I'm honestly regreting my vote for Trump. The more time I spend on social media the more I feel like they're right. Have I taken the blue pill?
I'm honestly regreting my vote for Trump. The more time I spend on social media the more I feel like they're right...
Other urls found in this thread:
You're letting the shills get to you user. Just take a break for a while, have a shower or something and relax. Then come read some Sup Forums when the shills aren't attacking.
whos this qt?
Unless you are a shill
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
High IQ people all voted for Hillary.
Yes, you are a traitorous faggot and should neck yourself immediately.
No. Congratulations, you've taken the ultimate red pill and realized that Sup Forums is an echo chamber, much like Tumblr.
Seriously, how brainwashed and autistic do you have to be to believe a foreign government over your own media and intelligence community?
I'm honestly regretting replying to shill posts. the more time I spend on 4chins the more I feel like they're getting paid. Have I taken the red pill?
>Have I taken the blue pill?
The real red pill is understanding you were duped by Russian assets to vote a bumbling reality TV star to the most important job on the planet.
You'll be fine user. The country? Wait and see.
>social media
There's your fucking problem, idiot.
I'm taking a break from Twitter and Facebook.
Preach it!
>Social media
You are killing yourself user
The rake is coming
Find your safe space.
>how brainwashed and autistic do you have to be to believe a foreign government over your own media and intelligence community?
Spotted the cuck too young to remember commie rule.
>changing your views based on (((social media)))
Yes, you have taken the bluepill.
300 years ago, you would have made an excellent witch burner.
You fucking Leafs are getting slack in your shitposting quality.
Try harder, or get raked.
Even if someone did genuinely regret voting for Trump, they wouldn't express it like this.
You couldn't be more obvious. Now this thread will slowly fill with a mixture of actual shills and 'le epic troll XD's.
It's just fuckin boring at this point, mate.
I'm here with you bros, hoping that I'll read a thread to make switch my political ideology. I'm kind of in the middle and with all the shit that's going on with Trump.
This thread is an obvious slide shill thread.
OP even renamed his image with numbers to try and slip past but anyone with any images off of Sup Forums knows there isn't near enough numbers in that filename.
Consider the kekkord rekkekkted everyone
Nice try, CTR.
0.01 shekels have been deposited to your account, courtesy of Mr. George Soros.
Yeah you're a wishy washy faggot
Thanks, Boris. See you at Bilderberg?
Yeah. My kikebook is also full of liberals that just spam their leftist shitposts. Take a break from those social media for a few weeks if you can. Maybe try and see if you can use them again without becoming disheartened, but you might wanna wait until the shit storm over Trump calms down a bit.
Not gonna lie, future Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching the left crash and burn. But in all seriousness we need to get more nukes for this guy.
What does the file name have to do with anything? You're part of the retards that make Sup Forums look like shit. Hang yourself, faggot.
Yeah they're right. When a rally is full of Christ Fucker blue collared garbage and it feels like you're at a state fair, do the opposite.
Well its too late now, so fuck off for 8 years
Dont buy into it, keep in mind 90% of social media and "news" is massively left wing, of course they are gonna bash him, and slowly its gonna seep into you. DONT BUY INTO IT, on top of that alot of idiots are just using Trump to make shitty jokes cause he is an easy target and they get alot of bs love from their retarded cronies.
Friends IRL are all are liberals too, so it's kind of a pain in the ass talking politics with them, but they do bring up some good points. I'm like half liberal half conservative, I don't fucking know.
4 years, he'll most likely not win a second term.
The only way to fix this is to just end it.
Just because you regret Trump, it doesn't mean you have to become a lefty liberal cuck. I think Trump was a mistake and I'm still very conservative.
Being upset that an under-qualified person is the leader of the free world doesn't have shit to do with left or right.
You're right. I'm voting Hillary next time.
>0.1 shekel has been deposited
Wow, jeez, thanks user for such an original idea. Why don't you go do me a favor and demonstrate some of your method for me.
Does anyone know this girl? She looks super super familiar. Like I've seen her before either in one of my classes or something
>I'm honestly regreting my vote for Trump
So you didn't actually follow him through his campaign trail?
He's doing everything he said he would.
Nah fuck off
the shills arent getting anyone. now fuck off shill you need to stop giving yourself this much credit. the only other people you see like you are other shills no ones that dumb
She's chewing like a goat
antifafu is so pretty :'(
But no, really, you don't necessarily have to have strong political feelings one way or another. You feel like a centrist? Thats fine. You might get made fun of a bit for not being all that political, but that doesn't matter all that much.
Life isn't all about politics. If you agree more with the left, thats ok, if you agree more with the right, thats cool. You might not identify with the same side your entire life.
Shill. Shill shill shill, shill shill.
Shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill
Shill. Also cuck.
You fucking retard.
yep. pretty pathetic watching Sup Forums cry on about how they're 'red pilled' when they've been duped worse than anyone. no point trying to convince them really.
dumb cunt
I know, dammit. Fuck it, I'm just gonna keep off social media and see what Trump does.
I didn't vote for Trump, but it's hilarious that he won.
>The more time I spend on social media
You don't actually ever believe anything, you just follow trends.
>Not realizing this is a shill post
I don't know why people reply to these threads or reply to posters who say shit like
>I supported Trump at first but now X
They're shills trying to weaken the resolve here. DNC and CTR shills.
Thanks Aussie bro. More helpful than the jackass here who probably don't know shit and are just here to look at all the edgy memes.
Good. Nothing good can come from the darkside. The red pill is a meme and just an excuse to be a rude, lonely, depressed asshole.
The same media that claimed Hillary had Trump beaten?
The same media that calls Islamic terrorism "work place violence"?
The same media that doesn't cover stories that don't suit it's narrative?
>this narrative
>the more time I spend on social media
Well that's probably the problem kiddo.
Nah, fuck spics, I still want the wall.
fuck up Jew, get out of my country.
jew post fuck off.
Do not believe their lies.
Hits a little close to home, no?
Have another shot of vodka comrade, you need to calm down.
Trump needs to eradicate internal liberal communism that seeps into all westerm world, honestly not sure how trump got in, or maybe liberals just have louder voices either way great watch, Going to give this film a good review on imdb in 4 years
See my second post in this thread. I came prepared.
>Sharia Blue shill.
>Claims voted for Trump
BS. OP has never done anything brave or honorable in his/her life.
Stolen valor. Punishable by incarceration.
For anyone new: Sharia blue, DNC have all had meetings and have settled on this message:
"Voted for Trump, but he's so bad that I regret it."
EVERYONE who voted for Trump is even more convinced they did the right thing, because of leftist violence and worthless cunts like OP.
Kill yourself shill
>The same media that claimed Hillary had Trump beaten?
She did. By 3 million votes.
>The same media that calls Islamic terrorism "work place violence"?
It's a fucking word. The fact that they are politically correct doesn't make them liars.
>The same media that doesn't cover FAKE NEWS?
Even if they are right about political policies, and even if Trump is a fucking moron, Hilary was still an unacceptable choice and you know it.
also kys
seriously though, we cannot have him get his hands on the nuclear codes
hhahahaahhahah made my fucking day.
Hows those shekels comin along?
>Hurr durr kys shill
Why couldn't your dad do us all a favor and busted in you mom's mouth, you faggot.
No, you haven't taken the blue pill.
The problem is, you've never taken the red pill to begin with.
OP, you're clearly a shill trying to demoralize the base.
Trump's power base has been under attack from all angles, and it's heated up considerably, lately.
It's very clear that the establishment wants us to feel unhappy with Trump.
This only makes me more secure in my decision to support him.
Nah, my twitter feed is 100% Trump supporters. It's refreshing. Like a gentle Irish Spring.
>Sheckles have been deposited into your account
You're going to burn so bad once you realize how fucked up you are for shilling
>30 million illegal immigrants
>Obama told illegals to vote
>10% particiption accounts for balance.
>Clinton had largest margin in states with most sancturary cities, and weakes anti-voter fraud laws.
I successfully registered to vote in CA as an experiment, and never provided an address or SS#/
No problem man, stay safe.
I've tried following some pro Trump account, but they're so fucking annoying. They're always looking for something to bitch, just like liberals.
>She did. By 3 million votes.
This is getting fucking tiresome.
Stop pretending you don't understand the electoral college and it's purpose.
Do you have basic schooling in Serbia?
The electoral college serves a very important purpose. It prohibits candidates from just focusing on major metropolitan areas along the nation's coasts.
Candidates must shape policies that appeal to a broad range of people, not just coastal liberals or southern conservatives. Just how badly did Hillary Clinton fail in that regard? In a nation of 3,142 counties, parishes, and boroughs, Hillary Clinton won less than five hundred of them.
Hillary won Mexifornia, she can have it.
I supported Trump from the beginning but his latest statements about Crimea makes me rethink that.
>OP, you're clearly a shill trying to demoralize the base.
It's about 100% more likely that he's a trump supporter looking to stir the pot.
I bet you think 9/11 was an inside job too.
>Implying OP has anything resembling a moral compass
It was nice of you, though.
>Pushing the 'no difference between the right and left' meme
I see you
Sit down an listin' childen. Let 'ol missa Golliwog tell yall da histry of blackin up. See, it use tuh be that a white man, who we use'd call "massa" would entertain hisself and the missus by puttin' shoe polish on hissa face. Now he woulda usually leave the area round his mouth clean, cuz boy did that shoe polish tatse like the devil, and lordy lordy did he holler and shout if golly did'n apply that polish all correct-like. Now massa would invite all his friends round and they would wear Golli's clothes and imntate Golli's songs like "Forty Hosses in de Stable" and "Lynch dat Tar Baby Like a Kentucky Hog". Why they would even do Golli's "Genuine Negro Jig". It were a mighty fine affair you see. People would come from miles and miles to see massa do Golli's songs. And afterwords massa would let Golli sleep in the stable next to the hosses. Massa sure wassa nice to Golli.
Course nobody do that nomore.
>good talking points
Just means you're an easily impressionable concern troll.
hahahaha Serbia fuck up filth.
Electoral college
If you know the truth and choose to distort it you to are lying. Making something PC rather than reality is lying.
"fake news" who are you trying to trick? Everyone knows even fucking libtards know that left wing media is full of shit.
No she didn't.
There's a study out there that showed illegals ADMITTED to about 12% participation rate in elections. So it is definitely higher, especially since Obama told them they had good reason to vote.
>I'm honestly regreting my vote for Trump.