>Trump hires goldman sachs exec
>Sup Forums continues to parade trump as anti globalist
Explain this shit.
Trump hires goldman sachs exec
explain your use of being a tripfag, tripfag
Only a financial illiterate would hold on to the populist meme about le everyone evil at godman sachs xDD
>Sup Forums
Hey Shariablue, try harder.
>Implying you could possibly ever get away from (((them))) completely
You're being naive, OP.
lurk more.
Hmm, how could this get through the rigorous Sup Forums approval checks and balanced? Really makes you think.
>Explain this shit.
Why? You didn't give a fuck for the last 8 years why should you give a fuck now?
So, you're a newhire at the CIA, huh?
I'm going to need to speak with your supervisor.
Emma stone is my waifu
Honestly, isn't the point of shilling to be anonymous, and not let it be known precisely who you work for?
I gotta tell ya, I don't think ANY shill agency or department would last very long employing you, since you constantly give away your affiliations.
Kinda sad.
How has following "logic" been working out in politics so far? We've tried doing things the right way for decades and are poorer. I want a terrible president that does all the wrong things - maybe that will finally create some good?
yeah but he critisized hillary for speaking to goldman sachs and said he was going to take on wallstreet
he ends up hiring a bunch of goldman sachs guys and wallstreet is booming now.
can you just admit trump lied about this?
Now what's that inference based on?
>Now what's that inference based on?
The sheer amount of slide threads you are authoring.
Also... are you his supervisor? because I have some bad news for you as well.
Dude...ther's a separate CIA handbook on Sup Forums. Didn't you get the briefing to never use standard tools on Sup Forums? Youn are so geting doxed on the next paycheck.
Come on man, no need to add to the grinder, interoffice complaints warrant an extra 5 minutes of nagging.
Why is it brainwashed to point out that Trumpcucks criticized Hillary for giving a speech to Goldman Sachs but then Trump goes and appoints the FUCKING PRESIDENT of Goldman Sachs to National Economic Council. The CEO of Exxon-Mobil to Secretary of State. One of George Soros' closest Fund Managers to Treasury Secretary etc...
How brainwashed are you fucking idiots? There is no excusing this unless you're a shill yourself.
Whats going on in this thread? Are we being infiltrated???
Wow, the internal branch is just...wow. How incopetent can you guys get?
>Come on man, no need to add to the grinder, interoffice complaints warrant an extra 5 minutes of nagging.
But you keep exposing your secret affiliations... that can't be good for the "Mission", can it?
Can they afford to keep you around considering that you are outing them?
Not a very good way to do business (or whatever) to be honest.
>the sheer amount of slide threads you are authorizing
pic related is me. im just a guy. youre reading into imagination.
>Trump hires goldman sachs exec
>Cruz had a goldman sachs loan he paid off
Stop using CIA assets for fun time, doofus!
>browse Sup Forums while watching the oa
>op posts girl from the oa
ur just tryin to mess with me. fuck off cia you cant demoralize me
literally this
Most of /pols Americans are not red pilled at all. They only found thier way here because they believed in Trump. They didn't know how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Trump is a puppet to the Rothschild's just like all the others.
This guy gets it.
Thats right. I am the man in everyone's dreams.
You cant tell me what do!
>Thats right. I am the man in everyone's dreams.
Watching my image search results, are you?
Except Hillary was bought and paid for by them. Totally different power dynamic
just a coincidence, i suppose
>just a coincidence, i suppose
Dude, seriously... you need to be fired.
Prove it you fucking fagget. Not once has any of you black pilled shiteaters ever provided evidence for any of your claims. Face it, your on the wrong side this time.
>libshits still this triggered over losing
Gonna be a tough 8 years :^)
Mnuchin worked for Goldman Sachs 15+ years ago, Bannon even longer ago. You're Fake News.
you cant fire that which is jobless
>you cant fire that which is jobless
You can't even use the shill agency as a reference, can you?
dem nighas wasnt no executivees. dey fuggin pulln da wool ova yo eyes n shiet n u defendn dem nigguz n u aint even american. shieeeeeeet.
youre still operating on some baseless assumption. is this always how you make yoyr desicions?
>Sup Forums is defending Goldman Sachs now
Holy shit, this place got cucked beyond believe.
pol/tards defending jews are hilarious, or is it the jewish defence league? remember jews and their "homeland" dragged the west in this war, thus many "refugees" coming into the west, to seek revenge and so jews have less muslim to fight there.
>youre still operating on some baseless assumption.
yeah, yeah... plausible deniability, I get it.
>is this always how you make yoyr desicions?
That depends entirely on what the fuck a yoyr is.
>that depends entirely on what the fuck a yoyr is
Ah, I see....
Strawman argument [IGNORED]
am*ricans are like little babies, they still have so much to learn. it's okay, we still have time
let them have their fun with the left vs right paradigm for the moment
He worked at goldman sachs 10 years ago
nice shilling does it ever get old for you?
>strawman argument [IGNORED]
nice strawman
>go to Sup Forums
>find differing opinion
>consider debating that opinion
>decide to call shill instead
>job well done
>nice strawman
Don't be so hard on yourself.
The Clintons were giving speeches and getting paid by Goldman Sachs 10 months ago.
>dont be so hard on yourself
I think youre confused. Im me and youre you remember?
You're forgetting about Cohn, who stepped down as Sachs COO to work in the whitehouse for Trump.
Could someone answers the question not simply throwing ad hominems?
I'm interested as well but there haven't been a single legitimate answer.
Wasn't that when they were at their shadiest right around when they crashed the economy for free government gibs and triggered the Great Recession?
>I think youre confused. Im me and youre you remember?
Its not our fault you cant draw lines between obvious things like Trumps cabinet being stacked with ex-goldman sachs employees and assorted Jews, or the connections between Rothschild and Sachs.
You so far behind my fat stupid american friend that you actually think you are ahead. You have much to learn.
exactly.... everything else id smoke and irrors
the federal reserve is controlled by the international kikes. of course they put a jew in charge of it. they probably threatened to crash the entire economy if they didn't
the only thing that matters is bannon. he worked for goldman sachs yet quit and has a burning hatred for it. bannon also named saul alinsky in one of his documentaries. i really don't care about the necessary jews he surrounds himself with
>Steve Mnuchin is a Goldman Sachs and Hollywood connected Jew
>Apart from meanigless shit like settlements, Trump kisses Israel's ass and basically spells out that war with Iran is going to happen - the most Jew Neocon position imaginable
>Not once has any of you black pilled shiteaters ever provided evidence for any of your claims
lol ok bud
I knew it would cum to this.
>I knew it would cum to this.
Look, Trump picked the COO of Goldman Sachs to run the National Economic Counsil. This guy was literally working for GS until he was picked. GS made people think they were against Trump by donating to Hillary, but really they were with him and used him to get into the white house.
it gets harder when your guy is on top. you can't blame anyone. Trump himself keeps blaming Hillary for his troubles and in reality no one gives a flying fuck about her anymore, she's nobody
Trump wasn't funded by Goldman Sachs, thus he doesn't owe them anything, unlike Hillary. There's like 35,000 people working at Goldman Sachs at any give moment. How many of them do you think are evil villains?
I'm living in Idiocracy.
What's going on in this thread?
Not sure but the guy trump hired is certainly fucked
>I'm living in Idiocracy.
You comprise it.
Ain't no one have time to look at your baby pictures.
>my family has a net worth of $500 trillion
That's odd, Forbes says the wealthiest individual is Bill gates, with $75 billion, or 0.075 trillion.
The top 1800 richest people (all billionaires combined) have a net worth of $6.48 trillion.
You know that banking families mysteriously are absent from rich lists despite their huge assets
The Rothschilds own most of Europe
will you kiss me goodnight?
>Explain this shit.
it pisses of everyone
Goldman's a diverse company with a huge staff of some of the best financial minds in the world.
not whatever you think it is.
>pol wanted perfection and never got it
we never expected it all to go smoothly, for instance, where are the gas chambers for jews? Trump is a stepping stone not the final destination.
>will you kiss me goodnight?
goldman sachs coo was a fuck who helped cause the last market crash
not whatever you think he is
Sup Forums broken again? Testing postig.
>deep state declaring war on Trump
>lol trump is a globalist
How retarded are you fucking shills?
The usual, libtard triggerlypuffs sperging over losing the election lol
i think he needs a quick rundown
you're asleep
>How retarded are you fucking shills?
Bro, shills aren't hired for their thinking skills.
what is the deep state and what is a globalist?
>what is the deep state
Unelected intelligence agencies asserting power from behind the scenes to corrupt or heavily influence politics and world events in their favor, mostly for monetary gain.
>and what is a globalist?
Wealthy internationalists (with no affiliation to country) taking advantage of economic differences between nations to exploit different financial/political systems for their benefit, mostly to the tune of conquering the planet earth and enslaving all future generations of humans in a future pseudo-feifdom with them as "Gods" of humanity.
This, I know people my father worked for personally who told Forbes NOT to put them on that list.
Trump hired a top man in finance to do a job. He isn't employed as a lobbyist. How cynical for you to think that this man, because he works for a top firm after going to a top school and working hard all his life, is incapable of being a good man, or someone who sees what is clearly terribly wrong with the current system. Maybe you'd like your sociology professor to get the job, or a talented foreigner, ooh how exotic!
>who told Forbes NOT to put them on that list.
So.... who owns forbes?
im a physics/lit major. i want someone completley removed from globalism in that seat. instead there is someone with alterior motives, with strong ties to the top position in an organization that wants to disolve the government and gain more control over people
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
someones who's old and has a degree that doesnt work at a top firm. Hmmmmm... Where will you find such a person?
>Let poor people fix your economy
Stop posting the same thread shill
100% of Goldman Sachs campaign contributions went to Clinton.
>>Trump hires goldman sachs exec
>>Sup Forums continues to parade trump as anti globalist
The US fought a war against Nazi Germany.
Took all the Nazi scientists with Operation paperclip.
Became first humans to walk on the moon.
kys shill
Goldman Sachs can afford the best.
That's where our best and brightest go.
That Trump can attract them to DC is frankly astonishing.
Those guys are the smartest guys in the room. If you have ever worked in any business of any importance and size or really been in any group, there's that one guy who is brilliant, hypercompetent, funny with a beautiful wife and perfect kids...Goldman Sachs hires the best of only guys like that.
Politicians are not even close, government workers might as well be another species.