressing force
wow wtf I hate "germans" now
Also, jews have been a thing since 1500 BC.
Germans have only been a thing for less than 200 years.
The "germanics" that fought at teutenberg didn't call themselves germanics, and they weren't germanics in its entirety, they were an unified force between continental celts and germanics.
is this real xd
Bulgaria should be nuked.
It is.
>why do you care about your cousins
because I'm not a sociopath
I want everyone to leave the union